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first time getting two legendaries

Other day I said my first legendary I got would probably be Symmetra because I'm an unlucky fuck. Well at least I'm a good guesser

Level 34 and I've only gotten one so far. I wanted Ribbit not hockey. But fuck I've got 800 credits I'll have it soon enough.

Ribbit and D.Va's Junker are the only two I really want.

bought like 150 lock boxes
5 legendaries

Nothing until 20 then Rainmaker Pharah and Bedouin Genji. Pretty sweet

bad luck son I have like 10 from my first 74 and another 5 from the other 50. Guess that just means I'm getting dick all for the rest of my levels.

>Lvl 41
>Literally not a single legendary drop apart from Poo in the Loo goddess

Why is this even allowed

>ribbit and D.Va's junker
Great taste, user.

I'm level 30 and I've only gotten one legendary and zero purples. Back in the beta I was level 14 and had five legendaries and several purples. Did they fix the drop rate to make you buy boxes?

They fixed the drop rate so you don't get every skin in like 30 hours.

its luck man, you have people level 20 right now filled with legendary loot

not bad, not his best skin, but its better than tech support poo in loo i got before

Level 54, so far I've gotten

>Stunt Rider 76
>Ifrit Zenyatta
>Imp Mercy
>Yeti Hunter Mei (Which I bought with two lots of 500 coins I'd gotten)

I was optimistic about the loot boxes until I realized you can get duplicates of items and then when you do they're only worth 5 credits each.

How exactly does the loot work? I hardly get any skins and I've been hoping I'd get more once I exhaust all the shitty sprays and voice lines.

I cant be the only one who thinks >90% of the skins are shit and worse than the originals.

First legendary for a hero I actually play.

I do, only ones I tend to get are the blue ones because I like those for some reason.

Just got a legendary dupe of the same fucking skin I got just a few boxes ago. Load of horse shut.

I don't even play Genji but ever since I got this skin I have had the itch to.

How many credits do you get for that?




Thank you I've been trying to get some to meet my quota.

Is that who I think it is?

LV70 and only 3 legendaries.

But I do have like 2300 gold, going to keep hoarding it.

dudes gotta be so full of aids and shit
im sure it is

I got white currency, 2 of the same white icon, and a blue i already had.

have another (you) then. I hate to see you starve.

Got 500 gold in a chest just now, putting me at 980. Fuck.

Lvl 65 and 13 legendaries.

First loot box I opened I got the Young Genji skin Fuck my life I wanted Young Hanzo so fucking bad

I tend to either use default or ones that fit the character like smoked junkrat. Most legendaries look like ass looking at you devil/imp mercy


No be the fuckboy.

I never screencap my boxes so you'll just have to believe me

5 yellows.
Both of Hanzo's wolf skins
D.Va's Junebug
Pharah's Mechaqueen
A pile of 500 currency

I've also purchased Bloodhardt using coins acquired and I'm 230 away from another yellow skin of my choice. Probably gonna go with Bastion's where he's all green and coppery, whatever the name was.

Hey Gamers

Could have gone way worse

I've got a ton of legendaries, including 3 for McCree, didn't buy any box.

Guess i'm lucky as shit.

>first time getting legendaries
>they're both shit
Sounds about right.

>level 32
>only legendaries are Punk Tracer and Thunderbird Pharah

Only got countess widowmaker and 250 gold so far, im lvl 15

>lvl 62
>Jester Junkrat
>Evel Knievel 76
>Gambler McCree
>Rusted steampunk Bastion
>The good Zarya skin which hides her pink hair

Level 42

>Steambot Bastion
>Hippity Hop Lucio
>Blackbeard Torb
>Odette Widow

I honestly only use Lucio's skin because out of those I've only played him and Widow and I hate Widow's legendary skins. Also gotten about 1250 coins altogether and bought Widow's winter skin with it.

You cunt. I'm dying to get the gambler and mariachi skins. Meanwhile the game throws me Zarya's cybergoth skin and then a dupe of that shit.

>buy a 50 box bundle
>hockey lucio
>young genji
>junebug dva
>dick tracy mccree
>safari winston
>american torby
>muddy roadhog
>BOTH jester junkrats

>2000 currency left over
>buy Junker Dva
>cant decide what to use my other 1000 gold
>in the meantime get gold and purple symmetra

>Evel Knievel
He looks more like Thomas Jane in Boogie Nights.

>mfw always get sprays. stupid ass sprays
>mfw i get legendarys for characters i dont like or play
>mfw i get legendarys and skins for characters i already bought with credits

this game is shitting all over me

>Grey Grey Blue Grey

it seems if you buy he 11 box pack youre guaranteed 2 legendaries.

>lvl 96
>okami hanzo
>young hanzo
>jester junkrat
>scarecrow junkrat
>gambler mccree
>rescue mei
>valkyrie mercy
>mechaqueen pharah
>bloodhardt reinhardt
>sharkbait roadhog
>night ops soldier
>siberian front zarya
>RA zenyatta

pretty solid luck desu, nothing really else I want apart from banana mccree

How easy is Overwatch to run?

I'm on a pretty good laptop and I'm just curious

If your OS isn't 64bit don't bother

I didn't think I'd ever say this but seriously, get a fucking life dude.

I don't even use zanyatta

It is 64 bit

Level 48
>Raptorion Pharah
>Siberian Front Zarya
>Mach T Tracer
Was about to buy the Zarya one before I got it out of a box, now I'm just sitting on 1650g and nothing I really care about.

Kill yourself normie

>friend is level 30
>no legendary skins
>even spent $10 on loot crates
>another friend seems to have all of them

I've only got
Jester Junkrat
Ifrit Zenyatta

I'm level 43 :/