Who was in the wrong here?

who was in the wrong here?

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im not reading all this shit for a shitpost about a shitty shit mmo

who cares

you not only read all of it, but i bet you're a heal slut too

>People actually dying in fucking storymode Haukke manor

They're all wrong.

>wowfugee still upset about the superior MMO
lol nice

Low Tier God?

Both are in the wrong because neither of you can fucking type.


the lancer is wrong because the healer clearly has protect on, and lancer isn't a conjurer so cant protect

I'll be that healer

Crossclass skill.

Is this going to be another one of those low quality template threads you are going to post every day OP?

but that's stupid what kind of dipshit lancer would cc protect? that's right no one and therefore the healer must have it

One that didn't bother taking it off after using it a bit for leveling purposes, I'd wager.

he clearly had to preserve his mana and didn't have time for such parlor tricks


This is my first time making it, though. I just got out the dungeon

>Telling another class how to do their job

lol fuk off


That doesn't look like mine

>Ever listening to someone with slut glamour

what the fuck is this, you no-good charlatan

hes trying to start an epic meme thread he posts daily like everyone else is doing right now.

>without lore-appropriate names

>doesnt have protect
>has protect

I sometimes get tempted to go in as a healer and just let my fairy do the healing with no DPS contribution, just to see if anyone yells at me.

Mayrin, relax

fuck off dognose



He doesn't have protect, though. At least not visible on the skill bar.

>insecure finalfag brings up a dead mmo

How desperate are you?

did they ERP hatefuck later?

Fuck you.

>defending yourself on Sup Forums
stop posting any time, wowcuck

What the fuck was his problem?

spoiler that shit

sorry i dont understand dognose barking, why don't you try being a real person like a miqo'te or an au ra

Literally worse than Lalas.

it's ok to be insecure about your brutish garbage character but can you try not projecting those insecurities on others thanks

Potato sympathizer please go

You're both faggots for playing MMOs.

Dalauan since he isn't bitching in fucking Haukke Manor. Call me back when it's actually hard content.

The tank for not having protect and stoneskin in their cross skills, duh.

At that level, Protect is kind of irrelevant. That looks like Haukke Manor and you should be able to heal well enough without having to use it.

If the lancer has it why does he keep bitching for the healer to use it when he can? It's not like he has any skills that require MP

I can't see whats actually happening because of all the UI

You don't need protect for sub 40 dungeons, especially not fucking Haukke Manor, brayflox maybe, but haukke manor is one of the easiest dungeons.

REMINDER: if you're not playing as an au ra, miqo'te or hyur (in that order), you're wasting everybodies time