Can someone pls explain how this cost twice as much in canada then in the usa?

Can someone pls explain how this cost twice as much in canada then in the usa?

The fuck 1070 is 800 bucks in canada

Other urls found in this thread:

how much is the 1080?

Nvidia are jews.

Trudy is fucking up our country.

Harper wasn't as bad as we thought, huh?

Not bad on the 1080 considering the exchange rate. Nice shitpost.

600 in the usa 1000 in canada how is this even legal are dollar is worth 75 cents USD

Your dollar is fucked

holy shit
and I thought we were fucked here in Switzerland with those prices

Good to see you can not into math.

>Best Buy


just buy it in the states then

>Can someone pls explain how this cost twice as much in canada then in the usa?

Because Canada has stupid ass high import tax while US don't.

>Can someone pls explain how this cost twice as much in canada then in the usa?

because youre looking on best buy you fucking flaming retard

i really hope you havent bought computer parts from there before


because you guys got a prime minister who wants all the gays and trannys and muslims to come live there. you are a cursed nation now

105% value isn't bad for not being in the best country on earth, friend. Assuming OP pic is in Canabux. Also, $800 on a card that isn't even released yet is great. Not to mention this thread was made to do nothing but bait, considering no human being with a shred of intelligence will buy a FE or stock 10-series.

Because of le weed man

Import tax. Cross the border if you want one at US prices.


Because no one want s your Monopoly money


well for one thing that's fucking best buy

guys serious question

If i'm in australia and I get my american friend to buy and mail the card to me I duped the system right? Like they're not going to catch that it's a graphics card and slap a huge tax on it or something?


at lest he's progressive and not a racist like Trump and in the end isn't that whats really important when electing someone to run a country?

Okay lads, where should I buy shit in the US?

>he lives in Vancouver

>cross the border
>it's only $850 CAD now
oh okay sounds good

American companies like to set your prices "relevant" in their eyes to ours. Meaning you get fucked.

Same shit happens with murican vidya in other places. If I'm not mistaken.

>destroying your country from the inside out is what's important when running a country

You have to be 18 years old to use this site. I can tell you aren't because you are typing into a fucking phone.

They won't care, you should be fine. Just make sure you get insurance on that package.

>this is the leader of a country

>Australians are worried about getting taxed on gifts
What the fuck

>best buy
user stop

You could also not buy it on fucking release and just wait a month or two.

youre mad bernie lost california, huh

I'm pretty sure he was being sarcastic

Good lord.

At least pick some passable trans cunts to pose with.

Get a fucking Baily Jay equivalent to pose with, jesus christ. Before I knew the ol' B.J, I was tricked by GIFs a few times.

I know you all know the tooth brushing GIF, you fucking faggots.

Well i mean i'd be giving him the equivalent in aus dollars to go buy it so idk if it counts as a gift

I'm not.

import taxes exist, unless he brings his desktop for a "LAN party" and just installs it on the US side

I'm not a faggot, I just find the swaying of her cock hypnotic.

You have to go back.

Which gif is that?

>you don't know line trap

what a surprise

reminder that bailey jay is literally a thing because of Sup Forums

i was being sarcastic, really didn't think it would be that hard to tell.

Yes you are

i keep trying to tell people on Sup Forums that "just build a pc" is not the cheaper option under any circumstances just cuz our pc market prices are completely FUCKED.

harper is the one who turned our country into this fucking shithole in the first place. that's like saying it was obama's fault for things left over from fuckup bush administration

>import taxes exist
Only if you order it from inside Canada. Cross the border, buy it in America, then go back home.


Buy from canada computers or newegg in Canada. Not from Best Buy

>implying I found this out recently

Nigga please.

Canadian here

Trump needs to save us

stop reminding me
fucking shit ass canada

this 1080 is 920 cad on newegg

why the fuck would you buy computer parts from best buy? are you mentally deficient

>because of Sup Forums
No you fucking newfag, linetrap was a thing because of Sup Forums

I envy Taiwanese who can purchase 30% less compared to US release prize for any new graphics

I fucking hate living in leafland godfuckingdamn just fuck my shit up

It's sad but true, but the USA is the center of the world.

Everything gets shipped from other countries to the USA, and then from USA to Canada. Therefore, us Canadians are stuck with exorbitant fees on everything.

Being Canadian sucks ass.

Send me cheap Russian SKS and I will send you cheaper Gamer chair and I will send you green card of graphics

>get cheaper graphics cards
>have to live next to china and southeast asia

uhhh, no thanks

>harper is the one who turned our country into this fucking shithole in the first place.

Hi teenager.

>that's like saying it was obama's fault for things left over from fuckup bush administration

Yep, teenager.

ah...... so this....... is the power....... of the canadian....... supreme........ court.....

I have an sks I'd give away if I could move out of this shit country

How can I get down to the US and live somewhere that I can actually do something with a handgun?

I hate this country.


Just go in through Mexico, I keep hearing it's pretty easy

i'm 26 what the fuck is your problem

>Wanting to go near mexico

I'm not that desperate

>i'm 26

The go-to age for 13 year olds.

Just get the new $200 amd gpu

But Obama AND Trudeau are both responsible for fucking up their respective countries.

Yeah Straya!
I wanted to upgrade my computer with one of these in the holidays but now I'm not so sure given how pricey they are.

That's not the only reason it's expensive.
Memes aside, Canadian currency sucks massive ass. It's recently been getting devalued which means foreign goods will be more expensive. Canada is an oil nation, and the lowering oil price hit it hard.

Because Canada's economy is going down the drain. Trudy is too busy jerking off refugees and LGBT to even bother trying to fix it. Shocking how high is approval rate is, even though he is making things worse economically.

Because your country uses worthless feminist money.

How easy would it be to sneak into Canada if I were a fugitive, hypothetically speaking?

Yeah, come down here. All the taxes you hate paying? You will still pay them, but now they will be spent on pointless military spending instead of funding infrastructure or other important things.

Fucking do it, faggot. I'm sure stroking the gun you will never actually shoot at an intruder with will be worth it.

Retard. The west is fucked, the world is fucked, just masturbate until the nukes come, you goddamn faggot.

a 980ti is still 900$ new on newegg.

The people who voted for him are the people who don't care about that

He got in because he appealed to potheads and girls who thought he looked good

because people from Canadia don't know the difference between then and than

At least he made weed legal, right?

>hasn't even legalized it

and thats the worst part off it

its not that hes horrible

its just that he doesn't even do what he says

>Harper ties us strongly to the petro dollar
>Tries his absolute hardest to force the US into a pipeline deal they don't want
>Signs the TPP
>oil price goes through the floor
>Somehow this is Trudeau's fault

You really don't understand politics or economics do you

the 980ti's have a few discounts if you check their clearance page

You're an idiot.

As an American, I wish Canada good will.

How hard would it be to sneak in one of them bad boys?

This faggot campaigned on pot and didn't do shit?

Fucking christ. Are Canada's police making a shitload off busts, like here in murrika, or is he just a slimy piece of shit?

Yeah they're shutting down dispensaries

Yeah but i wanted the newer cards, that's why I put off buying a new computer from Christmas.

I don't know what I expected in the prices though; maybe I ought to wait till next Christmas before I buy one, give them a chance to drop a bit in price.

Because this country fucking sucks and it's full of sheep that will pay anything without complaining. Companies know this isn't a great place to set up shop but its worth it if you can grossly overcharge and just blame the dollar.

>how is this even legal

That's exactly the kind of thinking that makes the prices so high you dumb statist cancucks.

>Everyone I know elected le weedman into office either because he was hot or because he promised legalization of weed
>mfw Ontario voted liberals again despite us JUST finishing going through the McGuinty scandal

What the FUCK

cuckbux are tied directly to the maple syrup economy, and termites are drying out all the sap in recent times. so with no national income they start printing money and now you're seeing the end result, inflation.

They'll see what it is in customs and charge the AUS tax on whatever the estimated value is. It'll cost you the same + shipping.

>Harper ties us strongly to the petro dollar
>Sings the TPP

That's what you all get for trusting your southern neighbor.

Love you Canadia fag. Here is hoping we aren't all fucked.

You pay way less income and sales taxes everywhere except maybe California.

He campaigned mostly on Senate reform, not signing the TPP and repealing new laws the Harper government put in that nobody wanted and we didn't need. Idiots will tell you it's about DUDE WEED LMAO because they don't pay attention.


Can you read? He's saying Trudeau isn't even trying to make things better, but WORSE. Bringing in refugees does fucking nothing good for our economy and weed legalization, which could, is being pushed back yet again.

It baffles me why people think he's a good influence right now.