Your appointment to FEMA should be finalized within the week. I've already discussed the matter with the Senator

Your appointment to FEMA should be finalized within the week. I've already discussed the matter with the Senator.

Other urls found in this thread:

O.K nice thread.

I like bananas and like to rollerblade *drools*

I take it he was agreeable?

He didn't really have a choice.

>That's all you wanted to tell me? For fuck's sake Bob you could have just messaged me over MJ12net.



>reading in their voices



Same, Also when i read those words the creepy background music starts to play in my head

What if Bob Page was actually a good guy

Within six months.

Has he been infected?

Within the week

tfw you will never experience the first level liberty island in VR hearing the seagulls and ocean bouy bells ring and seeing new york city in the distance

Oh yes with lemon lime

No, Savage.


>playing this for the first time now, at the catacombs
>just found out I could've saved Paul
FUCK. I'm already so far past but I kinda want to restart.

Save him but you MUST leave through the window

so what's up with the new one

You don't save Paul, Paul saves you both.

Your refusal to leave him behind gives him the strength to wreck all those dudes with nothing but a knife. Considering the feat, Paul is multiple times stronger than JC.

not really

he'll be killed if you take the window no matter what

Don't tell me
It's on its way back to the people

This soda, the mixing is intensifying to the point where we may not be able to drink it


this theme plays whenever im in a gov't building

>tfw the best song in the game only plays during the hidden credits

So good.

Deus Ex is so fucking good. I would reinstall but I've already done my yearly playthrough

Why drink it? Let it spill out into the streets let all the canned drinks get shaken it will be a warning to the rest.

>oh hey JC please go easy on those terrorists, you shouldn't kill people
>lol jk I was working with them and actually don't care about preserving human life, watch me massacre these UNATCO guys with a combat knife

I should do mine. Is there a mod out yet that adjusts the HUD for 1440p monitors so you can actually read shit?

Played through the whole game not realizing it was this fucker.

>implying I won't



Man his design in HR is so shitty, I can see why they obscure him in darkness for most of the scene.


I don't know what the fuck was up with the character models in Human Revolution. Was their art team trying to put a shitty artstyle on everyone? I just don't get it.

I've received reports of armed attacks on shipments, there's not enough mountain dew to go around and the gamers are starting to get desperate.


The new augmented apartheid is so fukn lame and not canon fuk this gay earth

A dew world order?

shit, im too lazy to watch the DE opening to remember all the lines.

fuck me, we will never get another good DE game again like the first one. just the size and scope of it, so ambitious and tin foil hat conspiracies that eventually became our real world reality.

It's been a while, anyone can help me find a youtube video of a glitch in deus ex

The director says "We take care of our own here" then the guards shoot JC to death

Of course they're desperate. They can feel the thirst and the sound they'll make rattling their fridge will serve as a warning to the rest.

There's this

Have you even tried the newest sequel? It's actually pretty good. Definitely gave me them Deus Ex feels.

Hm. I hope you're not underestimating the problem, intelligence indicates they're behind the problems with Doritos.

Looks fun to me. Played Deus Ex at launch and it's my #1 favorite game of all time. Hated IW when it came out, think it's okay now, loved HR (minus the bosses), and am looking forward to MD with excitement.

HR? its ok, but i just don't feel that real open endedness to it like DE

plus, i only like jensens voice. damn cool that the VA does nothing to change his voice, that its his normal speaking voice.

Shit I forgot a line

>tfw no game will ever be as good as DX
Why live?

Is it just me or did Jensen sound a bit high-pitched and whiny prior to getting augged? Then he sounded all raspy and cool.

A bunch of pretentious gamers playing at running the industry. But the industry left them behind long ago. WE are the future.

True, nothing will capture the essence that the game was, but desu imagine it without the soundtrack, shit brings a tear to my eye.

never thought about that before

>Formed after the..
>Walton I fucking know what UNATCO is who are you explaining this to?

We have other problems.

Will I need to play through IW to understand the new game? I've heard it's bad.


No, and I don't recommend it unless you want the full story "experience" kind of thing.

I made it part way through but the universal ammo for every gun pissed me off.

Pretty sure that this counts as spam by this point

nah IW isn't really cannon at this point.


I was hoping you said coca-cola I had a whole bit planned out.

It's ruined now.

No it doesn't. This is just the proper a traditional way to make a Deus Ex thread.

pretty sure you are an underage retard who never even basked in the glorious rays of craftsmanship and mindblowing goodness that is Deus Ex.
go back to your "we will ship core gameplay with DLC" and microtransactions.

forgetting something?


Deus Ex is like 16 years old by now, I think?

And yet it still beats most games these days.




I'm sorry user.

>And yet it still beats most games these days.
Shooting mechanics and general first person combat: no

Questing, story, dialogue, characters, setting, having multiple approaches to a problem, and RPG mechanics: You bet

>tfw no AI


which is the best one? I'm playing old man one atm for the first time I keked when I saw Paul was old also.

You know why? Even at the time the graphics were dated. They left them dated while they added more and more and more to the story, the depth of interactions, the levels, etc. And they realized they could keep adding because of leaps in technology.

This could easily happen again, really and truly all it would take is a AAA company willing to give proper time and money to a game with the graphical fidelity of a late PS2 game, focusing on depth of everything at the expensive of graphics.

I played deus ex, I remember the opening. That still doesn't change the fact that someone makes a post quoting the opening every two day or something. So it's spam

Farthest left.

I've never played deus ex, but i really want to after seeing the boss fight against fedorova in human revolution
>that arena
>that music
>fedorova is cute
I feel bad that i watched most of the game on youtube because i thought i was never going to get it.

is that connon?

Wait for the steam summer sale and buy Deus Ex and Deus Ex: Human Revolution because they will be cheap as shit.

this tbqhfyf

Played it on launch and play it every year since then.
While combat was ok back in the day, modern games improved on that.
But holy hell 99.999% of other games do not come even close to the story atmosphere and the other things you mentioned.
Same with Morrowind.

Always chose albino Denton.

it's not old age, it's albinism that is a trait of the early nano-augmented agents. pretty sure you find this out in a later laboratory level.

Cry more faggot


it is part of the board culture, write about it on your blog if it triggers you.

Dunno man, I'm stumped. 0/10, want refund.

>Nigger Jay Cee will never be canon

In that case your culture is shit

Yeah, thats the plan
At least i really haven't seen shit regarding the story of the original deus ex so i can go into it unaware.
Whats the consensus on Invisible war and The Fall?

Doors over there

>playing in Hong Kong
>go to night club
>hire that hooker or whatever who follows you around
>can't fuck her
>later, huge quest related fight ensues
>she somehow survives and tells me "time is up"

>never played deus ex
Human Revolution is generally called that or HR,
when people write Deus Ex they mean Deus Ex "1", the original and best one.