Yfw 1 HP

>yfw 1 HP

>yfw 11,111,111 HP

>1 HP
>Special effect kicks in
>+20% defense when in critical health



>1% hp
>No ammo
>I take out my knife
>Against another dude with the same abilities, speed and low health
>He takes out his knife
>It's about to get fucking real

forgot the pic


>mfw 5 HP

>ignited, turret and minion damage diving for a kill
>2 hp left


>yfw you and boss both one hit away from death.

I never got this meme, is the reaction supposed to be that you're at one HP and you've got one last chance to make a move, something hard hit you that left you at 1 HP or the enemy has 1HP left and you're ready to deal the finishing blow?

Blue Tear stone ring is a WASTE OF SPACE

Don't overthink it, autist.

>1 HP in Milia Wars

>1 hp

>last one alive on the team
>everyone's watching
>low health


>Boss 1 hit away from dying
>Crit overkill


>tfw he thinks he's gonna escape
>tfw i'm a scout and catch up to him

0 hp ( IMMUNE )


>team at full health
>wipes out whole party in 1 turn
>except that one guy, who has one HP left
>this actually happened once

>Boss is 2 hits away from dying
>Both attack at the same time
>Struck first but gonna die after
>Get a crit

Reminder that HP stands for health points

>Playing through DMC3 for the first time
>I'm pretty bad, doesn't matter because it's fun
>Get to Agni and Rudra
>Silver of health left
>I beat them first try

>boss has move that drops all party member's hp to 1
What the fuck is even the point of armour and resistances?

The devil may cry 3 bosses were always surprisingly hard

Except Cerberus

1 HP isn't an issue.

>narrowly escape

>huge health bar
>no death run
>careful the whole time
>no unnecessary risks
>some oh boy moments
>got through it
>finally facing off against Watcher and Defender
>summon backup npcs
>pop lifegems and go
>casting strategically
>hitting and moving
>going gud
>they suddenly decide they both want my ass
>focus on defense
>popping lifegems
>they slam the FUCK out of me
>life bar is dropping fast
>they fuck off
>I'm running away
>Vengarl Vanquished
>I take the opportunity
>crystal soul spear
>they're too busy with Bernheart
>finish them off
>realize I hadn't healed since getting slammed
>just a sliver left
>sliver is so tiny I can almost not see it on my 42"screen

>When you win with 1hp left


>running past double doors

Did nashandra and aldia then smash your bp

>vagina cuatro?
>isn't that a stupid name?


>spamming lifegems
Jesus fucking Christ you're a textbook faggot


>despair but also an erection

>1 HP
>"Undying Rage!"

more like RIP MORDE
>you will never be numero uno ever again


It was probably a no bonfire, no death NG+ run. That means you need to use lifegems if you want to get anywhere.

> missile tanks depleted on boss that needs missiles to defeat


>have a special ability that converts energy into damage taken when at critical health
>ability is at maximum conversion efficiency so it costs significantly less
>i have 700 energy

>yfw you just keep fighting

>game gives you an option to rape or kill a female enemy at 1 hp

>mfw reach boss with 1 HP and badass music kicks in

what game does this?

>Playing Monster Hunter: Pollack Unite
>Fighting a Fiend for the first time when the three hags send that gank squad
>run myself out of Swallow
>he's one hit away from death
>glance up at top left
>can't even see the red on my HP bar

Roll, roll, roll, roll


call of pripiat

>call of pripyat


user you must enlighten us on what games gives you this bizarre option.

>call of pripiat

As in STALKER? Or some porn game with the same name?

>Get to 1hp in a few seconds during the boss
>Spend the rest of the fight with 1 HP, cuz you play better with your ass clenched

>boss nukes party in one move
>you're the last one standing

>1 hp
>have abilities that scale based on missing health


>Level 72 OP3 Krieg
>Bloodsplosion/Psycho Mutant build
>Gibbed Legendary Sickle class mod with a Grog Nozzle, Hid of Terramorphous, Explosive Fastball, and Explosive Relic
>Up to 808% increased melee damage with an extra 12.8% from BR, also +50% maximum health with and additional 57.1% from BR
>Resulting in a total of 1,098,023 health
>Fastball does 4.7 MILLION, all funneled into health with Grog Nozzle
>TFW constantly jumping back and forth through the health gate, constantly hitting 1 HP then skyrocketing

>OP Krieg
>stv procs
>instant health gate

This is why OP levels are bullshit




>The hardest game difficulty sets your max HP to 1

>not utilizing this to release the beast as mush as possible

what game does this

I kinda dig these games where 1hit is quit now

>1 HP
>still ~30 enemies left
>70% of them are armed with automatic hitscan weapons

DmC 3
Crypt of the necrodancer

>stv procs during rtb

Devil may cry was the game I was thinking about.

>Google it
>pixel vore
Why do you know about this, user?

>FPS where you die in one hit to anything but your enemies don't

>mfw 2 hp

>1 HP

>This skill's bonus to melee damage does not apply to the damage done to self. Other melee damage bonuses, such as levels in Empty the Rage or the presence of a Sickle class mod, still apply.
>When Krieg is in Buzz Axe Rampage or Release the Beast, throwing the buzz axe will receive a bonus from this skill but without the penalty of the chance for Krieg to hit himself.

tl:dr just throw the axe

Cave Story (plus)
Hard Mode is literally just "everything past tutorial is one hit kill.

fuck yeah! felyne heroics!

>poison doesn't kill you but leaves you at 1 hp

>Boss does a huge wave of poison that's almost unavoidable
>Poison can't kill you

>tfw your enemy dosen't care about the odds

i wheelie like this image thanks doc

>Purposely keeping your health at critical level to reap the benefits

>last party member alive
>Use antidote
>boss poisons you again
>use antidote
>another poison
>use heal item
>poison hits you. Boss attacks and kills you


Fuck that Nevan bitch. Her final phase where she moves in and one-shots you is a total beginners trap. It's bullshit because it takes so long to chip her health down and green stars aren't replenished when you continue after dying. I fucking love it, fuck games coddling players these days.

much like you

I replayed DMC3 HD a couple weeks ago and holy fuck Normal mode Nevan caused me to use a fucking vital star. I played this game nonstop when the SE came out and I never had a problem with her, until NOW for some reason.

>1% = 1HP
It depends on what game you're playing. For me, it's not too dramatic.

the last giant was next, then the big bad. NG+++, so I wasn't going in blind.

I still won though. Why take stupid risks.

Correct. I didn't want to do both at once, but I wound up doing both at once. Between those and divine blessings I was usually careful except for that one battle. I was suited up pretty good too, but damn those two nearly dropped me dead. I think I went a little gray that day.