Friendly reminder that Saki is best girl

Friendly reminder that Saki is best girl

Other urls found in this thread:

how long until they delete sweet breaker so I can go back to playing Aru?

You're right.

Why is Yuki so perfect?

Wrong again.

They wound sooner delete Aru than Sweet breaker dude

>liking damaged goods

Eventually the amount of Breaker usage will die down.

So where's the lobby?

Everyone is waiting for you to make it.

I don't have all the maps.

Fernet is best girl

who cares, don't such a nerd

>Have to pay in order to get good cards


Fine, but don't blame me if something goes wrong.

No Bullying Zone



A lot of great cards are from the base set. There's only 1 card DLC, and the deck is shuffled from everyone's contribution anyway. Even filling the deck with horrible shit is a legitimate strategy.

The DLC pack adds variety but is in no way reallt "needed". Not to mention, all the cards in your deck are just added into the pool each player draws from in a match, so even if you don't personally have the DLC pack, you can still draw and use DLC cards if someone else added them in their deck.

Why did they have to do this? I was finally free! I had all the achievements, beat Tomomo Hell and had all of the HATS. Fuck!

They are giving you some motivation to play again. You want to get both sets of the new crowns don't you?


I want to break that star.



just let the thread die, everyone is asleep at this hour

Reminder that only tryhards play as the breakers.

reminder that only fags like fernet

One slot open.

I'm warning you..

Sora is cute! CUTE!

Yes. I like this thread.

"There’s evidence that suggests that eating all that burned food could actually be bad for you. Back in 2007, a Dutch study was done that showed an increased risk of cancer in women who were exposed to the chemical acrylamide — which forms on fried or baked foods, especially when those foods are burned. The study found that women who ate 40 micrograms of acrylamide a day (equivalent to say, a bag of potato chips) had double the cancer risk of women who ate the lowest amount of the chemical."

Sham is made of cancer?

Sham is the cause of cancer.

I would go as far as to say she herself is cancer.

Guys, I really like Saki and QP.

there is help for that

They're so good together.

Where the lobby at

waiting to be made

King Gainer



>Ubiquitous activated.jpg

Is Orange Juice a Disney game?

they share the same universe

Any room up?

Official Saki Fanclub is still up.

You should really join the group, since that's where most lobbies get announced when they're made or need people.

>>You should really join the group
>No way to disable notifications
Sorry user, I pass

If you don't want to be notified about lobbies for you to play in, then there's no point in joining, no.

I'll join again when Steam allow that little change.
I have no idea why they refuse to do it.

It seems like I don't even get the pop-ups most of the time. I don't even know there will be a game going until I open Steam and see one in the feed that started a while ago.

Do you set yourself to appear offline? Notifications only show up if you're 100% online.

Oh, I guess that's why then.



>sugus on suicide watch

5 minutes stuck in deck building



>Saki will never finish off your little pudding with her mouth

how the fuck these bombs work?

There's like 4 kinds of bombs, you'll have to be more specific.

Bomber event?
Star Breaker's bombs?
Big Bang Bell?

My bad. Bomber event

A bomb spawns every few chapters and explodes into a cross pattern within 1-3 chapters after spawning, it has a range of 3 panels and does 2 damage.

Also, the bombs can trigger each other.

>Also, the bombs can trigger each other.
Literally Bomberman. Fucking great.

what are the crowns from?

Beating the campaign.

Normal for red, Extreme for purple.

Completing every map from single player campaign.
Red is normal or higher, purple is extreme.

She kind of looks like my waifu.

>A Long Fuse - Deal 50 damage with Star Breaker's bombs.
50 damage one match or in a lot of matches?

50 damage in one match.

Rig it with Star's 4th campaign chapter, the one on Farm. On low difficulty the bots hardly ever leave the middle as long as you stay there as well, so you have plenty of time to do it.

>star decay -6845
What is this? So many new things. I still need to buy the DLC

Star decay kicks in when a game goes on for too long and keeps increasing with every chapter, lowering the stars and experience you get after the match more and more.

This was around 110 chapters.

>This was around 110 chapters.
It might be a great idea to track the damage before going for the achievement

I got it around the 60 chapter mark, but I just kept going to see how many stars and kills I could get.

Eventually a bot decided to win and that was that.

Official Saki Fanclub needs 1


>tfw no Sora.swf

>no saki.swf