Watch Dogs 2 AMA

I'm on the development team for Watch Dogs 2, Ask me Anything

Is it good?

Not really

Will you treat PC users like shit again?

If you're actually on the team, please provide proofs
Will this game be story focused like the first one or more of a sandbox/walking sim?

Will there be any police on the water unlike the first game?

It happened for the original so who knows.

Is Aiden in it and do we kill him?

Do you feel that a masked black teen waving a gun around is an appropriate main character

Its better than the first one.
We're outsourcing the port to another division, so yea, its gonna be pretty shite
Can't provide proofs, just gonna have to take my word on it. It's gonna be more focused on hacking, less on shooting, but walking will play a bigger part. A deeper parkour system is being added if you didn't already know
He's based off of one of our son, so yep

did your wife's son like the first game

>Wife's son.
Funny one, but she's the white one. Yea yea I'm a nigger, I know. Anyways, he actually did like the first one, and he bought a bunch of shit for it.

Did you get a 12 year old girl to choose the music again?

What did your wife's son think of the trailer?

Will you cram another edgy story down our throats as the only thing to do, or will there be FUN things to do?


So was the black hacker shoehorned in as we all suspect? If you think hacker u usually think some nerdy kid. Not Tyrone.

Can you tell your community managers to stop shilling here? At least you're straight forward with your approach.

This whole thread is bait

Watch the reveal trailer, and you'll get the general gist of the game. It's gonna be almost slice of life like. I can't really tell you anything more then what you already know.
The game is staring a black man, you can guess what the music is gonna be.
Marcus (the black kid) is gonna be a whole lot nerdier then what you think. Definitely not a Tyrone archetype

The more shilling we do, the more commission bonuses we get, but you didn't hear that from me.

It's better than someone randomly praising Ubisoft games out of the blue pretending to belong here.

I didn't caught a glimpse on the whole story yet, i just know from what i heard from the other guys, the biggest "hack" of all time is a Fight Club ripoff, deleting all the credit card debt thing.
He is """"""based""""" on Adonis Creed
Nice try

You're avoiding the question user. What was the first design for the main character.

Also, reveal one thing in the early game we can't know without playing so we will know you were telling the truth.

Can I have a key?

Marcus will die VERY early into the game. It will almost be spoiled at E3
