Show me a girl more perfect

Show me a girl more perfect.




Yiff in hell furfaggot.

Linkle's not even the best girl in her own series.

>real girl


This one


Just look at those pearly whites, it's hard to believe she's a brit



Raya-O is literally perfect. Perfect!

Cute cute cute!

High quality taste.

Para-Medic's ONLY flaw is the whole becoming a morally bankrupt mad scientist and getting murdered by Gray Fox after she brought him back to life thing.


Do you think Linkles butthole has the same color as the rest of her skin? Or does it have a little darker shade?


Excuse me, faggots.

It's chalk white from bleaching

surpass that sass

Gray Fox was a piece of shit in the first place. Her real mistake was letting two of the most worthless characters in the series kill her off.



How do you feel about her duck sucking lips?


While Gray Fox did die nobly, it's amazing how quickly people forget how shitty of a person he was in MG2. He betrayed Snake and the rest of Foxhound by switching sides to Zanzibarland, and then he used a Metal Gear to kill his former girlfriend just to serve as a warning to Snake to not go any further.

You realize these girls were designed by japanese businessmen specifically to get your money, right?

Yes, and?


This also.

Close, but not quite there.





She's fin as fuck to use too.

Mobile as all heck with dual wielding bolters.

She's basically a SoB seraphim cannoness ported from 40k into zeldaverse


Finally someone with excellent taste posts it.


I didn't see a vidya-only constraint anywhere.

I prefer Imp form


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Yep, can't deny her sway.

i dont think you know what a furry is

Well, if we aren't constraint to only perfect video game girls

She'd be easier on the eyes with breast reduction surgery

Or pretty much any other vidya catgirl


>posts on Sup Forums
Not vidya is totally fine lol amirite!?

You sound upset. I mean, there is ZNT vidya if you want to be technical. I don't know if I'd say it's worth playing, but it's there!

>posting the newest girl

She's fine taste
