So now that it's out what's the Sup Forumserdict?

So now that it's out what's the Sup Forumserdict?

Other urls found in this thread:

That its not a video game and its 5 minute animation.

torrent please

It was worth the weight.

who gives a fuck cunt it's hot

>press B
>images flash but remain in Japanese

Shit like every other seismic "game"

mods are being shitheads and deleting all Liru threads

Go to the /h/ thread for the Mega and torrent links

>That its not a video game
Mod confirmed it is.

I came 3 times, it was alright. good for seismic got more purchases then expected.

If you actually waited for this constantly reminding yourself of its existence and going on no fap sprees it was a utter let down.

If you off handedly heard about the game, never payed much attention to the NEVER EVER memes and just saw that it released, it's a pretty good fap.

Magical sleepover U turned out better

Its not a game but Ill settle for that since it also says it doesnt belong here.

Good, but pretty short for the price.

Glad I pirated it.

It is a game. It was posted on Sup Forums which is why it got deleted.

This looks fucking retarded.

Liru looks like she is made out of play-doh

Cant fap to it

It's not a game. It's an animation.


Wait so instead of making the game he just made an animation?
That's fucking lame.

It is a game. Having animation doesn't prevent it from being one.

Having a menu doesnt make it a game.

how do you keep all the scenes permanently unlocked?

How fucking new are you to seismic ""games""? they are all the same just a bunch of animations

>that scene where you fuck her right in the hallway as her tits keep bouncing out of her top

I'm wiped out after that one; have fun anons.

mega when

Torrent is taking fucking ages for just 1 Gig and a half

BUT, kudos to whoever is seeding it, this could be good.

I mean I was just expecting it to be interactive.
Like that demo where you clicked her tit and she slapped you or whatever.


Here's a stream, come on over

Hi Summer

>Liru has hips
off-model garbage 0/10 wouldn't even bother

Thats not even in the game anymore, yo get to choose what scene plays next but thats pretty much it


yes it does

I don't have it saved but a Sup Forums mod confirmed visual novels are indeed games

in the /h/ thread user

last Liru thread had it but mods deleted thread

not gonna jack off with a bunch of dudes to some hentai, family

Having a menu not make something a game doesn't mean something isn't a game.

>its ok when Sony makes nothing but movies but this crosses the line!: the thread

> "you fuck her"

Chief kek


point deducted for length

point deducted for no anal

Its not even a visual novel.

If it was at least 20 minutes MAYBE I could stretch it and say it is.
But its not.


Trying my best familia

It's an interactive movie, just like my PS3 memes

I'm getting a legit boner, hooray

How do you uncensor this game?

This is a top tier soundtrack. This song that plays at the door so lovely.

Theyre not interactive. Theres just scene selectors for the animations.

You don't. It's pre-rendered.

Impossible. Only way we're getting it uncensored is if Seismic gives us the uncensored stuff.

Im so glad is out, not because I fap to this crap shit animations where the characters look like they are made from slime blobs but because finally the meme can die off

Please celebrate on /h/, the proper board for this occasion, which already has threads with lots of anons discussing.

Through dick, unity.