No Batman: Beyond Arkham

>No Batman: Beyond Arkham
>No Mad Stan boss fight
>No Shriek
>Or Inque boss fights


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Because the BB/Static/Zeta era of DCAU was awful.


Because Arkham Knight ended in such a way that would make Batman Beyond's very premise unlikely, at best.

Need to resort to defense mechanisms anytime someone doesn't agree with you, huh?

What a sad existence.

How would you create the shriek encounter in a video game?

Kill yourself. Shittier taste has not been seen on this site.

Whoa there. Yeah it's pretty much high school Batman. But it wasn't bad.

Shit taste

Anyone got the list of death in batman beyond?


Arkham Beyond needs to fucking happen already. Every year that passes without it makes me think we're one year further from it even being possible.

Batman needs to fix its combat and chunky steroid character design before i buy a batman beyond game

>Enter a room found in the sewer
>Dead silent
>Batman realizes even his breathing is unheard
>An unseen wave, outside of dust lifting from the floor, is coming at Batman
>Player has to dodge and even realizes that even the controller's vibrating function isn't working due to Shriek disabling vibrations that cause sound

I don't know where I was going with it, but the basics are there.

That would be even better than the AA Scarecrow section.

Inque would be a fun fight, though. I'd imagine it be similar to the Lloyd fight in Zone of the Enders 2. Walking on nothingness, seeing nothingness and doing what you can to avoid the blades stabbing at the player from the darkness in search of where her body would be manifesting when Batman avoids enough of them that she gets frustrated and tries to take him out face-to-face. Or, at least, something along those lines.

Can someone please post the gif of the dancing skull woman from one of the batman series?

wait nvm I found it

I applaud their efforts for being forced to make "Batman in High School" and turning it awesome

Static Shock is surprisingly underrated

>an episode about school shooting and Richie's dad being actually racist

surprising for a kids show

>yfw Justice League Unlimited's episode "Epilogue"


I thought there will be another Akrham game in the future?

It has no right to be as good as it is.

>kid gets robot girlfriend
>goes after 3DPD right after
Stupid fatty.

I only read a summary of it. Never actually seen it myself.

That horse shit is literally the only time in the entirety of fiction where I go full headcanon and refuse to acknowledge that it exists and actually happened.

Fuck that episode and fuck whoever thought it was a good idea to ruin the entire premise of Batman Beyond like that.

I won't call static shock bad (mainly because I haven't seen it in like 15 years and wasn't even a huge fan back then) but I get the impression that it's one of those shows where like every third episode was a "very special" one.

Okay picture this

>Can fly around neo-gotham in the future Batmobile or just fly around with the suit, obviously the batmobile is faster
>Using the Batsuit's invisibility, but it uses up power or something like that
>Can stick to walls or ceilings using magnetic boots the suit has
>Old Bruce constantly scoldsTerry if he fucks up in the gameplay

There can be more, but I should re-watch the series to remember what else could be good

yeah it kinda had that vibe

and it sorta lacked animation quality compared to other DCAU shows

>No Beast Wars nostalgia game
G1 gets all the luck

It had a few.

Most notable those.

Yeah it sucked, but it was almost worth it for the Ace scene.

As bad as it was, Batman Beyond was always known for it, not only being a high school version of Batman, but being dark as fuck in a lot of areas in the series and the whole idea of Epilogue actually FITS into Beyond, not to mention Bruce Wayne as a character with the idea of "The world will always need a Batman."


There is one good episode that stands out and it's the one where Virgil goes back in time to see his mother during the LA Riots and he can't do a single thing about her dying.

But I mean, like fuck's sake just look at return of the joker. The entire point is that Terry is batman but he's not just a Bruce clone. Except now he almost literally is.

No it's completely fucking retarded, Terry's circumstances made him a new Batman, not bat-semen and conspiracies.


One of the main points of the episode was also thaT terry remained his own person and didn't fall into the same pits that Bruce did. He was, at the end of the day, a better Batman, because he was happy.

I miss Beast Wars and Reboot.
Now Beast Machines is something that I don't think has any fans

That's not from Batman - it's from the Do the Evolution music video by Pearl Jam.

That's from Pearl Jam's "Do The Evolution", just as a heads up. Same animation director though.

You mean Beasties?

Fucker, this is from "Do the evolution" by Pearl Jam

that's from a pearl jam music video, m8

I also really liked the idea of the parents being killed and the person they hired to do it was Phantasm.

It all doesn't matter, though. And an actual spoiler as to why: Terry is killed in the comics and Tim Drake takes on the suit.


It's what Canada called best wars because they're so pussified they can't have "war" in a cartoon.

Comics aren't DCAU continuity you nerd

Wow. That's kinda silly.

DC wants to bury beyond at all cost

>No 60s Batman Arkham
>No riding the 60s Batmobile around a more colorful Gotham
>No getting rid of a bomb
>No ZAP! BANG! POW! when you strike foes in combat

wow I feel stupid now
it even came up as a search result for "batman beyond gif"


Melanie >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dana

Thread theme:

Wait, why? It is one of the best things DC has done.

Yeah, Terry inadvertently killed quite a few of his rogues, didn't he?

I fucking hate 00's kids flooding this board with the worst batman. Why has BB been popping up on Sup Forums recently anyway?

Schway idea.

>Mads Stan boss fight

If only, I'd love to fight "Henry Rollins: The Character"

>pulled into the center of the earth
May I take revenge surgery or drowning instead please?

Because the desire for a fucking game based in a crazy awesome cyberpunk world is needed and the game Cyberpunk isn't coming soon enough.

Out of everything that happened in that show, the guy undergoing Inque's transformation was always the saddest to me.

It was his fault anyway.

SS is one of the few Black heroes done rightalong with green lantern
fuck you man

Because taking the Batman games to the beyond series has huge potential to make a great original game

though it probably will never happen

He should have just asked Inque to go inside of his penis and then expand like in Leprechaun in Space.

Wait, would losing your dick and then bleeding out be worse than being that...mess?

a game based on Adam West Batman wouldn't go over well, and that was best batman.

Yeah I'm aware of that, but it's still a pretty shit existence. Not only were you played for a fool, but now you're stuck in a glass chamber for the rest of your life with the thought process of a single celled organism.

Man I can't get over how fucking genius this show was as a concept

>Hey, everyone loved our batman show
>What if for the sequel batman was actually just spiderman, and also it's a crazy cyberpunk future crossed with new york from the warriors

oh yeah,she was a paramedic.

That was heavy shit.

I was amazed when I learned that the origin of it was they were told to make batman in high school

Although, now that you mention it, a Brave and the Bold game wouldn't be too bad...

>thought process of a single celled organism.
At that point why wouldn't you just kill him?
I'm sure Batman kills flies.

>Spellbinder encounter similar to Scarecrow's

Arkham series ended with god-like City

Other two games are just more side content

AK's models are actually much better about this. Even Batman looks muscular but not like a collection of boulders.

Bruce Wayne looks like a fucking meathead though. I'm kinda mad they couldn't make one of the most important faces in the game look right.

It was the opposite, he wanted to save her and even told her she would get hurt that night

But she told him that she was fine with it since she still had people to save

>with the thought process of a single celled organism.

It's been awhile since I've watch the series but I thought he still had his brain functions

Cause the intro to the show kinda rip off the pearl jam scene

She still died and him fucking around in the past wouldn't do any good.

And then the devs would bring back fucking The Crystal Method for a more modern version of the theme.

It sounds like such a shit premise they were forced into and they just ran with it. Absolutely beautiful

Good closure though, and heavy lessons on real heroism


Bring me.. THE BAT

I'd love side missions where you have to stop Mad Stan's shenanigans.

I really want this to happen just because the title "Batman: Beyond Arkham" is fucking perfect.

Would you want them to use the AK Beyond outfit or something more like the show? I thought the one from Arkham City was pretty awful but I think they could make it work if they tried.

His suit was dope in City tbhfam, dunno what the fuck are you talking about

Arkham Knight one doesn't even resemble Beyond, looks like some armor shit

Use City's suit but make player's physique slimmer and there you go

Oh no! My bLOW IT ALL UP

>I thought the one from Arkham City was pretty awful

>the perfect looking suit from AC was awful
>the over designed tacticool garbage from AK was not awful

It looked off in City because of Bruce's XBOXHEUG body, it would look better if Terry had the frame of Spiderman. Also that pic is a hot mess.

Wasn't Arkham closed down or changed in BB?

Why? Bruce fakes his death and Terry ends up discovering his identity through some confrontation that causes him to showcase his badassery and Bruce agrees to train him.

Basically these but a slimmer build for Terry

Knight was an awful suit, City's was OK but there was no attempt to actually adapt the suit from Timm's style.

Also Terry's a lot slimmer and leaner than Bruce and that should be reflected in his model.

I agree that his body was a big part but honestly, my biggest issue was the eyes. Something about their texture and shape really bothered me.

it hurts.

>Implying that wouldn't make the subtitle Beyond Arkham even better

>Look up BB wiki
>Find the lexicon

Atrac: A parallel of Amtrak, it appears to be a monorail-like railway service which travels nationally.

Blip: A verb describing a sound made by an electronic device, used when the device apparently ignores a user request. The sound often is inferred as intended by another person.

Credits (or creds): The general currency is referred to as "credits," and are carried on plastic cards.

Dreg: Generally meaning "lowlife" or "loser".

Fiz: A soda or beverage.

Frag: A verb or exclamation meaning "damn".

Rips: A verb generally synonymous with the colloquial meaning of "rules" or "kicks ass".

Schway: An adjective generally synonymous with "cool".

Slag: General purpose expletive used as both noun and verb, usually used in the case of trying to kill someone. Commonly used with a similar connotation in the contemporary U.K.

Slapper: A futuristic form of steroids, administered by a transdermal patch that is "slapped" onto the skin. It is later revealed that the drug is derived from Venom, the same poison that gave Bane strength. (episode: "The Winning Edge")

Splicing: A futuristic form of body modification which involves genetically splicing animal DNA with human DNA. (episode: "Splicers")

Twip: An insult implying immaturity or scrawniness. Likely a corruption of "Twerp" or "Twit".