Just picked up one of these bad boys! What are some must play original xbox exclusives, lads?
Just picked up one of these bad boys! What are some must play original xbox exclusives, lads?
Other urls found in this thread:
Aside from Ninja Gaiden Black? I wouldnt say anything else is must play
>buying literal nogaems paperweights
This pretty obscure launch game called Halo: Combat Evolved. It went pretty under the radar but it did get enough of a cult following to get a sequel.
ToeJam & Earl III
>Just picked up one of these bad boys!
With a forklift?
Stubbs the Zombie.
If you have the money I think there's a mech game called steel battalion thats supposedly good but I've never played it
>tfw got a Xbox for my birthday back when it came out
>played like 2 games on it
I'm sorry i didn't appreciate the gift enough mom
I don't UNDERSTAND how no one has posted this
Doom 3 Collectors Edition
Half Life 2
Conker: Live and Reloaded
Halo 1 + 2
I asked for exclusives, but thanks anyway
Ninja Gaiden
Project Gotham Racing 1+2
Panzer Dragoon Orta
Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay
Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge
Burnout 3
Most of these are exclusives. Knock yourself out, OP.
Get Halo 2.
BxR, RRXYYRR, Super Bounce, Sword glitch and all that fun stuff. Best Xbox exclusive and the glitches only made it better.
muh nigga
Send it to me and i'll mod the fuck outta it and add 120 Xbox games. m.youtube.com
>buying a console without knowing if it has any good exclusive games for it
I take it you are a ps4 owner?
fusion frenzy
Tenchu 3
Quantum Redshift
mech assault
Get the original Buffy game famo
Brute Force & Crackdown
Hey, at least you tried to be funny. I think Reddit would appreciate your type of lowbrow humor.
Jade Empire
Oddworld Stranger's Wrath
Oddworld Munch's Oddysee
look at the picture again retard
blinx 2. literally the best platformer on that console.
GoTY edition recommended.
Any idiot with a soldering iron can do that.
You need to stop posting.
Mech Assault
not exclusives but SSX tricky and 3
You don't even need a sodering iron
Not pictured here is Phantom Dust
and Otogi 2
>All those fucking badass mech games
>Jet set radio
>Crimson Skies
>Dead or alive
I just recently looked at the gamecube library and was blown away too. Like goddamn was the sixth console generation the peak of console games?
If you don't play this then I'll literally murder you.
Should be noted that Unreal Championship 2 is very different from Unreal Tournament proper.
6th gen is the most underrated gen I think. People here only care about PS2 but if you look at more obscure stuff on Gamecube and xbox you can find some great gems.
>Picked one up
Holy shit are you Thor?
>this kills the console
OP play Black and NFS Most Wanted, you little bitch
>recommending this on xbox
I played this on xbox when I was 12 because I didn't know any better. It's playable, but come on man, don't lead another user down this road.
Voodoo Vince
How has that not been mentioned.
Xbox is great, have fun
this was torture
Mah nigga. This is awesome. Some of the funnest multiplayer out there. 2 is great as well
Fable is awesome TLC if you can
The Tom Clancy Ghost Recons are awesome too (pc is better since you can mod tho)
Forza Motorsport
Project Gotham Racing 2
Steel Battalion + controller
Ghost Recon 2 Summit Strike
Ghost Recon 2 (the xbox release is superior)
The list is rather short. Most xbox exclusives worth playing eventually got a PC release.
>must play original xbox exclusives
You make sure you don't miss out. There are good things in this world that we will never have again.
You do know ghost recon 2 is not on PC, and the xbox is the best.
why did xbox DA CUBE have the best mecha games overall. PRetty unreal
This. Made Dead to Rights look like Shadow of the Empire
Was on pc
The op said exclusive faggot
It's because the OG Xbox was essentially the Dreamcast 2.0. Things started going downhill during the 360 era.
doesn't work on modern OSess though. that's why they took it off steam like 7 years ago.
Crackdown was 360 wasn't it?
Forza holds up nicely to the ragvages of time....mostly
also rollercoaster tycoon was pretty fun if you had the right controller
skip pgr2
.....i cant think of my old collection....but im pretty sure there were some slick non-halo exclusives beyond the obvious jsrf refrence...that wipeout ripoff was real nice, as was (butchering it) kakto chojin' if you have the disc for it, man it was a great game.
There were some seriously good games for it....breakdown was meh, bloodwake was underrated for the gameplay it offered.....i keep nearly giving up but then more memories pop up, amped was legit
Crimson Skies!
>not arms
Even if you didn't care for its exclusives, fact is OGbox had the best versions of multi-plats
Destroy all humans 1 & 2
>picked up
>original Xbox
for whatever reason I found this game to be amazing
please try it
is this good without friends?
I loved it with them but I honestly can't imagine it being any fun without them, don't know if OP has friends willing to play decade old party games with him
it's worth downloading and playing for a bit
>xbox exclusives
try again my dude.
>all these games
>no one has posted this one yet
Do you hate AMERICA Anton's?
Whether or not it's exclusive to Xbox doesn't make it any less of a great game.
Yeah, it was fun.
I think it might have helped the game at least a little that Crimson Skies was actually a miniatures/wargame property that no one's ever heard of, one that already had a pretty cool pulp setting written up for it. So the devs had a good template to work their gameplay into.
Project Gotham was amazing. My dad hates video games for some reason but even he spent hours on it. Probably not as good today since racing games age more than any other genre
Both kingdom under fire games. Just played them again recently for the first time in over a decade and they've aged amazingly
Conker is fun as fuck.
how does one mod the hdd?
I succeed the hot swap but the computer can't find the cd.
have only one ide port.
Should try usb version but can't find decent tutorials
Xbox had a ton of quality games. If you pick one out of the library, it's likely to be good. There's something pure about the games that came out for this console.
Still leagues ahead of UT3.
You're gonna have a lot of fun playing the shooter games that were available on this console:
>Metal Arms: Glitch In The System
>Darkwatch (DVoaM)
>Conflict: Desert Storm
>Alter Echo
>Need For Speed Hot Pursuit 2
Alright, so I killed the poo, went to the toll and now I backtracked to fight the bulldog fish, will that get me enough money to pass? Please don't spoil.
This and Panzer Dragoon Orta are the only games I would care about on Xbox.
Scarface: The World is Yours
Obviously it's better on PC, but it's nigh impossible to get working on modern rigs.
A charming and underrated platformer
I've no idea. It was years ago since I last played Conker. Have you done the cheese world yet?
Check out these guys
Here's an overview video of everything you can do with the system
And here's a video showing shit loads of games installed on one machine
OG Xbox still kicks ass, especially if you mod the hell out of it.
>mfw none of the 90s babies on Sup Forums understand "xbox hueg" jokes
>they grew up with oversized consoles
Such is life for an oldfag.
OgBox has shit loads of exclusives.
OgBox having "no exclusives" is the same meme as the PS3/PS4 having no games. Neither are true.
xboxhueg pics never cease to amuse me
Nah, it's just 7th gen is literal garbage in comparision.
>microsoft game studios
Man to think Microsoft use to have some decent devs
The days of xbox hueg and no gaems was a prime time for OC indeed
Steel batallion
post more hueg pictures
What happened to that studio?
Stubs the Zombie is great
There sports team made some good games as well.
The same thing that happens to everything else.
Why did it take 50 posts for someone to mention this?
I never got the full game but I played the shit out of the demo.
Cause there's many good games