Why is Quake so much better than Doom 2?

Why is Quake so much better than Doom 2?

Other urls found in this thread:


>shit level design
>shit art design
>generally worse weapons
>better than Doom 2

>shit level design
>shit art design
Doom 2 and quake have this in common

>More serious vibe
>Awesome weapons
>Ability to jump
>Solid levels
Though the bosses were lacking

Don't listen to this faggot -

>shit level design
I take it you haven't played it. It has some of the best level design on any game, ever.

>this is what quakebabbies actually believe

>Can't bring up a single instance of bad level design in Quake because he hasn't played it
Nice job.


Are you the same type of pleb that thinks Gothic 2 is superior to Morrowind?

That floaty map with the indoor pyramids.
That was a lousy gimmick map.

Everything brown and medieval the game
Nah it's not bad but Doom 2 just gave the fans what they wanted
Doom 1+more

but it is

I never much cared for Quake until Arena.

It was a secret level you tit.

>a secret map is shit
tell me again why doom 2 level design is better? one level is literally 2 rooms and 4 necessary secrets to end the level. actually,
>all of sandy petersons maps
the wolfenstein secret level was even fucking worse, how the fuck do you manage it.

>more serious vibe warrants higher opinion over a video game
>ability to jump makes it a better game
>that pistol

Good one.

>Everything brown
>I only played the first level
Average quake h8r right then and there.

So, people who pretend to hate quake never touched the thing. Got it.

>his only argument is cherrypicking one secret level out of 31

I was willing to listen to a good case to be made but you're clearly fucking retarded so thanks for wasting everyones time.


no fucking shit, even doom fans like the game. its fantastic, doesn't need to be so much malice for either side as both series are excellent

quake pastebin for those interested

Doom 2 is a very good game


Barrels o' fun wasn't THAT bad, but yeah, Sandy's maps are certainly the worst thing in Doom.

3D level design (when it was done right)

The only true issue with the game is that the weapons could have been done a lot better.
Quake 2 did the weapons much better.

Cause it was a new game instead of a gloried expansion pack.

I fucking love Doom. However, Quake will always be remembered for its netplay.

>true 3D maps
>moody Lovecraftian atmosphere
>NIN soundtrack/sound effects

yeah i agree, barrels o fun really was fucking fun. people shit on it but i dont know why, man its satisfying to play

quake has a 3d engine and it's the most important pc game ever made

>doesn't need to be so much malice for either side
Sure, but Doom 2 is still an underwhelming, shitty mission pack with one good weapon. Quake is the one true sequel to the original doom.


>being this delusion and shilling
Blame the level designer's, hell the webm here is brown, and that is not the first level

>Quake 2 did the weapons much better.
Fuck no. The grenade launcher in Quake absolutely destroys the garbage one in Quake 2. There are no bad or useless weapons in Quake.

the axe

Honestly loved barrel's O fun because it was developers having a blast...

what is actually wrong with it? instant weapon switch makes it on of the best melee weapons in any game i can think of. i mean if you are comparing it to the other weapons yeah it pales in comparison but as an unlimited ammo starter weapon that makes sense

It would have been nice if it was more its own thing and had followed through with it's original ambitious RPG design, but what we got was still pretty great.

I don't think it is better.
I think both are equally great.

I prefer Doom's monsters over Quake outside of the Shambler, Vore and Fiend and Ogre. All of them are 11/10 fantastic.
I don't like the bad shotguns for Quake, but that Super Nailgun, Grenade Launcher and Rocket Launcher are fantastic. Great sounds and all that.

>mfw I grab a pentagram and axe a Shambler to death

>That third room where you spawn in the middle of a gorrilian meatball demons

Barrels o' fun was utter fucking trash

Barrels o' fun is the reason I never completed Doom II.
Absolute turn off

I am a doom player, but i can agreed that doom and quake levels are shit.
Quake is much better for single player.
But doom 2 has a lot of mods and active online communities.

For more info check zandronum and download doomseeker to play it.


It's even worse if you pistol start it.

What's wrong with it?

It's not a terribly long level.
It's not too terrible outside of the Pain Elemental section.

Granted there are better levels, but I don't think it's the worst map of Doom 2.
That goes to Bloodfalls or Chasm

>quake levels are shit
Except they're not you fag. The level design is by far the best thing about Quake and is some of the best stuff in the genre. The game's not very good in a lot of other aspects like the weak guns, low count of incredibly tanky enemies and the lack of variety in visuals. But the level design's fucking great.

Tom Hall please leave, design is law

it's 2016 dude, there is a lot of better levels far more better than quake. quake is old.
Just check Unreal Tournament, Age of Empires, Turok, ..., etc.

mostly just level design imo
quake has a fair amount of variety and the levels don't overstay their welcome it's also short and you never get stuck or get bored, q2 feels like it drags in a lot of places especially with the backtracking and stuff

>shitty map pack with one good weapon
>1 year difference in doom 1 and 2
>wanting something more mind blowing and different
Theres a reason why Quake was made 2-3 years after doom

>Age of Empires
My favourite FPS

I'm playing DirectQuake and I keep crashing on E2M3. Any ideas?

Suck it down, Ponyboy.

Well your post doesn't make it any better, just explains why it was so bad.

>you will never own one of those comfy fucking sweaters

>shilling for a 40 year old game
Stop embarrassing yourself

>I don't like the bad shotguns for Quake
Come on, now. Gibbing some faggot with the super shotgun is much more satisfying in quake.

why directq? i recommend you use something like quakespasm only because its worked well for me, but i don't know much about the engines.

Actually you'd be surprised to know how much color there actually is in Quake. Although often cited as the muddy origin of gaming's brown monotomy Quake's levels are more diverse than they're given credit for.

Quakes got art assets that cover themes of
>metallic sci-fi plates
>gothic grotesque
>ancient stone

And although it makes use of a relatively narrow range of colors there are
>dark shades and naturalistic hues
>muddy greens
>and brown

>All the new monsters that add a lot of variety to the combat(All Doom 1 monsters only fired linear shots)
>Super Shotgun is good and fun to use

I don't think it was underwhelming mission pack user.
I even think most of the maps are good to okay, with the exception of Chasm, Bloodfalls and Citadel.

that webm has a powerup that turns everything green for fucks sake. its like if i made a webm of doom with invulnerability, would you honestly think everything was white?

I'd say its about as brown as DOOM 64, certainly less vibrant that doom 1 and 2 with their blue carpets and pink demons, the lack of color in the enemies makes it seem grimmer too

It just doesn't sound fun and it's not very satisfying to use to me.

More fun than the regular Nailgun though.
I just imagine it as a representation of the monsters being so powerful that only the heavy ordinance really has an impact instead. Fits with the theme I guess

I think a lot of people who dislike Doom 2 are bad at the game.

how is it even possible to be bad at doom? you don't even have to aim.

>slight green tint, but without it it's still brown
I've played the level holy shit stop trying to say it's not brown
I'm mostly talking about the brighter contrast color's i shouldn't have said it was all brown just a darker moodier pallete, compared to the first level of Doom 1 Hangar

In that case they'd hate all the big FPS from that era because they're all much more difficult than Doom 2

And yet people admit on Sup Forums to not beating it on Ultra Violence.

I don't really like the pain elementals in Doom 2, and archviles are always in shitty spots where it's hard to dodge the fire.

But Quake has the same problem, on hard the giant lightning shooting yeti guys can kill you in 3 or 4 hits and those guys start showing up in like the 3rd or 4th level. Those jumping monsters are gay as fuck too.

I hate the new doom game that was released.


>not knowing how to use ssg.
>not raping monsters whit rpg.

That's lame, i used to play the last level of plutonia whit hardest level and monster respawn and still win.

that level is more green, gray, and blue than brown if youd actually played the level

pretty sure its an episode 3 level if you want to cherry pick some brown examples

>That one shambler that spawns behind you after you grab a key while you're on a tiny platform surrounded by lava with no ways out or cover

None of the doom 2 levels are hard just annoying as fuck. Someone seriously thought walking into an empty room and then getting assaulted by a swarm of imps and lost souls was a good idea for doom 2 the best part is that you get nothing in return fir wasting your ammo.

>shit i gotta pick up my spaghetti's!
>everything is different color's! that webm is not Brown at ALL!
stop, i'm not cherry picking, thats what i got out of quake

Plutonia's map 30 isn't really that cruel, even with monster respawn since it's kind of a short run.

Still though, good job user
I think most people are intimidated by Plutonia's challenge so they pick HMP and don't revisit it after beating it.

I prefer Scythe personally.

Damn fucking straight.

>ebon fortress
>last elevator down to exit
>three fucking fiends and three fucking ogres ready to fuck my shit
> only had a few rockets left and only that

doom > quake

Quake's color palette is best described as vomit and diarrhea and I fucking love it.

It depicts a very unpretty world.

Yeah i see no problem with it since if fits the mood of the game perfectly

>bethesda has made a good modern doom and wolfenstein game.

Quake reboot when?

There are already job listings for it so probably 2017 or 2018

What's the shittiest map and why is it Chasm?

Definitely for sure, an almost unworldly game, though i wonder who set the setting to be dark, old vs new machine vs organs

bad grafics

>blue and green numbers


Playing quake recently, I can safely say it is not.


I love Q1's graphics nigga

I have never played Quake but I absolutely love Doom. Is it safe to say that'd I'd enjoy Quake?

In terms of machanics quake is better in so many ways, but doom just feels good/fun to play at almost any interval, ill still boot up knee deep on nightmare/ultra

Dont see why not

again, more green grey and blue

>cool music
>monster design is rad
>that fucking rocketlauncher

>that fucking music
>archvile AKA king of rape town
>Heavy Weapons Dude AKA Dutchess of rape town
>the icon of sin (im a sucker for the design, my next tattoo)
>the super shotgun

they are both good games
i like video games
i like quack and doom

Do it fag, Quake 1 is cool as fuck

Imagine Doom with verticality and rocket jumping but less weapons. The level design has overlapping sections that reduce the backtracking that was sometimes a pain in Doom.

It's biggest weaknesses in my opinion are the sometimes anticlimactic ends to the chapters. Only one of them has a boss due to time constraints.

Gothic 1 > 2 > MW

>>wanting something more mind blowing and different
I really didn't. I just wanted the same level of quality maps we had in Doom. They were made by pretty much the same people, but somehow felt like shitty arenas full of enemies with nothing to them.

it has the same weapon count as doom 1

Im sorry to say you have colour blindness i see red brown yellow

Why does there need to be a contest between the two? There's like a 3 year difference between the two technologically at a time in the gaming industry when that period of time may as well have been 2 decades in the way gaming was constantly evolving.