If your favorite company suddenly adopted an ideology you disliked, would you still buy games from them?
If your favorite company suddenly adopted an ideology you disliked, would you still buy games from them?
buying products symbolizes you want the product and similar products, not that you want to follow their CEO into Neo-Nazism
you're not going to agree with everyone on everything
If I used my personal ideology as the basis on whether I should buy a product from a game developer, I would stop playing games all together.
It depends, If their ideals started to flow into games I wouldn't buy it, but if someone at Valve said something literally crazy like how they support Bernie Sanders I wouldn't care.
if the product remains unchanged, who cares.
this has happened
>butchering content
>outsourcing translations to shitlords
don't touch anything they do any of that shit to.
I guess it depends on the ideology and the severity of their support.
I will enjoy delicious chicken sandwiches while the faggots all whine and cry about someone daring to disagree with them, win win in my book.
Depends on the relevance and whatnot but mostly nah. Give some examples or something, OP.
Depends. If all their games are suddenly gay shit, then I wouldn't buy it.
>Fried [Anything]
Lmao nothx
don't care
>4 years later they re still buthurtt
A bit of the opposite, but I bought Drakengard solely on the premise that I loved Taro's views on a post-9/11 society and the normalization of murder that he brought up in a video interview for the game. Never even heard of Drakengard before that, but I gave it a buy because I think it's worth keeping someone like that in the industry. Now we're getting Nier 2 and I couldn't be more excited.
See: Bioware
Most people do.
Okay, but consider this: You may not care if the CEO of Chick fil A is a transphobic but what about the idea of you being painted under the same light for enjoying their product?
I wouldn't buy another game from konami, if thats what you're asking
eh. I don't have a favorite company. I buy what ever I am interested in.
Nearly everyone I encounter has a retarded ideology of some sort. I can't boycott the whole world.
Raising Cane's has better chicken.
I bought overwatch even though blizzard is super "Progresive."
It really depends on what they're doing and how much of a line said company crosses.
I don't boycott based on one's opinions and worldview, I boycott based on poor business practices.
I really don't get why they would do this
Like, I don't care, but why hinder sales? This is not the correct way to preach out the word of Christianity
What's chick-fil-a's cult like controversy again?
A lot of gays ARE argumentative douchebags, though.
Never cared. If I like your shit I like your shit, I don't care what values you stand by.
whoever paints you under that light clearly doesn't understand the concept of a free market and should probably be sterilized
WHy are we forced to like homosexuality?
Austin 3:16 says i just wiped your ass
It's a completely different situation you stupid fuck.
You can see the ideology of a company in the style and different aspects of the game. Not in food. I don't think it's a good enough point for comparation.
is chick-fil-a really that good?
depends if the quality of the games declined with it.
>but why hinder sales?
>American company promoting Christianity
>hindering sales
Wow user.
>but why hinder sales?
kek, dumb faggot.
>are they trying to push an agenda through the game
>does the game look fun
If the answer is no on the first one and yes on the second one only then will I buy the game. Whether the dev is a neonazi, feminazi, maoist or some other stupid shit is irrelevant as long as they aren't trying to force their stupid shit through the games they make.
They're catholic so they're closed on Sunday and they hate gays
I'm pretty sure funding neo-nazis means you support neo-nazis.
>talking with friends about chick fil a
>friend says he refuses to eat there
>ask why
>"they hate gay people. they refuse to serve them."
>"im pretty sure the issue was the CEO opposing gay marriage, what the fuck are you talking about? "
>"dude. they hate gays. won't serve them, quit being an idiot."
>"wrong. that wasn't the issue at all, and that sounds totally fucking illegal"
>other friend decides to double down
>"retard. you dont HAVE to serve anyone if you dont want, and chick fil a refuses to serve gay people."
eat there every weekend now.
>Ole Miss has one on campus that falls under the meal plan
The fries are. The chicken sandwiches are pretty good too but I got mainly for dem waffle fries fresh out of the fryer
Ive bought windows and other Microsoft products for over 30 years so yeah
Do you think I give a single fuck what these sorts of limp wristed fuccbois think of me? Chik-Fil-A is fucking delicious.
just their CEO
they hire gay people, I would know
> Implying companies do anything for any other reason than revenue and profit.
They're really good
pic related, I get an order of 2 at least once every couple of weeks
Chick-Fil-A is fucking amazing, I dont give a shit about their views, I just want to taste the white man's chicken
A chicken sandwich is a chicken sandwich, you can't say it contains a political ideology.
>hinder sales
Clearly you didn't visit them during this whole fiasco, sales were through the fucking roof.
>hinder sales
yeah fucking right. i live in LA and there isn't a single In n out without an obnoxious line.
That sounds like a terrible way to run a business
kys retarded nigger.
You're 100% correct! It is not the correct way to preach Christianity but it is certainly effective at alienating Muslims and Atheists. The only reason they do this is to offend others while hiding behind a quote that would otherwise preach love and peace. Ironic but not surprising of those people.
Yes, but you have to understand that it's hard not to avoid these kinds of connections. If a game company endorsed Trump and your Steam friends see you playing that game, you are pigeon holed into a category of racist, bigoted, hate mongering! It's no different from people who use the 1st amendment to attack the 1st amendment.
The fag tears makes the chicken taste better
i wish good fast foot restaurants existed in canada
I'm not going to NOT play a great game because I don't like the developers.
The industry is in too much of a funk right now to be picky like that.
As long as their ideology does not reflect on their games.
If they're using their games for propaganda (see Watch Dogs 2, Mafia 3, Battlefield 1, almost every recent big budget western game), then I will never give them my money.
Better than other fast food chicken, at least.
I think people should stop being giant faggots and caring about or looking into what some corporate yesman does on his off time.
Seriously, you niggers need to get a life of your own and stop obsessing over what some asshole's favorite hot pocket flavor is, or his favorite dragon dildo design, or his favorite video game song, or his preferred acne medicated pad he used when he was younger, etc.
If the company makes a good game you enjoy, play it and shut the fuck up.
You're all worse than those fucking gossiping old ladies they make fun of and highlight on tv shows and movies.
You are so much worse, sad, and pathetic.
To be fair, they're a west coast based chain that are in mostly liberal areas.
I love Chik FIl A so fuckin much
It really is fantastic. They're expanding in my state. I hope they drive out McDonalds and it's beaner worker core.
Deus vault.
Bojangles > Chick-Fil-A > Checkers > Wendys > BK >>>>> shit > McDonalds
>it just has a black main character
This is what Sup Forums actually believes
Anyone remember that one guy who kept harassing that chick fil a employee and lost his cushy job?
>i spend time around idiots and think giving a corporation money is an act of rebellion
Whatever makes you happy, man.
Chik-Fil-A more like shit-fil-a more like shit-fags-ate
I don't think they have scanners set up to detect homos user. I dunno about refusing service though. In any case I still eat there, I don't need to tell a fast food place I'm gay anyway so??????????
It's weird
>liberals denying themselves the GOAT fast food chain because they don't approve of their degenerate ways
>mfw trump loses the election because his voter base will all be stuck in their in-n-out lines
>Hardcore Christian company is opposed to homosexuality
>This surprises people all of a sudden and they get up in arms about it
what's wrong with supporting nazis?
>alienating muslims and atheists
>the absolute best way to ensure you don't have a bombing at your restaurant
That's actually a fucking amazing idea.
t. redditor
You must live in the south. Only us southerners know what Bojangles is. A friend of mine says there's one in Connecticut, though.
>Has black main characters
I boycotted dlc skins in paid games since horse armor happened and now every single game has them and people even defend them
>Whatever makes you happy
tears of liberals on the side of a spicy chicken sandwich are certainly effective.
stay gay, faggot.
>good morals
>good chicken
I see nothing wrong with chik-fil-a
McDonalds stepped up their game a little with the grilled and crispy chicken sandwiches (not the McChicken, that's garbo).
They're no Chick-fil-a, but they're okay.
great fuckin blog bro
>west coast based
Is this the thread for idiots?
that's what he said tough
if you we're half naked fucking your buddy i'd refuse to serve you too, I don't want aids
what? i live in an extremely liberal area. everyone eats at in n out. no one cares about the bible shit.
Why would I be friends with people on Steam that would get that butthurt over what video games I'm playing? The fuck outta here.
>you will never jump between QPU points like an autistic god
life is suffering
Nigga Chic started in the south. What the fuck are you saying
Will do.
>bonjangles got rid of of the spicy chicken
homestyle is fine but i preferred the spiced
>Tfw gay
>Sneak into chick-fil-a and eat there anyway
>Gulp down my after meal mint right as the "No Homo Robo's" show up.
Fuckers haven't caught me yet
I couldn't care less with the situation such as Chick-fill-a, but Nintendo America's brand of censorship and autism?
Fuck them.
they're weird with being progressive.
they'll make a huge multicultural cast, but then have them be racist against robots or some shit. And most of the women are sex incarnate. Like, I dunno where that falls on the spectrum.
It's actually hilarious seeing the traffic differences with a taco bell and burger king right next to my local chik fil a
I never have more than one person in front of me at TB or Bk but theres always like 5+ cars in front of me at chik fil a
I still get in and out faster at chik fil a