ITT: dead franchises that will never come back
ITT: dead franchises that will never come back
Banjo Kazooie
Crash bandicoot
Spyro the Dragon (skylanders does not count)
Dead Space
Space Invaders
Thats off the top of my head
Man, I'd love a new Katamari for current gen, or even a remake of the first one.
Jak and Daxter
Beyond Good and Evil
Left 4 Dead
mega man
blood omen
earthworm jim
Super Mario RPG
But crackdown 3 is coming out soon
What did he mean by this?
Just like the Last Guardian
Knights of the Old Republic
Any dead franchises you want will get a sequel, but it will be developed and published by Ubisoft.
Naturally, Uplay is mandatory.
Worth it?
No one likes your shitty Japanese games anyways.
"Wow you completely anihilated him in that argument!"-BlueDriver
Like, they could release it absolutely free with no DRM and it wouldn't be worth it.
Such a goddamn shame.
Mischief Makers 2 never.
Come on, at least release the first game on Virtual Console or something!
>love HoM&M series
>ubisoft bought it and have published successively worse and worse games.
experience tells me no, it will never be worth it.
any game series that uses these.
>tfw after the clusterfuck that was Pro Skater 5 we will probably never see another one of these game again.
At least there might be a new Skate game somewhere down the line, r-right?
Spiritual successor is exclusive to ps4. Sorry.
Crash Bandicoot might have a new sequel.
I just started the first game the other day, it's pretty great. I feel bad I missed out on it when it first came out. And some of the early levels are surprisingly tough.
I finished Make A Star 6 and decided to go to Make Cygnus. Is there a trick to this level? I get a shit ton of swan eggs but they don't always hatch to the number I need.
Sorry Sonyfag but C3 atleast had two previous successful titles. It's being made.
NiGHTS Into Dreams
no Ninja Gaiden 4
and the Nioh demo didn't scratch that itch.
Sorry. Spiritual successor is exclusive to ps4.
Sega Rally
Rallysport Challenge
Jet Set Radio
Once Disney cut the Expanded Universe that killed any hope of a new game.
Since they will never make another i have been forced to start making my own.
Best Katamari song
Most of these have had recent releases you dumb fuck
>make my own
The old republic faggot
i'd play it
clock tower
surivival orror
beat em ups
But user, there IS a new Katamari game coming out!
Ape Escape 4 never
Its pretty much advance wars 2 with more specialized infantry units like engniers and mortars and being able to use a turn to dig in to raise defense. Mines on both land and sea and chemical weapons that last a turn or two.
Perfect Dark possibly.
Wasn't there like a recent copyright or something about an upcoming PS4 Katamari?
do you have a website/something?
do you need a programmer?
I hope 2D Sonic stays dead after this happened.
The Spongebob vidya games. They were great.
Not a spiritual successor just a new thing by the same guy responsible for Katamari.
That being said still super excited for Wattam. Release date when.
>adventure in the land of the gods never
>THQ and Pandemic in their prime
no joke, this is my favorite sony game and i need a new one
really good song but i prefer this
>sequel will never come out
There was a new mobile/spoiler] katamari game. It's pretty much nothing, but at least it shows they haven't forgotten it.
Jade Cocoon :'(
>HL3 never
RIP in peace
>Jet Set Radio
It hurts.
why you remind me.
why would katamari be dead
it has a game on the vita, that's pretty recent to me
monster rancher
ogre battle