Why do we hate Yukari again?
Why do we hate Yukari again?
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I love Yukarin
wtf dat hoe wearing tho XD
Why do we never discuss Persona 1 and 2 again?
a slut.
persona started with 3
Her dress isn't that small and her tiddies aren't that big for one.
What she actually wears ingame.
Best girl
Old and busted
New Hotness right here
>C91 doujins will feature P5 girls
>Can't read them because of chance of spoilers
Fuck you Atlus USA
it's a neck enlarger
i want to play her video game
She is shit in general, and disrespected Junpei, this Ho belongs to the trash.
>Choosing anything other than Just Watch
Because people don't like selfish pieces of shits in real life or video games.
Biggest whore, loosest anus.
does that look like a cartoony vincent to anyone else
>choose "Just watch"
>no gang rape
P3P a shit
We don't, best P3 girl not counting FeMC or Rio, the girl from the tennis club in P3P.
trash incarnate
truly a slandering on the name "Yukari"
She's not bad, but like yu said, FeMC is the best girl
Because she's selfish! We need to gather together and take it upon ourselves to teach her a lesson, through very long tickle torture!
>not Chihiro
Into the trash
This is the secret best personer girl
I don't hate Yukari.
I even found her absolute freak-out in The Answer kind of entertaining. She's an idiot you can't help but want to pat on the head.
>play P3P
>fuck everything that walks
>watching all the cute boys fight over me
>throbbing erection
I should have been born a girl
The p3 boys are mostly better than the girls anyway
Those bits in tartarus where everyone fights over you were pretty good.
It helps that she has the best outfits
Junpei is the worst ally in any SMT game. A complete salty faggot who was butthurt he wasn't the protagonist and beyond useless in the vanilla game.
Muh dick
I never understood why people dislike her.
>That nigga wouldn't take a bullet for you
Nah you don't know shit, Yukari is a cunt always and she thinks he is the most inteligent person in the planet.
Why does Sup Forums have so many Yukari threads?
Probably has to do with how much of a shitty person she is and how she lacks empathy
I want to mating press Yukari.
I never brought up Yukari, I'm talking about how 75% of the game was Junpei being a salty faggot and the remaining 25% was him mourning some bitch that didn't love him.
Because Sup Forums secretly loves Yukari.
That's extremely accurate
Because some autist keeps making them
What can I say?
I'm horny on a Friday night.
where is that image where a Fuukafag cut himself after a bitch Yukarifag made fun of him?
mods please dont ban me, i dont know how to spoiler the image on Sup Forums x
Then go to /h/ you dickhead
What did the yukarifag say to get that?
I don't hate her, she's just not as good as Mitsuru or Rise to me.
I have high hopes for the blonde in P5.
I think he kept saying that fuukafags ruined everything, which is false but the guy must have taken it really personal
Junpei had like, one moment during summer when he was mad he wasn't important, he was good most of the time
Well Sup Forums, look what you fucking did with your waifufaggotry.
I hope you're all proud.
don't know.
why do artists always give yukari balloon tits?
>mfw I'm getting my P4 cover signed by shigenori soejima at E3
>Forces you to go into a shady alley
>Picks a fight with thugs
>Uses you as a human shield while insulting them.
>in FES she's gone so far batshit that her partner is only there out of obligation, not agreement.
>Even Junpei is smarter than her by just asking "Won't this bring Nyx back?" And she just shrugs it off.
As a Persona1fag, that is surprisingly accurate.
Except I do like P4
Beats me
wew, someone was having a rough day
I... I didn't even know this existed.
I don't, she's pretty.
Lovers a best
I have no interest in Yukari besides wanting to see her get tickle tortured forever.
I guess Yukarifag made some snide, cutting remarks at him.
Seconding this.
Kill yourself
Thats cause you're a newfag user
What happens if you just watch?
What razor sharp wit you have by bringing that up in spite of what Fuukafag tried to do.
Are you me?
Yes, user.
I'm drinking Mike's Hard Strawberry Lemonade right now. What about you?
A cup of joe, or are you asking if I'm Joe?
I'm Spencer.
Post waifus and waifu feet
Apple Orchard Hard Cider. Spooky. We need to investigate further.
There was a Final Fantasy 6??
Too bad she's dead.