Do you think Sony and Nintendo should join forces? There is little point to them competing against each other in an increasing smaller console and handheld market.
Sony and Nintendo should join forces
No because competition is needed in the market.
Nintendo needs to compete more instead of trying to fall into their own niche.
They had their chance and they blew it.
In any case, competition breeds quality.
Wait- did i time travel to the late 90s/early 2000s again?
I can't really believe someone's actually suggesting that
except it doesn't
Sony and Microsoft barely make games for their systems and no one is trying to counter Nintendo in anyway really
People have spoken and said you don't need to make games if you have third parties make all the games for you
Or you could just not be a poorfag and have both systems.
who /Wii U PS4 3DS/ here
then you basically leave yourself to them whim of 3rd parties who don't give a fuck about your company, software is where you make your money and when you abandon that you royally fuck yourself at increasing hardware sales and your profit margin
No. Fuck Sony.
fuk no.
Let Nintendo fail, then buy them for pennies on the dollar.
/Wii ... PS3 ........ PC ..... FatPSP ...?/
We don't need either. PC master race is the best.
"Wow you completely anihilated him in that argument!"-BlueDriver
Right here
I have a vita too
i love it
They don't need to. Nintendo is irrelevant.
>Nintendo trying to latch to someone successful like parasites so they don't starve to death
Unsurprising. It's either this or the "WiiU+PC master race" crap.
except in software attachment
If the WiiU is so successful, then why Nintendo is ditching it and panicky releasing a new console?
NO! Go back to Neogaf and keep playing Uncharted.
Should EA and Ubisoft join forces?
The vita has a high rate of software attachment, what the fuck does that matter?
I'm going to not sony fag this up cause I don't care if they team up with sony. But nintendo should pull a sega at this point anyway. And just make game for all platform.
What? Not a single nintendo game sells as well as a third party game on bone or ps4.
>says the guy who doesn't run any sort of hardware/software business
Isn't biz a different board? Fuck off you ignorant retard.
no, nintendo should just go third party or release a pc client with steam-machine type hardware
They tried to work together once, but nintendo bailed and the playstation became their new competition. Gj Nintendo.
Even better idea: they should both go third party and work closely with Valve to bring all video games to Steam. No more console wars, only fun video games.
That's the model modern business uses. Just look at Microsoft or Android: they create the environment, everyone else uses it.
Wii, PS3, 3DS, Wii U, PC here. You poor soul. My condolences.
Remember the bullshit Sony Nintendo "alliance" the boonies proposed in 2013?
Yeah, the idea is absolutely toxic.
I know this is console war bullshit, but seeing Mario kicking sackboy, and seeing the expression on his face is kind of funny.
Wii,PS3,DS,PSP,3DS,Vita plan to get a PS4 depending on how the 4.5 comes out if it's not worth it still can get a PS4 due to further price drop.
>Nintendo is irrelevant to me.
Not everyone thinks like you user, thank goodness. Hiveminds are very dangerous for sheep like you. Nintendo IS full of fucking idiots though, they are so out of the fucking loop that they are pretty much the same as that one guy in Kung Pow with the squeaky shoes when he says "I am bleeding, making me the victor"
Hey, lambfag.
Why cry user? PSP Phat is fucking awesome, probably one of of my top 3 best handhelds
a larger playerbase would force them to compete with other major publishers like EA and activision
That's patently false user.
Fuck no.
Is it weird that I'd rather have Nintendo be OK with Microsoft ?
mario kart 8 outsold the new need for speed game and smash outsold mortal kombat x
No one's denying that. What he's saying is that in the department of software sales, they still do relatively well. On top of that their handhelds still sell decently enough. They're not quite at the stage of irrelevancy at this point.
I would say that they're not as good as they previously were in the 90s though.
why won't everyone team up to create a single console?
Believe it or not there was a movement not too long ago called "Wii60", even a forum named "Wii60". During the 7th generation, some fans of both Nintendo and Microsoft liked this idea. Even Phil Spencer was giving Nintendo some positive comments during that era, but of course Reggie had to be a dick and just say "fuck him. We're against everyone".
XB1 gets ported to pc
wii u will end up emulated