Con Man's game isn't even out yet

>Con Man's game isn't even out yet
>looking forward to the sequel already
>says he's making an anime too
>like an anime fan on prom night

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wait wait wait, did they delay it again?

No it's out this month

Never give anyone money unless you absolutely have to. No matter what.

That character design is so attrocious...

Thank you con man.


>looking forward to tricking everyone again
what did he mean by this?

“What I thought about most while making this game was ‘I want to show the greatness of Japanese games. When listening to fans of Japanese games abroad, you often hear them say ‘Japanese games used to be great. I worked on this game in hopes of getting those people to say ‘this is good’ again.”

This fag was screaming about how bad japanese games were a few years ago


Con man is forgiven because Inti gave us Gunvolt too, who cares if Mighty 9 is shit and people fell for the kikestarter meme?

>pretending each of these things requires a kickstarter or your kind of input
>getting mad that he's trying to bring back a brand similar to mega man (which also had sequels greenlighted, cartoons made, etc.)
>probably actually is an anime fan who cried on prom night


Soul Sacrifice sequel when?

I didn't actually want something too similar to MM myself. Unlike those who voted for Roll Call. In fact, when people voted her in, it was just a precursor and foretelling that warned me of the disaster it was going to be.

Why do so many people act like Megaman fans and anime fans were the same thing?

Megaman was about as anime as Mario.

Sounds like you completely misunderstood the point of the kickstarter to begin with then

When they were talking about transforming into different things and not just having a weapon attachment and different colors and masks, with those concept drawings and all, I was more interested. But they decided after the fact that those weren't going to be included afterall.

Going by the leaked build:

>Entire game is "shoot a few times and then ram the enemy"
>this formula NEVER changes and applies from the first enemy to the final boss
>can't play it like a MM game AKA just shoot stuff and it dies
>level design is overly bland and way too easy, but occasionally has sections that are absurdly hard compared to the rest of the level
>Call's gameplay is literally a gimped Beck with nothing special about it (she can only poke enemies with a piss weak blaster that fires once per 2 seconds, can't dash to kill, and cannot kill enemies in general)
>writing is overall terrible, but isn't really the focus of the game anyway
>English dub is hilariously bad, JP dub is meh/serviceable

Inti is also behind the absolutely gorgeous character portraits from the totally fucking sweet Shantae and the Pirate's Curse

It's not like Inti as a whole drew them, it was one artist they found on pixiv and are using again, and he has a name, you know.

You realize anime are just japanese cartoons right?
And both mario and megaman had cartoons


>they were made it the west
>ITS ANIME!!@#!@$!@
weeb pls leave

>not an Astro Boy with clothes

>not every 80s OVA ever

>not rebranded Casshern Sins

>Battle Network
>everything about it

Classic also took inspiration from original Casshern, like having a robo dog companion

Didn't they say shit like normal enemys being able to be used for transformation got scrapped due to buget limitations?

What a fucking crock of shit this whole saga has been.

Mega Man Zero came out way before Casshern Sins did. If I had to compare it to anything, it would probably be Gunm.

Inafune is NOT a business man. He's insane, read this last part.
>Development for a sequel is already in our minds, and we all share the feeling of ‘we’ll do it even if it doesn’t sell’.”
He's expecting another Mega Man 2, I'd like Mighty No. 9 2 (They really didn't play ahead with the title of this game) to be a good game but he's dug his own grave with how this game has turned out.


I think that was miscommunication. Because after playing Mighty No. 9 it really doesn't seem like the type of game to have that without being pace breaking. It works in Kirby because that game is a lot slower and from the limited amount of games I've played in the series that's his only means of attacking.

If he cuts ties with shit like 8-4 because they are useless and actually are very counterproductive, hell, even getting that translator from Toaplan who did Zerowing's translation, makes honest attempts LOL to get the game to look and play good and not boring as fuck, and overall learns from his mistakes that can be seen from this game, and DOESN'T BEG FOR MONEY TO FUND IT ON KIKESTARTER, and the end result is actually pretty decent, I'd probably pay maybe 10-15 dollars for that sequel.

But knowing him, that's a very high hurdle to hop. And I purposefully set it high because I know I'll be able to save money and put my money where my mouth is at the same time.

jesus fuck inafune is going even farther off the deep end than he already has

You people do realize licensing for as many platforms as they did IS expensive right? And three million isn't much for a video game budget nowadays.

You autists are getting buttblasted about a literal discount game thats exactly as advertised. A Megaman clone / knockoff.

If you think this game looks mediocre, it's because the entire Megaman franchise has always been mediocre. It just took a different coat of paint for you to see it.

> And three million isn't much for a video game budget nowadays.
It is plenty for an unimpressive megaman style platformer.

Not when you develop for seven different platforms and probably have to pay a portion to the publisher you made a deal with for physical copies

>he/she doesn't know.

Depends on the game. There have been MUCH more impressive games built with a lower budget.

Also don't forget that this shit is a very unimpressive indie platformer game.

You mean his powerpoint presentation?

> we could have had megaman + kirby but they decided to blow the 3million on cocaine instead

Will the give live up to the hype?

>$300,000 kickstarter
>is on pretty much every console
>AND has amiibo support
>AND has console-exclusive content
>AND had a free expansion with more planned
>AND looks far more polished

Shovel Knight (and most Kickstarters in general) went waaaaay overbudget, and all of the stuff you mentioned was added after the initial release.

That was their decision. Maybe they should have said "you know maybe our Unreal Engine game actually isn't suited for handhelds" and saved themselves some of that grief.

was still a fantastic game at release. maybe MN9 should have learned from shovel knight?

True, releasing on multiple platforms is expensive, but that is no excuse for this passionless travesty of a game.
It looks mediocre because Inafune himself, who has the final word on all aspects of the project, judged this as appropriate quality. The man is out of touch with reality.

It's not as expensive as you think. Trust me. Especially when the companies reach out to you and give you the dev kit.

Dwarf Fortress is a more impressive and complex game and it's literally free, no excuses.

Well in that case, it just makes Inafune look even worse. Hot damn.

>it's because the entire Megaman franchise has always been mediocre

damn son, that's some weak bait.

Anime = Cartoon in Japanese.
Fucking faggot.

>he's making an anime
No, it's more of a 3D CGI cartoon, which is hilarious because the Ben 10 guys are supposed to be doing a new Megaman cartoon

Like that Pac-Man one from a few years back

Even so, Comcept's main website has a "anime" icon next to their Mighty No. 9 tab.
But that said, it's still probably that 3D CGI cartoon we saw a promo for years back.

>Con Man's game isn't even out yet

I don't think we can call him Con Man anymore since he's actually delivering... even if it's late.

Decent idea. Make the game for 1 or 2 platforms. Then start porting it after you have money and are certain it is not shit.

fucking kek

Who cares?
Bloodstained is already better

No they're not. Even nips call cartoons "cartoons" and not "anime". Get fucked.

>ask for 900,000
>get 3,845,170
>this somehow gives you an excuse to make LESS content then you promised

>this somehow gives you an excuse to make LESS content then you promised

Ugh, he's making an anime, movie, toyline, AND SEQUEL YOU JACKASS!


all of which require separate kickstarters!

>all of which require separate kickstarters!
If he pulls this shit again.. I wish I could take these retard's money instead

He's been a piece of shit for awhile now most people just didn't realize it until recently since he can't blame it all on Capcom anymore. Not only was he responsible for Capcom outsourcing a ton of great IPs to shitty western devs but he also pushed for MML3 and then left Capcom right after they finally decided to make it while proceeding to make asinine comments like he'd totally still work on it if they allowed him to, even though if he really gave a fuck about the game he'd stay there until it was done. He's a manipulative cunt fueled solely by bags of money and I'm glad people are finally catching on.

>that lazy pc port
Hell no


His shitty "jap games are dead" rhetoric when he probably hasn't played a good western game in his entire life is the reason shit like DmC exists and that chucklefuck probably thinks it's better than the actual DMC games because he's a self-loathing literal westaboo cunt.

You can say what you want about them or the game, but I actually love how dedicated they are to this, even with all the hate they've gotten they still just wanna do more of what they like to do. It's nice to have a job you love doing.

There's a difference between loving what you do and trying to force a franchise down everyone's throat before the first game is even out the door.


how in the fuck was Megaman not drawn in an anime style?

do you also think Zelda and Final Fantasy aren't anime? you're probably only saying it's not because "le anime is uncool" meme.

yes, they call western cartoons cartoons. Mario and Megaman both had literal anime adaptations made in Japan. it's absolutely not hard to comprehend.

FF1 is definitely not anime.

t. guy who hasn't seen the original Final Fantasy cover art

But there are people still looking forward to MN9, even with its faults. Just because some people don't like it doesn't mean they should take it away from those that do.

You mean Yoshitaka Amano aping Moebius?

Amano's style is hardly anime and the game itself is Wizardry.

god I hate amano's artstyle.

The game itself is Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, to the point they had to change the "Evil Eye"' monster's sprite from being a blatant Beholder.

Hell, to this day Japan STILL calls Ochus "Otyughs".

What's wrong with it?

But he has so many styles.

Megaman 8 was anime as fuck

> game actually delivering this month
> people still mad as fuck and calls him con-man

There are tons and tons of other kickstart that actually con people. But you faggots rather shit on someone who is delivering.

You can never satisfy Sup Forums. Sup Forums will find something to bitch and get mad over.

the colours are fucking all over the place, and every character is given the strangest armor patterns and colours.

when black and white it's almost as bad, if not worse, because he has horrible sameface.

well then his FF style, because goddamn it's hard to look at.

like, the fuck?

grossly overdesigned, making it hard to look at.

people give nomura flak for belts+zippers, but amano gets a pass for sameface, pastels, and polkadots?

Exdeath's in-game sprite is great.

the definitive list of "This isn't a CG model or something that resembles anime and since video games are my only hobby I'm shocked to see this so I think it's groundbreakingly good" artists


Okay real talk, if the Mn9 kickstarter just barely made the goal of $300,000, would people still be this buttmad? Or would we have gotten an unplayable mess because those funds would be mismanaged too?

I feel like if the kickstarter just barely made it, we would have gotten a decent, if smaller, single player game on PC, with no anime or sequel or other bullshit. Everyone would be happy.

Nomura made that


What part of "aping Moebius" did you not understand? Amano was a westaboo ever since he was a kid, and got inspired to try his own artistic styling after seeing the works of Moebius

Sup Forums is still mad because a woman did a bad job at managing a forum and made fun of them endlessly. Mn9 could be the CITIZEN KANE of vidya and they'd still hate it on principle.

this is contrarianism here is your You

I actually love Amano´s Work.
He has a pretty interesting abstract view of the charcaters from FF games.

Blessed be thy name con man

It's almost as if that woman served as the only link between the mostly english-speaking fans and the japanese dev team, and blocked out all criticism as it was "trolling", thus being responsible for the game being shit.

If Inafune wasn't a cunt that shat all over japanese games then went and made a clone of a japanese game maybe people would be less mad

>If Inafune wasn't a cunt

where is the evidence

Are you really trying to pin Inafune and Comcept's incompetence on the Dina?
She was a shitty community manager, but the game being garbage is on Inafune's hands.

There'd still likely be a lot of mismanagement, so I picture the game being worse than it is now, but without all of the kickstarter shit it probably wouldn't be as mismanaged as it is now, so it would probably get released closer to the anticipated date. Might even look slightly better since they wouldn't have to fret about getting the thing on every device under the sun.

People wouldn't be as mad because, if it only made that much, people likely wouldn't even give enough of a shit about it to be mad. It would just get pushed out the door, people would shrug at it, and it would remain an obscure novelty.


ExDeath has a pretty cool design though

I think he draws villains well, ExDeath is some crazy every-class-at-the-same-time villain and he's got probably as many caster baubles all over him as he does armor.
Every cloth might mean mastery, or perhaps a trophy from the places he has conquered or both.

Zemus here, maybe he's just a blue faggot, but maybe his design also sort of implies a bit of divinity and his parasitic relationship to the concept of hate is shown by how the hood of the cape is reminiscent of an open mouth, ready to consume the host.

I agree with the sameface, Amano doesn't really differ in different faces so much as he does expressions.

As gay as a buff posing dude is in a leotard while wearing purple, its still kind of an earlier fantasy masculinity, think He-Man era before everything was effeminate tweens

I really wish early FF had item descriptions, like the Souls games, so you could put together more world building than "hurr werewolf village, moogle village".

Have any of you considered that this game might actually be good, and you are all just being superficial and hating it because of delays and graphics?