Your GOTY so far?

>Your GOTY so far?

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single player was an amazing ride.
hoping the new Deus Ex is good.

Witcher came out last year you stupid fuck.

Atelier Sophie

I've only played like 3 2016 games though and one of them was Ratchet and Clank


Dead by daylight

As a German I can't stop myself from playing this game after work

>Implying DLC can't be so good it can win GOTY again

Doom, Devil Daggers

I would say Dark Souls 3 since that's the only 2016 game I've played but It's pretty garbage.

It's between Stellaris and Hearts of iron 4

Either Atelier Sophie or Odin Sphere however the fuck you spell the third word

You just posted it. I'm really gonna miss Geralt's adventures.

Probably the Turok PC port

Kinda sad, but I guess that's the state of gaming these days.


Dark Souls 3

Street Fighter V is neat too.

>le jaded pc gaymer

Youtuber's Life xD

Really too early to say anything. Only games I have even played that have come out this year are Xcom 2 and Blood and Wine.


When people are seriously considering a short DLC piece as GOTY, that's sad.

Blood and Wine > XCom 2 > Hearts of Stone
those are all I've played from 2016.

D44M, HITMAN - Trademark, or XCOM 2. I hope the new Dude Sex will be good.

What might you be speaking of?

Witcher 3: Blood and Wine.

>There will never be anymore Geralt
I didn't want it to end


That's worse then saying Overwatch.

>Short DLC

Blood and Wine is longer then a lot of single player games if you do all the side content. Ubisoft would have been released it as Witcher 4 and charged $60.

Maybe it's really good dlc?
I see people saying a variety of games in this thread.

HowLongToBeat has it at 17+ hours. That doesn't seem short for an expansion.

>playing games released after 2001

someone have the gif version?

Shit cracks me up every time.

That's cause they're spergs who only like garbage side quest padded wrpg trash not because gaming is dead

I don't agree with his statement, I was just explaining what he meant.
Anyway, the expansion (with all side content) has me a few hours away from finishing with like 25 hours down the drain.

Skyrim Remastered


So what is going on in this image, anyway? Is this supposed to be Syanna or something? It doesn't look anything like her but it doesn't look like any other woman in the game. Who the fuck is it and why was I not able to fuck her?

Haven't played anything worthwhile yet. Maybe Uncharted 4

I dont think that art is from B&W, kinda strikes me as Wild Hunt art. way too dark and muddy to be touissant

Dark Souls 1

Blood & Wine is basically a fully fledged game on the scale of modern RPG's.

It's just some slut posing next to dead fish. She probably smells awful and needs the fish smell to mask it.

fallout 4

Dragon's Dogma PC. If that doesn't count then I guess DOOM.

>It's June
>Already have a GOTY


Yeah, it's called Overwatch.

My GOTY 2015 came out in March, so it's possible
No it wasn't Bloodborne you fag. It was Ori and the Blind Forest

It doesn't seem short, no. But giving 2 GOTYs to back to back to the same game is something that will never happen, regardless how good it is.

Blood and Wine is really good but for me I'd pick DS3 as GOTY right now even though it's far from a perfect game.

Anything good in the coming months?

Total War: Warhammer
I clocked 100 hours in it during the first week.

>can't bang the prostitutes or elves

Beyond that it's my fav game next to XCOM 2.

D44M, which is crazy.

Bethesda really went out of their way to make the game look as bad as possible.


Dead by daylight.
No contest. It will ruined by hackers though since the game is P2P.

I like DaS 3 and Stellaris but they do not really offer anything impactful.

It's not out yet, so it's not technically GOTY material.
But I agree.

Doom 4 is my GOTY

wut, what did Bethesda do?

All the gameplay they released made the game look like a generic console shooter shitfest, when in reality it played the complete opposite.

I think the game sold well enough to be considered a success.
But honestly the marketing campaign of Bethesda before release is fucking retarded.

>playing games

Stardew Valley. It's been an underwhelming year.

If it was out it'd have my vote

I bought XCOM2 at release but put it on hold after having some performance issues.
Is it worth picking up yet?


similar situation. I put a good 70 hours again into EW before 2 launched and kinda burned myself out and when 2 released antialiasing seemed to be broken for me and it was weird how the sequel looked kinda worse because I could only play it in 1440 and EW ran fine in 4K


It says right there "SO FAR" you mongoloid

Stardew Valley for sure.

Dark Souls 3.

why is nobody talking about uncharted 4?

I don't think I can take this game seriously with the voice acting. It's like everyone is Shaniqua the trash lady.

Split between Dark Souls 3 and Total Warhammer. Both are amazing.

>Witcher 3

Only the DLC came this year you stupid fuck.
Fucking stupid slavs.

Because we're talking about games, and good ones worthy of a 'best of the year' award.

There hasn't been a video game released that was worthy of the title GOTY since 2004-5.

Uncharted 4, but eh. Been a bare year so far.

This thread is about games.

Is the Witcher 3 O.K. with a keyboard and mouse?



Which the new Uncharted is both of. You still haven't answered my question.

Yeah, its functional.

I'm sort of worried too, but it'll be a good game regardless. That fucking Deus Ex VR missions fampai.


Dishonored 2

even if only shit games are released in a year, the least shit game is goty by default

Both are going to be goty tier mate

If the gameplay was good you'd be right

but it's not. HoS was better

But better with a controller?


Do games I played for the first time this year count?
If so, Zone of the Enders 2 and Armored Core 4

I really liked it and already put over 50h on besting my own scores. I guess that's a decent way to end my Wii U lifespan.

>Blood and Wine is longer then a lot of single player games if you do all the side content
>if you do all the side content

lel the same can applied to pretty much every other game you mongoloid.

They do look pretty cool. I just hope what they've shown isn't representative of most of the voice cast.

So bummed out about the Sarif VA change.

It's worth it, just check online or the general on /vg/ for the best optimization settings. The mods for the game are stellar.

Yea but collect 50/50 intel isn't the same as do these 70 full questlines.

Witcher 3 was made for KB+M

actually it's probably trying to make it more controller-friendly that gave birth to the vanilla targeting system everyone hates. wonder if that combat controls mod has been updated yet come to think of it

That guy who Jensen was on the radio with most of the presentation too, the ruskie sounding dude, just sounded pretty dull too. I can see what you mean.

Also yeah, rip ADAMMMMMM

>92 posts in
>still no mention of Liru as GOTY

I'm ashamed of you, Sup Forums.


It's already forgotten user.

Easily Total War: Warhammer.
Might not be the best made game this year but fuck I am having so much fun.