Have video games gotten easier or is it just nostalgia?
Have video games gotten easier or is it just nostalgia?
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Why is senpai guy on twice?
A combination of both. Games have gotten easier, but the skill of players has also gone way up in comparison to its origins.
Bottom right needs ponies to make it truly complete.
> Says the amazing world of gumball is a gem
Get the fuck out of my face.
That op pic is very retarded.
Amblin and John K saved animation from being another 20 years of Hanna Barbera and Filmation shclock.
Mostly nostalgia, most people who say games are easier now don't even play games on the hardest difficulty
You're not even trying Sup Forums.
Don't reply to me or my board ever again.
to its credit it looks better than anything else that's on TV, but the situation is still miserable.
>it's a "other board tries to colonize Sup Forums" episode
The most popular games have always been the easier games.
>Family Guy listed as both a sign of decline and as a sign of hope
Shit's dumb. The animation industry is fucked but this thing is dumb as hell. Comparing high budget theatrical shorts to early television animation is stupid and always has been.
But yes, a lot of games are easier now, mostly as a result of games aiming for a wider audience than they used to. Games are made with accessibility in mind more than ever.
There's still indie games shooting for niches, though, so it's not all bad.
Why do people try to discuss offtopic shit on Sup Forums like this?
It's one of the worst and dumbest boards.
It's talking about animation-wise you fucking nigger
Family Guy had a Disney skit with some pretty good animation, or at least it seemed good if compared to how the normal show looks, but even then the picture is leaving 3D animation out
>people shitting on gumball
the writing and shit is whatever but they really try a lot of different stuff.
Purely nostalgia.
One of the earliest video game hits was fucking Pac-Man, and that was easy as hell. "Move the joystick in a cardinal direction and stay away from sp0oks."
Same with Frogger, Space Invaders, ect. Even Mario was simplistic.
If anything, video games are harder now than they were before. Sure, we have cinematic shooters and VNs and shit, but we also have some fucking hard ass shit like Nioh coming out.
I know, I just don't see how that's indicative of anything. There's nothing really hopeful about them paying to have a very brief segment of the show be better animated than normal as part of a gag.
My lil bro can beat luigi's mansion 2 in a day hut can never beat the first one. I think its gotten easier
Eaiser because of cunts like you
The reality of animation is that it's being treated the same way as it had been since ever, the difference is that 3D overtakes 2D and it's not that long of a way of pretty much replacing it, despite being more expensive than 2D in pretty much all regards, what is happening is less of a disinterest on making good looking 2D animation, and more that they don't have money to fund good 2D while still being in the clear if it flops.
I'm cringing so fucking hard at OP's pic. 99% of the "good" shit that's listed there is the most insipid and uninspired garbage available.
>literally trying to pretend that Tiny Toons was good
>literally trying to pretend that Animaniacs was good
they were good though
Yeah, the show was pretty fun to watch.
Freakazoid, too, but looking back that was a bit too "LOLRANDOM" then it should've been.
The Tick is a classic, though. Was there a video game of The Tick? There should be, it would work.
Go back and watch animaniacs, 99% of that trash is outdated pop culture references that even kids watching it at the time wouldn't have fucking gotten. It's not any better than phoenix wright's localizations being full of shitty memes.
He's talking about animation quality specifically, not necessarily the actual content of the show. If you seriously believe something like He-Man or Fat Albert has objectively better animation than Animaniacs or Tiny Toons then you're probably deluded.
Switched the posts around by mistake for some reason. This is post I want to redirect to.
"nostalgia" batman the animated series has never been surpassed
also older games were often harder partly do to them being short it helped pad out the play time
Animation-wise yeah, it is. It implements many styles of animation in every episode.
To add to that,no one on Family Guy even did that scene. It was all Disney artists
Was there a reason why the third season of Batman had shittier character designs?
The show was rebranded from Batman: The Animated Series to The Adventures of Batman and Robin, and the designs were made to be more kid friendly. They got better in the Justice Leauge shows, at least.
Tiny Toons was good when I was kid, don't think I'd go back to it now, The Animaniacs has its moments
Are people seriously saying Gumball has good animation? It has the same sort of lazy animation, framing, and storyboarding that Family Guy has.
I don't ever recall senpai guy using stop motion, and CGI for more than just gags or in every episode
Mixing in multiple forms of animation does not change the fact that the main form is incredibly shitty. Like extremely bad. I'm pretty sure anyone who says that Gumball is hope for a renaissance, on the same level as Disney, Ghibli, or Akira is fucking blind.
The Tick game was an awful repetitive beat 'em up on the snes. It was agonising how many of the same ninja you had to fight.
What was the name of that show with the cat in the same line with Taz?
Well fuck, that sucks.
I bet they could've made a good game on the N64 or the PS1. I don't know why, but it's hard imagining a Tick game working past the super low poly, Super Mario 64 level graphics era.
>despite being more expensive than 2D in pretty much all regards
Steven Universe is unironically good
watch some cuphead gameplay and see for yourself what true animation looked like back then.