What is Sup Forums's opinion on this?

What is Sup Forums's opinion on this?
I'm having fun, for the first time in a while.

Mildly disappointing, but otherwise an improvement over EU/EW.

feels significantly more bugged / less balanced than the first

is it just me, or does the amount of time a unit sits out for the amount of damage taken in a mission not scale when you increase their health? I've had units lose less than 20% of their total health and be GRAVELY WOUNDED: 25 DAYS

wish there was more mission variety

gets way too easy once you bypass early game


lol only scrubs get triggered by timers. first time i finished the game my 'average timer remaining' count was like 3 turns and I'm hardly a good player

Buggy as hell and crazy unoptomized, and the dlc so far has all been shit.

That said, nearly every gameplay change is for the better and when it actually works its a solid improvement over EU/EW. Turn Timer's autist just need to git gud

How are the halo and star wars mods
those are the reasons I would replay it

The values for Grave/heavy/light wounding overlap. The lowest health value for the lightest wounding the is highest value for the heaviest wounding.

Really dumb to be quite honest with you, lad.

>Limits your actions
>Have to play the way they want to pass

That's not berry fun pham

i pretty much played anyway i wanted to

unless the way you want to play is 'creep up one tile every turn and overwatch', i don't really see any issues with the timers.

It was a direct response to the fags who played Overwatch: Turtle More Edition with the first game.

And even then, it's not rocket science to finish the objectives in time. Long as you have one stealth assaulter for tactical placement and movement, you can pretty easily roll face on the ayys.

Vast improvement over EU/EW.

Balancing could use a little work. The difficulty ramps up super high super quickly.

Basically the best XCOM since the first one.

>Turn timers are inherently bad
I never got this meme. Did you people really enjoy moving 1 tile and sitting in overwatch in EU/EW?

Ironically enough, the hardest missions don't even have turn timers.

i remember hearing about a coop mod, anybody played it?

Best in the series. Alien Hunter DLC is fucking infuriating

Its fun. I didn't hate the timers, I'm just not good under pressure so I got the mod that increases timers by 4. The wounds in the game are broken, and the final mission is hard, but in a way that feels jarring, as the game is super easy after a certain point then gets hard for the final mission with no build up

Infuriating in what way? I've only heard bad things about the DLC but I haven't actually playaed it yet.

>so I got the mod that increases timers by 4.

So you cheated

I'm not saying that everyone should do it, but I love the comfy-ness of EW and the timers kinda ruined it for me. Its not like I turtled or anything, Its just gave me more room to breathe.
Although peoples insistance on having timers is ridiculous. I like what it does, but theres mod support for a reason
My first playthrough was without the mode

Most xCom games do

It has a serious pacing problem, there are so many things going on at once, the timers are frustrating most of the time too.

After hearing it was coming to consoles, I was hyped. Then I heard there was forced timers.

Timers are the biggest problem
I like the idea of them, but it can be seriously too close for comfort, and it forces you to play a specific way, which is exactly what it was trying to stop

>Ayys with over 100+ HP that take an action every time one of your soldiers do

Shits hard

It is? That's great. XCOM2 is great and more people should play it.
The timers aren't that bad if you know what you're doing and the middle / late game barely has timed missions.

I'm sure I can handle it but XCOM is such a tense game already. Putting a ticking clock just seems way too much to deal with. I don't want to rush and lose units because the mission needs to be completed in X amount of turns.

Honestly I'm glad I got it on PC. I wouldn't really advise anyone to get it on console unless they extend the mission timers. That shit is just annoying as fuck.

>all these plebs who can't handle timers

People complain about timers? I've been playing for the first time for about 4 days now and I've never been terminated because Of the timers. I just finish the missions before they end, then kill off the ayys.

The winning strategy for EU/EW was to just have your troops never sprint and overwatch every turn. Autist are mad that they can no longer just do that on some missions and cant adapt.

timers can get your entire team killed in extreme bullshit scenarios
like I had a squad wiped because the drop zone was on top of a building, a piece of the building got hit with explosives, then the drop zone got moved to the other side of the map on the last two turns because of crumbling

Having fun at a silky smooth 40 fps OP?

Instead of designing a handful of unique and challenging scenarios and loadouts for the Rulers, they gave them a fuckton of HP (not a huge problem), let them spawn on random missions (again, nothing really wrong with this), and take a full turn every time one of your units perform an action (completely gamebreaking and entirely anti-fun). They don't conform to normal rules regarding turns at all, and watching them singlehandedly eviscerate your units because everything they do functions on their own warped version of time is absurdly frustrating. Take the Archon ruler, for instance. It has its own massive blazing pinions attack that, because of the way ruler turns work, is guaranteed to hit all but one of your units. You can't mitigate this tremendous RNG dickery in the slightest.

It's better than EU but loses alot of charm with the new Overworld gameplay. An overhaul that gives us a classic Overworld would make it superior to EU in every way

They want you to use the new OP weapons to stun them but it's really fucking dumb on their part

They fixed it

>4 corporals team
>They miss 3 flanking shots, two at point blank, in a row.
>Full squad wipe because of it
>That was my 2nd mission


>this triggered over timers

It's fire emblem and casual/classic mode all over again...

40fps is fine. It runs smooth. I don't need silly smooth in a game like this. It's about gameplay, not watching a Sony movie.

yeah it was fun as fuck while it lasted. mods kinda help

Unintentional waifu simulator

>Ironically enough, the hardest missions don't even have turn timers.
Pretty much all the non-timed missions are exceptionally easy.

Still won't launch on my PC.
Thanks, Firaxis.


Xcom EW LW is better

this. it's horribly optimized. even on a 10/10 rig, it still stalls and hangs before certain events. like when you activate an enemy pod they just fuckin stand there for a few seconds before they deploy. otherwise, it's great. there are mods to fix some of the optimization issues too. and to add the Predator and/or Arnold Schwarzenegger, so that's a plus.

Yeah, after playing Long War for a while, even the higher difficulties of XCom 2 seemed a little underwhelming, but I can't really complain about spoiling my dinner by eating half a pig for lunch.

XCom games always have a reverse difficulty curve: hard as fuck early game, gets easier as you develop better tech/weapons.

I played vanilla (pirated) before I had really seen any of the internet chatter, and I barely noticed the mission timers. I never though it was intrusive or overly strict. I didn't really understand people's concern about the timers, but I guess part of the reason people like tactical games is because there are a million different strategies you can use. Only certain strategies will work in a limited timeframe I guess.

Stupid community that focuses on LI runs.

Holy shit , the autism.

You know you can set your own evac zone, right?

the game seems really heavily front-loaded
if I can make it past the second blacksite with any breathing room then you're pretty much going to be fine

Not in like half the mission types

I really like the alien leaders or whategver they're called
but the new armor they give you is fucking ugly

did they fire an artist or has their one good artist been working night and day on CIV VI's visual overhaul

>dass ess-commmmm babeeeee

Seriously though some of the RNG in these games is infuriating.

Honestly, most of the time the turn limit isn't that bad. You can tell they did a lot of playtesting, since it seems like I always finish with one turn left, so they knew what they were doing.

Just remember that stealth mechanics mean that you get a free turn or two of just sprinting your whole team across the map. And ambush mechanics mean you basically get a free pod kill (3-4 ayyys) for the first pod you encounter.

The only times I had a problem were two missions where you needed to exfiltrate to your dropzone. You know how you can see where the dropzone is and you plan your pace according to that? Well I did that, but when I went closer it turned out that the dropzone was on top of a multi-terraced building and the only place to climb to it was the opposite end of the building from where my team was. This meant an extra two turns of full on sprinting.

Since there was an enemy pod there, I barely made it in time by ignoring them and getting my whole team gravely wounded. Thank fuck for my two rangers who get a free shot when enemies come near.

maybe you should consider trying to eventually think about the possibility of attempting to git gud

>enemy VIP assassination mission
>enemy pod active
>turns counting down

>guess I better kill the VIP to save time
>alright well let's try and get the guy who can stun into position on the ruler to stop him
>a...alright stun him! [miss] - RULER POISONS HALF YOUR TEAM
why playtested this fucking shit

If I compare it to base EU/EW it's an vast improvement, It's be much better if it was properly optimized. I could say some other things about it but It's probably unfair to compare it to LW

I'm not some elitist, but I really wish they would finish DLCs n shit for PC before they port the game to console. The only DLCs we've gotten are customization shit that could've been created by users and alien hunt DLC.

It's really annoying knowing that they're going to dedicate time and resources into the console version before the game is actually good. Like how the fuck are you going to bring it to console when PC doesn't even support controllers that aren't the Steam controller? Shit, I might just buy it on console anyway so I can play in bed.

>The values for Grave/heavy/light wounding overlap. The lowest health value for the lightest wounding the is highest value for the heaviest wounding.

What is does that actually mean for gameplay? Are you counted as Heavy wounded or not?

it's pretty good, I was disappointed by how soldiers seemed less specialized than in EU/EW.
No more mech suit, no more drone, skill paths had higher versatility.

I just felt like my EU playthrough was a lot more enjoyable.
Still XCOM 2 did keep me interested to the very end, I haven't played it since release though.
I have the season pass but didn't it just turn out to be customization DLC?

>mfw not a single game has disappointed me this year
what the fuck is going on?

there is one customization dlc and one that added new enemies or something
I haven't really kept up for a while.

>new enemies
meh, doesn't really seem like it is worth replaying the whole campaign for that.
Hopefully they add more.

The game felt like a massive downgrade in fun over the first game.

All the hassle mechanics they added to stop turtles and appease tryhards are all manageable but annoying.

Savescumming shows that the pseudo RNG can clearly be gamed. There are a lot of hidden factors like tech level disparities and other things that affect the hit percentage, but the game is never fully honest about all the factors.

The UI is buggy as shit. The actual design leaves much to be desired. It took me a while to figure out what is a consumable vs what is a tech upgrade.

Psionics are broken, but you only benefit if you build early.

The end game armor spam is just complete absurd.

Being able to play as yourself in the final mission was bretty gud. I'll give it that.

It was better than the previous entry but I have little to no desire to replay it. Sort of miss MECs as well

The last one is adding a new class and weapons, but so far none of the others have been worth it and have honestly been pretty shitty.

In many ways better than EUW, but at the same time it's got more hurdles than the previous game. Can only hope they iron out more of the bugs before the year is out. I'd be willing to upgrade my computer if that could help, but I'd rather wait until I know what could just be an issue on my end and not just the game being a mess.

Still, I've enjoyed it tremendously for the greater variety in missions, the mod options, and much more extensive customization of your troops.

your toaster is shit. go buy a new one before whining like a faggot.

>Savescumming shows that the pseudo RNG can clearly be gamed.
Don't tell me you're one of those retards that isn't aware of how the RNG works by default.

>Savescumming shows that the pseudo RNG can clearly be gamed. There are a lot of hidden factors like tech level disparities and other things that affect the hit percentage, but the game is never fully honest about all the factors.

I don't quite understand your criticism.

They'll always be times where the dice simply don't favour you, as in any game with random chance.

You can't simply reload from a save if you miss a shot if that's what you mean. It's the equivalent of picking a card off the top of the deck and putting it back again. It won't change the result.

I heard they put in super enemies that get as many free consecutive rounds as you have team mates

that's the very definition of bullshit artificial difficulty. Anybody can make a game "difficult" by just letting the AI literally cheat.

Yeah, the DLC Alien Rulers, so I hear.
After every action a member of your squad takes, the enemy ruler gets an action. If you skip actions, the ruler gets extra actions on the enemy turn. Even VIP actions count for the ruler to act.
I've not tried it myself since I burnt out on XCOM 2 after release, and I dunno if it's been patched to be less hardcore bullshit, but that's some fucking shit right there.
The reasoning behind it is that the game was said to be too fucking easy, no casualties after you're settled in with the game and all that. So alien rulers are just made to be unfair so you can lose a man or two.

What are some good mods to pick up for my 2nd run?

the ayylmao mod

Except you kind of can. The thing is, you'll never be able to change certain results, but you can reload a botched mission and come out with better results if you do everything differently.

All difficulty is artificial in games. So of course it's gonna change things for the sake of preserving difficulty. It's not intended to be fair.

>but you can reload a botched mission and come out with better results if you do everything differently.

Exactly. *if you do things different*, colossal emphasis here.

Just reloading from the same spot and attempting the same action over and over again won't do the trick.

Do hope they fix the graphical issues soon. It's kind of annoying having to re-adjust the damn options just to make the game not stagger so much.