Could you guys suggest me nice games to play while high? Preferably PC games, any genre will do, but today I feel more like funny/wierd ones though.
Pic related, it relates to stuff.
Could you guys suggest me nice games to play while high? Preferably PC games, any genre will do, but today I feel more like funny/wierd ones though.
Pic related, it relates to stuff.
Do people think weed is still cool?
>Keeping moss in a box out in the open
Some people here are fuckin weird
>being a faggot
Skyrim, fallout NV, Minecraft, Terraria, super Mario, donkey Kong country 1 2 or 3, super metroid, serious Sam, star fox, any Zelda.
Yeah they do. At this point they are just chronic because thats what they are used to at this point. Its sad really.
>not always being high
Dude I'm so fucking high right now
Antichamber, Betrayer, Divekick/Nidhogg with friends
Until it becomes legal, it's totally cool.
Is anime over yet?
Its legal here and as easy to get as beer.
kill all drugfags
yeah thats why people smoke.
Because its cool.
I vote for antichamber.
2 cool 4 school, kid....
rainbow 6
also any Kirby, especially the 3DS ones
I mean
Please don't post garbage outside of Sup Forums
I really need marijuana to be legalized so people who's identity revolves around the use of a very mild halucinogen that every normie and thier mom smokes never have anything to talk about ever again.
>making fun of people who smoke weed socially while playing video games alone on a friday night
I gather that people here really like marijuana
Yume Nikki is the only answer.
Yeah. People who are doped up on caffeine early in the morning driving to work can be scarily dangerous.
t. Someone who smokes weed and plays video games alone on Friday night
It's silly. Of course, drinking alone is a-okay because indoctrination.
for me its more that im making fun of people that feel like they need to talk about smoking marijuana on a video game board. Weed isnt even a big deal. Your dad probably smokes weed. You know what games are good to play stoned? Any game you like sober you will also like high. Its like asking what games you would like after spinning around in a chair really fast 10 times.
Stop posting this shit you edgy teenagers.
The only people that smoke weed to be "cool" are 14 year olds and girls that want to seem '''bad'''.
Why do people drink? Why do people smoke cigarettes? Why do people ingest anything mind altering?
It's fun and it feels good.
Same could be said for masturbation, but yet again, everything is more fun with friends.
If you like nintendo, I have been enjoying MK8 or Splatoon high.
I like Project Diva games too.
The Long Dark, you'll feel like you're trekking through the harsh Canadian snow yourself.
Why not just hide the thread or just go into any thread other than this one?
Why force your own opinions, valid or not, on everyone else?
because i like to make fun of people? Didnt you read it?
>Why force your own opinions, valid or not, on everyone else?
Because people like you will always respond to shitposters like him, forever rewarding him with attention and enabling his behavior.
Are you honestly not aware that children often act out for attention?
I really like to play stealth games when I'm fried. The feeling of suspense and anticipation you get while sneaking up on enemies and trying to go undetected is amplified a lot by the DUDE and it's just a ton of fun.
most video games are fun high
i rolled this in honor of your thread :'-)
I guess the mellowing effects of marijuana dont work on this guy.
Company of Zeroes 2
Dirty Bomb
Any RPG is fine so long as it isn't shit house.
>Rayman origins
Great gameplay, great visuals and great music.
>weed is drugs
Kys murrican
Know why people who like playing games after spinning around in their chairs for ten minutes don't post threads about it?
Just throwing that out there, because the answer to that question is probably pretty relevant to stoner vidya threads.
That's fine and all, but why do they have to tell anyone they're doing it? Nobody cares, and it adds nothing to the discussion.
If you're already experienced, definitely play dark souls (one you haven't really played or a new build). Or Skyrim/oblivion, really any large open world game with plenty of side areas. The worlds feel do much larger and in depth and the atmosphere sucks you in tenfold.
Plus it's actually easier to get into a good rhythm when playing ds stoned. It's easier to track moves and predict. And the world just feels so massive and engrossing.
>Any game you like sober you will also like high.
Wrong there m8. When high I don't like games that provide a challange. I like games that are amusing. Like 'artsy' indie games and walking sims that I normally woulden't touch.
Dear janitors;
Do your fucking job and clean the garbage out of this thread.