So it took 9 years for amother game to at least match this game at it's archetype

So it took 9 years for amother game to at least match this game at it's archetype.

That's pretty good, right? Which particular awful change made you stop playing tf2?

several updates without new weapons and the shit with cp_snowplow

The polycount update

> in b4 unpopular opinion

I hate all new maps. Last one I enjoyed was blackwater basin. The clutter of workshop makes that went official made the game too confusing for me.

I don't really remember. Might've been a little after medieval mode or whatever it was

Tbqh, when the servers I used to visit frequently started shutting down/having no players ;^(

Nothing, really. Just a fucking decade of the same thing gets old, to be frank. I enjoyed it, it's a great thing, overwatch is a breath of fresh air. Both are lovely.

People are too fucking autistc at it

Like holy shit a single soldier + medic with $2000 cosmetics and 2000 hours of playtime are pretty much in every single pub

I can't beat 'em.

I stop playing when the updates became slightly changed gun's and making each classes less variant. TF2 after a while nearly all the classes become the same.

Snack Shack died. Couldn't find a server to replace it and just gave up.

I left when every single server had MLP shit on it.


I've always played it on and off and I'll probably keep doing so.

But I didn't stop playing

>a mother game
Its not even out yet though.

This is the update where it all went downhill. Agreed.

It was looking so good after the Engineer update. I loved that game. Played it since release. That game doesn't really exist anymore.

I've never stopped playing, at least not for long. But if I did quit it would be because of snipers.

I stopped playing because I only play casually in pub servers and they are filled with pony fags.

It was tolerable when I played on clan pub servers, but then they changed map rotations to just one map 24/7. There's one server I use to frequent that was still decent, but it only runs payload maps.

I stopped playing when the Gun Mettle update came around and turned ot into CSGO. It was around that time that tge server I admined on started fucking up as well.

Everything slowly started landsliding when it went free to play.

The servers I frequented was overran by f2p and the ones that I could find had pony fuckers on them

i just got bored. I remember it was around the same time the mann vs machine shite appeared, so i can say i dodged the bullet. haven't played it since.

None, still play. There's a large update inbound, too. Confirmed by vjill (valve employee) who says it will be "neato" and banny (competitive faggot) who says it is large and contains content both for competitive and community.

>so i can say i dodged the bullet
mvm is great, tumblrina. TF2 is still a perfectly fine game.

>played less when my 24/7 doublecross server died
>played less when I realized they would never stop nerfing Pyro
>played less when MVM revealed you had to buy tickets to earn the new items
>stopped entirely when I realized "wow, I don't want stuck with a $0 pair of rabbit ears in a few years" and sold everything