How do you guys think they should buff D.Va?
How do you think they should nerf Widowmaker?
Overwatch Balance Discussion
Remove D.Vas crit box
Make it smaller and remove speed reduction
Its going to be something tiny though that wont make much of a difference
> Ult should be only take 2 seconds to explode
> Less of a crit box
> Maybe better shields or damage
increase the delay between widowmaker's shots
she can fire off hitscan bullets faster than pharah can fire rockets
>2 second detonation
>q becomes suicide button instead
Stop spamming your crappy game on Sup Forums and go back to your general stupid nigger piece of shit
Onii-chan, buy me buffs!
Make ult detonate on key press.
No slowdown when firing.
Headshot hitbox moved to the back (it's a mecha).
Deals slightly more damage.
I'm sorry but I'm gonna need to know more about that D.Va
Oh man, imagine those PotG's rolling in. Just D.Va suicide bombers.
Buff Pick one and she'll be less bad
>Shield lasts longer
>Self destruct goes through the payload
>Boost does more damage/has higher knock back
>Guns do more than 1 point of damage
>More health
Remove Mccree and Widowmaker. Boom the game is 100% more fun.
couldn't have said it better
>All these people who don't know that thicc's face looks like a Junkrat tire
>they put in a new voice line for her ult
I'm not interested in lookin at her face.
paper bag that shit dawg
more of that chicks booty
Post longer version of that gif, I wanna see that dva cosplayers booty do work
>that reaper just awkwardly swaying
How fitting
>should take 2 seconds to explode
Fuck off, i won't be able to launch it into the sky and drop it down for insta sextuple death
If anything fix her Damage or her Deletion Shield
>you will never lick the sweat from Mei's body
>implying i didn't search the bottom of heaven to find a longer version
Who cares about her face
>Make Ult detonate faster
What a terrible idea.
This just fucks over people with no movement, whom already get fucked by D.Va
What you wanna do is either make her more annoying to the backline or not fold like wet tissue paper as soon as she starts firing.
Shrink crit box
Add an alt fire for meka that fires like a minigun while keeping the shotgun blast on primary
Have her boost be better at pushing people
>tasting someone else's sweat
An alt fire of rockets would be pretty neat, would give her /some/ accuracy while also allowing her to take care of builders and Bastion, as it stands only Junkrat and Pharah are really anti-builders and One of them way outclasses the other.
Read the comments for what you seek.
Seems a lil too OP I'm not talking about replacing her boost or shield
this thread is boring let's spice it up a bit
i see you're already familiar with this gem
I like ugly chicks.
Pls post Dva face
How loose would your ass have to be to just swallow a persons whole with no resistance. People are entitled to their fetishes but damn some that's fucked up.
>no large areole spilling from the outsides
shit picture
Pick one
>move and shoot at full speed
>signifigant reduction in jet cooldown
>removal of headshot hitbox while in mech/reduction in headshot damage taken
Not even with theoretical physics can we answer that. You'd pretty much have to be made of slime for something like that to even begin working.
>anal vore
Well at least it's not cock vore.
You are all crazy if you think D.VA is getting rockets or increased damage, or any buffs to her Ult. She's a tank. Every tank's Ult has utility, whether it's push, knockback/down, or forcing people to scatter off the objective/payload.
Like many character's Ults, hers is best used in conjunction with a teammate like a Pharah forcing people into LOS via concussive blast or a Mei walling or slowing them down, or a Zarya blowing her Ult.
Her shield is invulnerable and good.
Her boost is really good, especially if you play aggressively.
At BEST they'd extend the boost duration and lower the cool down. I don't think mobile firing is necessary for her either.
Helpful new ability for her? She puts a movement speed debuff on targets hit by her boost. There, fixed, and more utility.
Something i'd love to see that wouldn't harm the balance too much is have her mech jump into the air about 5-10 feet just before it explodes, this just increases its effectiveness against people in low cover who perhaps shouldn't be protected in the first place
But in all honesty to fix her you need to do something about her critbox
>stealth hero
please no
i found ugly Dva on facebook
youtube link too
go to 8:35
>he has trouble with Mcrees
hahahahaha faggot
>Widow, she needs a dicking in one or more of her rate of fire, body shot damage, charge rate, dps of her smg, ult uptime
>Mcreeeeee, fuck his combo with a rake, the stun needs to be toned down in some way, and fan needs a nerf in raw damage it can do so easily and quickly, I'd arguably buff his ult because its useless.
>Lucio, have his healing aoe be lower but get larger when he amps it up
>Mercy's ult charge rate
>Hanzo and Junkrat need something to stop them from just spamming non stop at chokes for easy kills. Lower junk's ammo/rate of fire, make his grenades only explode on touch if they haven't bounced and lower Hanzo's damage unless he fully charges the arrow. His scatter arrow shouldn't be able to one shot anyone without aiming, rather have it do less damage over a more consistent area
>Tracer needs to either regain her blinks slower or do less DPS
> of course, give her a cannons less spread and falloff, change the critbox somehow, make her ult either charge faster or be less obvious, lower her raw DPS in zero suit form and give her some abilities so it's a bit more fun
>Fix Reaper's teleport aiming, it's shit, maybe replace a little of his health with armor so he doesn't get absolutely fucked when he isn't in dick sucking range, maybe increase his speed a little or reduce his spread too
>Either give Pharah more health or some armor, or give her the ability to move when she ults
>Give Zen more suitability through HP or armor, make his harmony orb last out of LOS or make them heal a lot faster
>Remove Winston needing to reload
>Give tech support ability to charge ult while teleporter is up, or just fix the shit spawns requiring running half the map and give her a new ult
why is it impossible to find that video on youtube
>mercy ult rate
But this is stupid, mercy is inferior to lucio in everyway barring her ult.
That's not fucking cool dude.
Nigga this ain't even vore. This is closer to unbirth or some shit
I don't even like either but the artist could at least learn his terms.
not that ugly
thick ass booty makes up for her giant schnoz
Removing the speed debuff while firing makes the most sense because it was a balance to her initially strong guns. Her guns are weak as piss now so her movement should be normalized.
The reason Winston is 100% better than D.VA right now is that he does more DPS while having the same mobility without even having to aim, cant hit multiple targets, a good shield, and a much better "area denial" ult.
I've seen so many people call this girl a butterface but I've never seen a source to back it up
reapers guns take a bit longer to spawn
zen higher rate of fire, able to throw heal/discord orb while charging
less cooldown on lucios push
thats all I can think of through my experiences
>2 second clip
Nigga she literally can't be hit what more do you want.
Buff Zarya's shield. Make it last longer or make the cool down only last 4-5 seconds. Once people realize shooting her shield gives power, you have to be really careful with who you give it too and how to use it.
Either that or make it so her lazer doesn't power down.
yeah shes pretty ugly but whatever. its not like you're gonna see her face while you fuck her doggy
I can see reducing the cooldown on the shield. She is really feast or famine based on that shield. One bad shield and you are useless until if off cooldown.
>Those beetlejuice cosplays
why is mei so fat?!
It's a shame. They draw a sexy tracer.
She has them hips but that face tho...
>dat Mei
sweet jesus
because she's cuddly like a panda
>gotta remember that trick
Travers new ult is engulfing a hero a la Mr. Garrison
>Either that or make it so her lazer doesn't power down.
you are out of your fucking mind
on it
>No page 5 with scat and bone disposal
Sucks, lad
doin gods work son
>getting stunned and right clicked to death
What interactive gameplay
Not to mention the instakill ultimate that can target multiple enemies only needs a slight buff if any, she has the highest win rate for a tank already. Her damage output should stay the way it is, tanks aren't meant to have high damage. She'll probably get a buff to her survivability.
I think you mean Mr. Slave.
Nurr, ackshually, it's ANAL vore.
not bad, most balance ideas i see here are trash
anal vore
it's a thing. so is dick vore, and sure if you look hard enough, you can find tit vore.
shes really fat
high mmr player here lads
only problem in pubs is widows mcree isnt that bad im sure its bad in pro play but widows in pubs are just fucking cancer
I do want a buff on her survivability. I do very well with her but she goes down extremely fast. Mainly from that crit box on her.
>McCREEE flashbang axed. Replaced with dynamite toss. Fanned shots ricochet off armor, dealing minimal damage.
>Widowmaker's HP down to 150. Damage down to 100 over a 1.5 second charge.
>Tracer's blinks are all used up when recalling.
>Winston gains +500 HP when going bananas instead of instantly going from 1 to 1000.
>Fix Lucio's goddamn hitboxes, alternatively, reduce healing aura's effectiveness on himself.
>D.Va's critbox damage modifier down to 1.3x
>Torb's turret doesn't feed ult meter when damaged.
>Zenyatta's harmony/discord orbs merged to one key. Some sort of new ability added.
>Shit ton of armor for health
>Dash that recharges pretty fast
>Instant shield that negates every projectile, including ults
>Infinite auto shotgun
Why does D.VA need a buff again?
Just add a hero that is immune to flashbangs, headshots, and stuns.
Shift ability is a shield that absorbs damage and heals the hero and the e ability is a giving that shield to a team mate.
Boom game ruined
Also change Symmetra to a defense hero.
She's barely a support hero.
it all makes sense now
Widow's charge time for her sniper rifle takes longer, also the damage doesn't increase that great until 100%
McCree gets a longer cool down with his flash bang and they drop his HP.
There I fixed the biggest problems.
Tbh D'va needs several buffs. Remove the critbox to make her more viable as a tank and buff her mech weapons.
Even in close range you do terrible damage.
Stop whining. She's about to pull off some Widowmaker cosplay.
It's meh
have to set your player to loop obviously
>Move critbox to the back
This would absolutely fix her.
thanks will cum to later jew nose or not
Who's the Mei?
That ass is ridiculous.
momokun. Also known as thicc samus
>dat 10/10 qt reaper
>nerf tracer
do u srsly have trouble with tracers