How is this game?

How is this game?

It's pretty cheap now, so I'm considering snagging it

Also I heard it had some pro-fedora propaganda, is this true?

>truths are now propaganda


Propaganda is literally a mixture of truth and lies spun to serve a particular agenda.

So yeah, it could be.

It's decent, but it didn't get me hooked. I got bored of it and couldn't finish it.

Shadowrun: Dragonfall is a turn based RPG that's worth checking out though.

What is the fedora agenda other than a smug sense of superiority?

Dunno, I'm not a fedora so I couldn't tell you.

It's shit. InXile ignored the two and a half decades of mechanical evolution since W1's release, and the game is still an unbalanced, visually unappealing, poorly optimized turd.

I would also like to know. im playing the free weekend and it looks really good so far.

>mechanical evolution
>wasteland is still more mechanically advanced than most RPGs, including Fallout

Haven't started it yet but I'm doing the same.

It's alright if you can get by the mediocre graphics and enjoy that kind of writing. It's uneven though in terms of quality throughout the game, though the DC significantly improved it. At this point I'd say it's playable and worth giving a shot if you can get it for very cheap/free and you're into that kind of game. It shows though that it's the very first game from them, there's a lot of stuff that is unpolished.

Torment (which will be the second game) is looking a ton better and already seems more playable in many respects, so you might just want to wait for that instead.

>more mechanically advanced than Fallout
>no reputation
>no Karma
>no stat checks
>stats don't affect skills
>it took them three years to add a limb targeting system and perks/traits
It's less complex than fucking NuCom. Even Age of Decadence blows this shit out of the water, and it was made by three people on a shoestring budget, to say nothing of UnderRail.

It's great. I only had to stop before the directors cut came out because the little bugs annoyed me. I will likely get into again soon with mods ideally. If you liked classic fallout you will like this. I enjoyed the gameplay/mechanical side of WL2 more than fallout 1+2

If you play the free weekend, put in a few hours, and like what you see then yeah go for it, since while there is some okay stuff in that time it definitely gets better later so if you like the initial I see no reason you wouldn't have an alright time through the rest. Conversely, for anyone who hates the first few hours I don't think it's one of those ones that magically transforms into something so amazing that it'll totally change their minds either. It's pretty much what you see on the tin.

director cuts have more bugs though.than vanilla

anyone who don't have W2 can try it now for free and see that for yourself.

Oh, did any community stuff ever happen for it in the end? Like you I put it on hold waiting for the DC so that bugs would be squashed and just kind of never got around to picking it back up, but going to soon. Any recommendations?

story is boring
combat has no more strategy than pokemon
it has everything to make a solid crpg, but everything is mediocre on its own

pokemon at least have more strategy and options in combat than this mobile game port

Pretty fun user, if your a perfectionist it may drive you crazy.

I was talking about the original Wasteland you cakeboy