Star Citizen 2.4

Anyone playing it?

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Is that out now?

When it officially comes out in 2023 I will play it with you.

No, it was a ponzi scheme.

Friendly reminder you shouldn't support that faggot.

Let me know when it's out of development.

I want to play a game; not crawl through shitty updates to a half finished game for 5 years.

>hyped for stores finally funcional
>can only buy clothes and personal weapons
>still can't buy ships and ships weapons in a fucking spaceship game


in case it isn't clear the major patch 2.4 just came out. Downloading now. I guess you can buy on clothes and change stuff on your ship using AR

They have put out something something worth playing?

Customizing the hangar by palcing all your stuff in a corner is very comfy

Customizing your hangar by throwing the game in the trash can is also comfy as fuck.

ATM feels like a starting system of EVE online: you can grab you ship and do missions, but you can only spend money on EVA stuff and resupplies

If you're lucky you can join other gruops and mess around in bigger ships

It could be worse. It could be elite dangerous.

Stop giving him money. That's all they have to do if they want it finished. They just don't listen. As long as they let that retard milk this ponzi he's going to continue to delay.

what's so wrong with ED? i was considering buying it since SC will be released in 2026

I want to know this as well.

It's linear, slow paced, and kinda boring. You can't really leave your ship except in a lander car that is kinda lame. there's no FPS or anything like that. The planet surfaces have no variation it's all the same terrain with a different color pallet. There is only one useful credit making career path. Mostly it's just boring. You compare it with vaporware like Star Citizen and it's better, but that doesn't really say much.

It's a credit treadmill. You do activities (missions, bounty hunting, mining, exploration, trading, etc) to farm credits to buy a bigger ship to farm more credits. There's nothing else to spend it on except your ship which you're always stuck in.

Right now player interaction is so minimal it may as well not be there.

This thread mostly covers it.

Note that most of the yellow text are features that are not in the game like the commander creator and were edited into the post by a moderator. The new looting and crafting system is also a joke.

It's a game where you have to make your own fun, but unlike games like Eve Online there's no payoff.

There's nothing wrong with Elite Dangerous.
The things right with it are all just shallow as shit and Frontier has shown no signs of understanding this.

The first 10 hours of Elite are full of some of the coolest shit you'll have done in video games if space is your thing.
Then you'll realize there's literally no depth or satisfaction to be found beyond "doing spaceship stuff in a spaceship is cool".

I have faith in a few years it will be fleshed out, but seriously just wait until then. If you need a space game fix just play X3TC or X3AP if you haven't, more than enough there to keep you busy.

When are they going to fix the garbage controls and annoyingly low FOV?
>they used to allow full access to console in the hanger module days
>could easily change your FOV with the generic cryengine command CG_FOV XX
>at some point they disallowed the command from working, probably because it breaks too much if you change it and they don't want players seeing through the cracks in their fucking wonky Frankenstein engine

can i at least hunt down pirates and take their stuff like in X3?

They have a new ToS, effectively saying no refunds unless they cease development. No deadlines.

it's a sandbox. babbies these days need their themeparks.

You can hunt down pirates, in fact bounty hunting in low RES zones is the early way to get yourself into a ship that won't explode when anyone looks at it. They usually don't have stuff though.

When you destroy the ship it drops. You can try and stop them and make them drop their loot, but the system is kinda slow and people will warp out to avoid a fight. There really isn't much in the way of player interaction. too many systems so players seldom run into each other except at the big stations.


>hunt down pirates
Yes. But by hunt down, I mean you will fly around in "super cruise" for 10 minutes, see an icon pop up showing a point of interest/signal source in an empty area.
You will fly to that area, exit super cruise, and there may or may not be another ship or floating cargo or even just nothing.

Then you will do this again. And again. And again. And it will be the same every time and you will barely make any money from doing it.

A shallow sandbox. Eve is a real sandbox, though I hate a lot of the systems and the community.

People give elite dangerous shit for lacking content but at least they released on schedule with only 1 million in backing.

I said star citizen was vaporware, and that ED was better only in the virtue that it actually exists.

oh boy now I'm stuck at 0 kbps

has anyone actually played this yet (on live)

You're not supposed to play it. You're supposed to buy a bunch of ships you'll never see and 'imagine' yourself flying around in the universe with them.

weren't they supposed to have given us a new area to fuck around in by this point? You got me excited just to see all they've added are shops. At least I only paid for $35 and don't feel too bad about waiting until 2022 to play the full game

That REALLY doesn't excuse how boring ED is.

>Star Citizen 2.4

They already made Star Citizen 2? What happened to the first?

that's bad then, you can already fly most of the ships and do missions and other stuff like boarding

I haven't bored up SC in a few months. Last new thing I remember oohs they added some of the big multicrew ships like the Freelancer. What's new in 2.4?

Frist steps toward persistent universe, but you can't buy what actually matters: ships

CryEngine is kaput. (2.4)

it's actually called Star Citizen Alpha version 2.4

>but you can't buy what actually matters: ships
Sure you can :^)

Hope they don't have any players in Australia. It's something like a max of USD 750,000 every time you breach the consumer law down there.

>there's no FPS or anything like that.
FPS is coming. That will be another $50 or so. And there will be fuck all to actually do on foot.

ugh, money here, money there, large empty worlds with nothing to do on them. they're almost as bad as scam citizen.

The content is extremely shallow. If they just made some more elaborate missions and actually allowed players to affect the universe more directly, it would be a fantastic game. But as it is you have to grind and grind and grind, and the latest Engineers content just stacks RNG atop RNG so you have to grind for ten hours to roll the dice and possibly end up with dogshit to show for it.

If you just want comfy space trucking then it's pretty good though.

Now that 2.4 has hit public someone should remake the general

Reminder that the /vg/ guild, the Vederation, was taken over by a group of rabid furfags with a fellow furfag who's also Sup Forums moderator in their backpocket

inb4 this post is deleted

Then everyone left VED and now no one gives a shit about VED. Also don't join Sup Forums groups

>official forums

Why are space autists the 5150s of gaming?

PAre we talking about league of legends now?

My bad, I forgot this wasn't a forum for ants

>Anyone playing it?

i would, but i dont wanna agree to the new TOS that says they never have to deliver any game and i cant get a refund and i cant sue them

That's because you hang around the wrong people, user.

oh good, new patch. did it add the 98% of the promised content that isn't in yet? did it fix the fact that in a spaceflight simulator the most broken thing of all broken things is the spaceflight simulation? no? then idgaf. refund me my $5K, you fucking shysters.

Got a source on that?
I can't blame a Jew for managing to trick a Goy out of five grand. Your fault.

The way that all the SC players are defending the new ToS is amazing.
>This'll stop all the complaints.
>Finally CIG can just focus on the game without worrying about refund whiners..
>They're donations not purchases so consumer laws don't apply.
Fucking amazing.

A new space bike will be up for sale for 35$ soon.

Aren't the ones that are at least backed by Kickstarter somewhere similar to investors, legally speaking?

It's like a gambler that hasn't learned to walk away from the table. They insist on doubling down and it's fucking them over as consumers.

That's the sweetest part:


You can't sue us!

Persistent Universe yet? I'm tired of restarting every time I play.

This patch did ad persistence

I would if I could actually run it at at least 30fps.
This shit is too unoptimized.

Are you fucking with me?

I"m serious read the patch notes, the major feature they yap about is persistence.

>Let me know when it's out of development.
they're probably going to run out of money then call whatever half-assed build have a year from now "finished" as to weasel their way out of any legal obligations.

This is what $114 million has gotten us. Chris Roberts is definitely going to salvage this shitpile because he believes in his vision and we believe in him.

Finally a reason to go back. Thanks user

>It cannot be illegal under the ACL (Australian Consumer Law), since CIG isn't based in Australia. They have 0 retail assets in Australia, therefore the ACL doesn't apply to them. Its like you going to the US, buying something, going back to AU and demanding a refund through ACL. It doesn't work, and it has no legal basis to work.
Tell that to Valve.

When are one of you autistic fags going to remake the general

Roberts is a well known fraudster

My mom is a well known fraudster

Except they said they'll be wiping the persistence randomly because fixes and reasons.

That's right there was a big Homeworld patch. I need to try it again, apparently they put proper physics back in.

I hope, when that Shyster Roberts fails to deliver a game, that the feds go after him.

Nothing's going to be released this year and it's slowly sinking in that Derek Smart has been right this whole time.

That's not going to be every update though

Yeah they added in proper formations/stances/ballistics and a few other things. Worth replaying the campaign also hw2 now has these things

Still better than restarting every time.

New Tos in a nutshell: Any purchase you'll make is not bound by any delivery date, since there's no delivery date anymore and you can't ask for refunds.

You enter a clothing shop and choose a shirt from catalogue. The shopkeeper takes your money and informs you the shirt will be delivered when it's ready, it can be different in design, can have holes in it and you can't have any refunds if you don't like it.

So do you still have to download the entire game all over again if you want the latest version?

>New Tos in a nutshell: Any purchase you'll make is not bound by any delivery date, since there's no delivery date anymore and you can't ask for refunds.

This is actually contestable in court. I'm waiting for that one big lawsuit.

I hope whomever spearheads the lawsuit gives CIG a blood nose.

I used to be on the fence when the DS stuff kicked off, but with CIG's flamboyant incompetence/laziness/squandering, I'd really like to see them get their shit pushed in.

Also, it's fun watching the zealots go into full damage control mode and get rekt outside of their safe spaces (r/starcitizen, RSI, /scg/)

Because to anyone looking in the constant 'new ships' are obvious cash grabs. Some of the ships have no reason for existing. The endeavor doesn't even need to be a ship, it's so blatantly a cash grab it's unreal.

The buccaneer has to be one of the worst. Completely uninspired.

Did anyone actually brag about getting one, besides the pokemon-type fags?

I didn't see bragging, but I see this image being posted all over the place. I imagine backers are even sick of his cash-grabbing with new ships.

I want to be a Chris Roberts. The man literally hoarded 115+ million dolares with a tech demo and jpegs.

There are space whales now?

Those are Star Citizen backers. Biggest money whales on the internet.

Not literally, it's a reference to the big spenders.

Basically trust-fund autists and old people with nothing to spend their money on due to their limited interests.

come, visit the /edg/ and find out!

>50 year old men trying to play videogames
>the game everyone logged hundreds of hours and still complain about lack of content
>thrilling exploits
>exciting memes
and many more awaits
dont wait, dont delay, visit the /edg/ today!
this offer is valid for a limited amount of time before it dies again.
/edg/ will not be held responsible for any VISION gained.

>Derek Smart

What should have really raised flags was just how much the Star Citizen community flipped shit over that guy. In like every article, references to him. Anyone who criticized what was going on was called Derek Smart or one of his goons. It was incredibly weird paranoia and victimization derived from complete rationalization. The whole mess is ugly and sad, and I don't think the majority of the people who still support this mess will ever allow themselves to realize how much they fucked up by wasting so much money.

Fuck off, furfag

What happened to star citizen 1 ?

I remember the community used to suck up to the goons like no tomorrow. Also, faggots would constantly post kotaku articles all over the forums for whatever.

Now that the goons and gaming "journalism" has taken numerous shits on their dream, they cry for integrity and flame the goons.

I want to see the community go full jonestown.

people are trying

You just don't understand AAA+ high fidelitious game development.

oh...that sucks. Was hoping for some Treasure Planet space whale stuff.