Best way to emulate this piece of shit?

Best way to emulate this piece of shit?

Put a frozen banana up your ass

Don't. The N64 honestly sucks shit and has a pitiful library only held up by its first party contributions and a slight handful of third party titles.

You can play every good game on N64 via remakes for the GCN, DS, 3DS, etc.


buy an actual n64 fucking poor fag


>not buying an everdrive

Pretty much this. Most titles aged worse than milk.


The Price was an obstacle at first but once I got the games loaded there were absolutely no regrets

What games should I download?

Download all of them and then put them on a 1 gb card cause the entire library is like 200 megs.

Wii wads, flash carts on real hardware

>implying F-Zero X got remade

False. Don't listen to this user. His exaggerations go too far

Conker's Bad Fur Day never got a good port or remake

They look awful on hdtvs. Crts are another story

sorry mate, but as implied with starfox zero, nobody wants futuristic games.

they want dystopian ones now.

gnaw on that for a minute.

Rare collection has a decent port desu

Raspberry Pi with Retropie loaded so you can emulate basically everything.

It got both.

PJ64 1.7 w/ Glide 64 Plug-in. Fixes visual errors common in emulation, like the jiggy transitions in Banjo and a ton of shit in Conker.

Live and reloaded a shit

Are there any good quality knockoff n64 PC controllers or should I get an adapter?
