Last video game you played?
Last video game you played?
Fallout: New Vegas
What are those?
cola and sour flavoured candies
Wasteland 2, even though Sup Forums hates on it, its a blast of a game, and i really like the combat. Its also free on steam this weekend
Dude, have you never had Hi-Chew before? It is literally the best candy.
On topic, Shinovi Versus. Though technically I haven't stopped playing it yet.
Lucky Strikes still exist?
Currently playing Rocket League
Fucking GOAT candies. I like the grape flavor myself (inb4 nigger)
Super Mario Galaxy. I like the level design but the camera is fucking trash
Played Assassin's Creed Syndicate with my fiancé
Strawberry Hi-Chews a best
Muh nigger (R)
MGS3 HD. I beat two bosses and forgot to save so I don't want to touch it for a bit
>botan rice candy
best taste
are you importing japanese sweets?
Most candy shops have some form of japanese candy. Hi-Chew is probably the easiest to find.
Totally try to get some Choco-shrooms though. That shit is bomb.
and some dagashi
>cancer sticks
>hi chew sour
I need this now.
Only in unfiltered soft packs, mostly found in and smoke shops.
Holy shit, I want hi-chew sour!
All tobacco is gross though, 2 years clean now.
>Last video game you played?
Witcher 3
Been doing the new dlc. Will probably finish this weekend and move onto Odin Sphere.
Odin Shere: Leifthrasir. It's pretty damn good even on vita.
I bought a figure through eBay, and the seller threw in a bag of Hi-chew. Japanese sellers on eBay are nice as fuck. I always get origami cranes and hand-written thank you notes.
Ghost 1.0
>the seller threw in a bag of Hi-chew. Japanese sellers on eBay are nice as fuck. I always get origami cranes and hand-written thank you notes.
story time? Any more stories?
I like hearing people receive little things
space station 13
>shaft miner on a hellish lavaland planet
>bluespace anomaly teleports a huge veterinary clinic just outside of mining base
>nice vets give us cookies and tell us about some ruins to the north with skeletons
>skeletons are mad as fuck
>kill skeletons, loot ruins
>find a "clown render"
>buddy uses it
>rips a tear in the fabric of space into the clown universe
>angry clowns flood out
>kill many as we retreat
>full retreat back to base
>the cargo boys stationside sent us a wrapped present
>it was a pet chicken for us
a good day.
Yesterday I picked up Bravely Default again.
Fucking fifth chapter is boring as hell. But I'm at work on this weekend and have almost nothing to do, will probably finish the game today or tomorrow.
I bought a mega yarn yoshi off of Ebay since it was the cheapest place I found. I had to wait until it released in Japan, but when the package arrived I found some Japanese tea packages attached. They weren't good, but it was a nice thought. They looked like these
Been playing Planet Robobot too.
The robot gimmick is much better than the hyper-suction and huge weapons from Triple Deluxe and RtDL.
I got a few foil Homura cards for some card game(?) from a seller when I ordered some PMMM figmas. They look really nice.
Yeah, japanese sellers are cool. The one I bought from sent a Kit-Kat and a note.
For you
Sonic 2
FUCK metropolis zone
sonic the hedgehog 2 for gens