Wii U was only 5% of US software marketshare last month

How you want your console f'am?

>PS4: ~$133 million software sold in May 2016 NPD (~65% marketshare for 8th-gen consoles) (+88% from last May)
>XB1: ~$62 million software sold in May 2016 NPD (~30% marketshare for 8th-gen consoles) (+26% from last May)
>WIU: ~$11 million software sold in May 2016 NPD (~5% marketshare for 8th-gen consoles) (-38% from last May)

Thanks to Aquamarine for numbers.


Other urls found in this thread:


how the fuck is xbone even selling?

normies like to play sport games on it

Dam, Wii U numbers get lower every time I see these threads. Will Nintendo even make another Wii U game other than the few already announced¿

I bet the NX will take the world by surprise.


but they have PS4 for that where they can play with even more people

>sales thread

return the slab to neogaf you faggot

The consumers are wising up to NoA's bullshit

They don't know better.

I'm legitimately afraid for nintendo. I don't think they will ever have a successful console again. I would be perfectly happy if they went third party, or if they kept making niche consoles for their dedicated fanbase, and just focusing on quality games.

Unfortunately I'm pretty sure they're just going to go the mobile games route.

Brand loyalty though. Microsoft advertises alot in the states.

I doubt it, knowing modern Nintendo
They're going to try to fill it to the fucking brim with gimmicks so that casuals will by it
They're going to try to repeat the Wii for a 2nd time, and it's going to bomb again

Doesn't the WiiU have the highest software attachment ratio of all platforms?

>PS4 is nearly double Wii U and Xbox One combined
Is it fair bros? We already know PS4 has 90% marketshare in Europe.

That's the problem with Nintendo after the Wii, they want to gimmick the fuck out of everything.

Of course it'd be low since there's no 3rd party games to sell truckloads on Nintendo's platform.

The core audience on Nintendo won't buy multiple copies of 1st party games either and Star Fox was definitely divisively received, so sales are definitely on the lower end.

yes but that's only based on physical software sales

digitally and overall, sony absolutely blows nintendo out of the water. Microsoft is in 2nd.

I'm legitimately considering one over PS4. They both seem super similar, so I'd probably be happy with either, but the limited backwards compatibility seems really nice, I already have free xbone games through cheap gold subscriptions, and I'd rather have Dead Rising 3, and Rare Replay over Bloodborne

Sure is.
They really want lightning to strike twice. That's why they think it's okay to throw out mediocre consoles, because they think that the Wii audience will eat it up.

Link in OP links to the wrong post

This is correct link:

>they want to gimmick the fuck out of everything.
>If it works its innovation
>if it dont is a gimmick
funny how no body complains about PS4 giant select touch pad on the middle of the controller

Thinking about that, software attachment isn't going to help you if you don't move units.
A single WiiU owner can buy five games in average while a Playstation One owner buys only one, but at the end of the day SonySoft sold ten times more consoles than WiiU.

Actually I think it's because of the "withered technology" shit they've been practicing for a while. Sure it worked in the past but nowadays people have plenty more entertainment options

It's never good to see 1 platform dominating the market and another going very poorly.

Competition is key to the growth of the industry. If you honestly want any of the main 3 to stop making consoles you'll have no idea how badly that would affect things.

Even if you play only on PC, consoles are also important for games to be more profitable, and therefore more appealing for people to pursue game development

If you celebrate the failures of any gaming company then it shows you don't care about gaming

The PS4 touch pad and the GamePad aren't even comparable.
The GamePad often plays a huge role in many games, whereas the touch pad is generally used for menu navigation at the most.
Now that you've brought it up, I see that is a more likely answer for why everything is underpowered.
It was a good strategy in the 90's, but most certainly not now.

Literally PS2 tier domination

cry more bitch boy

>its innovation
Who said that?

> no body complains about PS4 giant select touch pad on the middle of the controller
It's an useless gimmick as well.

post nullified

shut up you retarded faggot. ps1 and ps2 were the best. you were seemingly quiet on the wii taking the show and running with it last gen and now if the ps4 or non nintendo is winning its suddenly a problem. keep playing your mario shovelware kid

>I didn't actually click on the link
Aquamarine posts numbers to VGC forums now since NeoGAF mods got butthurt and banned her for having an alt

>The GamePad often plays a huge role in many games
>1 section every 3 lvls on W101
>Star Fox 0
>a map and fast travel in XBC X
WOW user, is incredible how much Nintendo forced that into you.


poor foolish nintendo
they think the wii's gimmick was the key to their success.
but the wii was nothing more then a fad. A lighting in a bottle. An accidental perfect storm that that has nothing to with them but rather the casual market lapping wii sport up.

And when they left, nintendo left clutching to air. Not realizing that the wii success was not their own. It's was the media.

Oh woe is Nintendo. You catch choose where the winds blows

Its been a couple of years, so people realized that the one was the better choice for games, you get all the one exclusives and the best multiplayer options

I agree about competition being necessary, but I would prefer to be between software, not hardware.

I wish Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo stopped existing.
My ideal world is one where only three platforms exist, PC an unique but state-of-the-art home console, and a handheld. Both the console and the handheld have hardware robust enough to endure six years but simple to use (plug, power on, insert game, play) so the only ones competing were videogame developers.

The industry is dead no matter what happens, bro. This is the death spiral. There are things called growth industries, and video games are no longer one. Now the time of big fish gobbling up littler fish is well under way

>Who said that?
controller evolution
>extra buttons
>extra analogs
>should triggers
>clickable analogs
were any of those failed it would have been deemed a "gimmick"

like it or not, at least Nintendo tries to make something new. control scheme have stagnated since PS1 era

After the Wii fad die down, didn't the thing sell pretty poorly, and almost always got outsold by the PS3?
7th gen was such a shitty generation of gaming

If you think I'm a fanboy for that comment you're deluded

You know that you're allowed to enjoy more than 1 console right? Or are you so much of a fanboy that you don't understand that concept?

Don't fix what isn't broken.

Maybe control scheme as we know it works fine and doesn't need to change.

Is the wheel stagnant?
Is walking in two feet stagnant?

>control scheme have stagnated since PS1 era
Good. Until holodecks there's not going to be anything more intuitive than what we have now, either controller or kb+m

>'d rather have Dead Rising 3, and Rare Replay over Bloodborne
that's because you're stupid

>at least Nintendo tries to make something new
It doesn't matter how hard they try if it still comes out like shit.
>control scheme have stagnated since PS1 era
The thing is, the PlayStation controller has always been pretty decent, with slight improvements each generation that have made it better and better.

>Don't fix what isn't broken.
>people were sucking the VR fad cause gaming is stagnating
Change comes from the braves not the mediocre that settle down

cant stop the sony domination, get fucked autist

>It doesn't matter how hard they try if it still comes out like shit.
I not saying it should matter, I just said they at least try. had people have the same mentality 30 year ago we would still stuck with joystick

>people were sucking the VR fad cause gaming is stagnating
>VR is a failure as well
Nice goym, keep buying our gimmicks, we're brave.

>It doesn't matter how hard they try if it still comes out like shit.

In their early days Nintendo made some of the biggest advances in gaming. Not anymore of course, but they deserve credit for continuing to at least try to make something new

When change actually works and becomes better than what we already have, it will "click" on people by itself.
Nintendo's shit just doesn't work and that's why no one likes it. Now, if Nintendo actually creates a, I don't know, perfectly functional, practical to use and enjoyable VR, people will flock to it.

That button can literally be ignored by every single game and doesn't hinder gameplay/make the controller obnoxious to hold like the wiius tablet shit.

>The thing is, the PlayStation controller has always been pretty decent, with slight improvements each generation that have made it better and better.
and that point was reached by experimenting little by litte
>add extras buttons
>add shoulder triggers
>add more triggers
>add analog sticks
>add extra analog stick
>make em click
things dint happen cause yes. most of the time is someone taking the chance and going with it.

see CELL, shit was a gold idea on paper, but implementation the downfall of PS3

Im glad VR is a failure, and Sony next jew scheme (4.5) hopefully, will be too. the last thing we need now is introduction half gen hardware output upgrades

>90% market share

Europe seems to honor capitalism more. When Nintendo had that market share here in burgerland, congress took legal action against them.

>When change actually works and becomes better than what we already have, it will "click" on people by itself.
thats the point. those things have to be thrown in the wild to know if it clicks or not.

Nintendo is the only one that is at least trying. nothing have clicked so far... except the pressure sensitive Z trigger on GC

The main problem was not that Nintendo tried to innovate, it was that the innovation came at the expense of better hardware in the box to keep the price down

there's literally no difference at all for normies aside from "hey this youtube video said ps4 has better graphix"

I'm super happy with my Xbox One and so are all my friends. Don't let Sup Forums shitpost it into oblivion, it's a fantastic machine and I much prefer it to my PS4- I only used it for Uncharted and now it's collecting dust again.

Sup Forums hails the PS4 because it has slightly better hardware and is a weaboo's wet dream.

>companies jewing the fuck out of everyone
>hur durr they are brave, don't talk shit aboot muh nintendo

>If you celebrate the failures of any gaming company then it shows you don't care about gaming

This HAS to be bait.

>doing something different is jewing
how so??

also this is not a PS4.5 or Paywall thread or amiibo

The problem is, the Nintendo fanbase accuses you of being the "bad guy" because you dislike the tablet or the gyro controls.

how do we stop them bros?

Nintendo cannot compete in terms of hardware. They're not giants like Sony and Microsoft who has other ventures. Nintendo only has their console and gaming. They're legitimately looking for the next Wii but with each games budget getting bigger and bigger, players will look for the next big thing and Nintendo just doesn't have the strength to fight Sony and MS head on. I love my 3DS but their console department is dying.

Seriously. The One doesn't get enough love. Another great thing to consider is some of the new Japanese lineup is also coming to other systems. Odin Sphere Remake? PS3 and Vita. World Of Final Fantasy? Vita. FF 15? Xbox One. KH 3? Xbox One.

And those games on Vita? You can find a Vita TV at GameStop for like 20 bucks and play those on the TV on a console the size of a deck of cards.

And FF 7 Remake? FIRST on PS4, which means it's coming elsewhere.

>promises amazing things with said gimmick
>if it doesn't sell itself they don't even try to give better support for it, they simply jump off the boat
Damn, you really are naive with your "bravery".

You're a fucking faggot nigger bitch who doesn't understand the shit he spouts because Nintendo doing this poorly forces them to innovate in order to get back up.

>>promises amazing things with said gimmick
what were the grandiose they promised that didnt deliver?

WiiU have hands down some of the best games in the gen

>WiiU have hands down some of the best games in the gen
You're trying too hard to bait, son

But them doing poorly this generation is still not good, and I hope to god they do get back up next gen.

They didn't have to do poorly this gen to get better. Learning from mistakes is good, but what's better for us is them not making those mistakes in the first place


>pc fags are gay

Makes sense

prove me wrong.

>Prove my opinion wrong
Everyone has different tastes.

I actually like my xb1 as well. Sunset Overdrive is probably my favorite game this gen. Sure I've played Witcher 3 the most out of any game this generation, but Sunset was a breath of fresh air. I hope they make a sequel.

So in order to play those games you'd need a PS3, PSVita, and an XB1. Or alternatively, just a PS4.
Don't try to discredit the exclusives the PS4 has.

>my opinion is a fact
This place never ceases to amaze me.

Yes, THE ONE is the best console ever!!!

What I"m saying is that a lot of the new Japanese games are coming to platforms other than PS4, including the Xbox One.

Just the fact the it's selling like shit proves Wii U games are shit.

>not one actual post in this thread

the fucking nx is going to be released at the end of this year, of course sales declined.

Or just because there's zero good new game for wiiu.

It's coming out and failing next year.

Poor sales doesn't prove a game is poor in quality

The Pii U hasn't even broken 9 million yet, and no game has broken more than 2 million. Every new IP has flopped, and now the long running franchises are turning out shitty. Why people play on anything put Playstation or PC eludes me, because owning an Xbox or Nintendo means missing out on like 80% of games. Nintendo fans are more worried about anime tits, than getting good games or games in general. The company and the fanbase are nothing like they were even 5 years ago let alone 15 years ago when they were actually good.


I hope it doesn't. Nintendo really need to learn from the WiiU

Still going to disincentive people from buying it.



>Every new IP has flopped

Yes it fucking does. The only people who disagree are Platinumdrones and Nintendrones.

>still making fun of Wii U
user, why do you insist on beating this long-dead horse?

>less than 1 million sold worldwide
Not to mention it's apparently dead as shit.

4 million to be precise.
Meanwhile Bloodoborne is at 2 million.

>Less than 1 million sold worldwide
But that's wrong.

It sold well as a percentage, given how few people own a WiiU.

>Apparently it's dead as shit
Depends on your definition of dead. It's mostly dead in the west, but there's always Japs playing

We ignoring Uncharted?


>Sony has a better attach rate

Jesus what mental gymnastics did you use to come to that conclusion?



>apparently dead as shit
I was playing it today, no problem finding a match.

I don't know what hours/timezone is causing this meme.

>tfw normies play cod and eat cod from LJS

>Admiring a man's physiche

You're underage, aren't you?