What's the most racist thing in all of vidya
What's the most racist thing in all of vidya
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>no texture on the eyeball, just the same as the rest of the face
blizzdrones will defend this
thats his eyelids
Well of fucking course.
the original Shadow Warrior
>The monkey is easily the most annoying and disruptive hero
Just like his nigger brethren
I remember in MK:Deadly Alliance they gave Jax a costume with a backwards ballcap, big gold chain and he goes "Oooooh yeah" when using his machinegun
>Chase some nigger down and roast him.
>Sit down and eat some celebratory peanut butter.
>He goes full nuclear at me taunting him.
Honestly? this game.
and im black
>What's the most racist thing in all of vidya
Token blacks and races that are placed in games simply for the color of their skin.
The current "in thing" is to make all the leads black people. It's a different form of racism.
>Why is the main character black?
>Because we needed a black guy on the cover so the media don't yell at us
Ethnic Cleansing exists.
Stop spamming your crappy game on Sup Forums and go back to your general stupid nigger piece of shit
>expecting shitposters to pay attention to detail.
Step up fampai.
Overwatch is sjw approved and everything not approved by the feminists was removed
What's wrong with racism
What race you are?
I'm White. What's wrong with racism?
>white guy saying there is nothing wrong with racism.
pfft. No shit.
Kaz in Phantom Pain was pretty racist
That's because it's true. Unless you had a reason why not?
I'm Spanish-Australian.
There is nothing wrong with racism.
>le stormcuck faec
Because you haven't had any bad experiences related to racism, enjoy life on easy mode and shut up.
That is white as far as i am concerened.
Sup Forums is really the worst garbage of society gathered in one single shithole.
What's right with racism, you mean?
Im Hispanic and I would gladly shank little shits like you on a dark alley, grandisimo pendejo.
>has a big jump, ok
>the jump damages enemies, but how likely are you to pounce on enemies perfectly
>standard weapon has awful connecting range, but then doesn't even do respectable damage once its on
>Ultimate is fucking worthless
>is a big target
Winston is easily the worst hero. Why the fuck is he second to Tracer as the face of the game.
You don't know what being non-white means, fuckin homeboy puto crying because his first world problems because he hasn't achieved anything in life.
I agree, SJWs tend to be more racist than Sup Forums at times and they don't even seem notice it.
Racism, xenophobia, and any other kind of "otherism" has historically not led to any positive outcome, other than that of self-preservation at it's most basic level. In the modern age that we live in, it is mostly outdated and unneeded.
I don't think we need to get rid of hatred,distrust, or worry. But we can at least let go of stereotyping solely on looks.
Why do you think racism is good/beneficial? I am interested.
Vivo en Mexico pendejo, no soy el otro user.
Fuck off, SJWs are fucking cancer but Sup Forums IS more racist.
That's not /r9k/.
SJWs vocally support Islam, a religion that encourages the abuse of women and the killing of homosexuals.
SJWs seek to separate students based on skin color.
SJWs have a proud hatred toward white males and constantly silence them,believing they're the ones oppressing them.
When a black man opposes their views they accuse them of being a white supremacists, and black people call them "uncle Tom".
When a gay man opposes their views they accuse them of having internalized homophobia and misogyny.
When a woman opposes feminist views they believe they've been brainwashed by the "patriarchy".
I'm a gay latino male living in Texas but I feel bad for all you white straight CIS males who've done nothing wrong to deserve this.
>implying being a white male in this day and age is anything other than veteran mode.
Enjoy your endless life of free handouts.
Race is real and is a useful way of categorizing humans. Races have different average IQs, Asians and Ashkenazi Jews being at the top, followed by Whites, Hispanics, American Blacks, Sub Saharan Africans, and Australian Aborigines.
Ethnic diversity lowers social trust and social cohesion, creating for less prosperous and more atomized societies.
What I mean by racism is that I believe that race exists and that I am White and want to act in White interests i.e. what will serve and benefit White people. Only White people can be "racist" in any meaningful sense, that meaningful sense being that "racism" was invented by Leon Trotsky, well-known communist, as a rhetorical attack on White people.
I am a White person acting in my own interests. Thus, I am racist.
We speak english here, for a fuckin indoctrinated by western "culture" drone you do a poor job at following the board rules.
Anyway, go fuck yourself and die in a narcofosa, nothing but browntrash that simpatizes with an "ideology" that literally puts them down for being a different colour, reconquista is fuckin coming.
vanilla Shadowfang Keep in World of Warcraft, there was Worgen in there (Negrow backwards), that dropped watermelons and chicken legs as loot
First and foremost, it's an acceptance of simple and obvious biological realities which were well understood for most of human history.
sheeeit nigga LFG sfk nomsayin
Mankind was well on the tpath for speciation, now we're going to platue. Thanks globalism!
>play winston incorrectly
>be surprised you preform terribly
guys why does anyone think reaper is good? he doees shit damage at medium range and 0 damage at lobg range????
Custer's revenge.
Its just shit.
[citation needed]
>ultimate is a fucking worthless
nice bait
What about racism against white American, Calling them lazy, ignorant, gun loving fatasses. You support that as well?
Reaper, and every other hero, has options and many ways to contribute. Winston has a terrible weapon, a lousy shield, and the worst offensive ultimate.
Just the facts
you can't be racist against white people
That's a good argument, you have some solid points but they don't really hold up to well when looking at them closely.
>Race is real and is a useful way of categorizing humans.
Race for the most part, is a social construct. I am not arguing that there is no difference between different people, but there is no clear separation between these other than the ones we place our selves.
>Races have different average IQs, Asians and Ashkenazi Jews being at the top, followed by Whites, Hispanics, American Blacks, Sub Saharan Africans, and Australian Aborigines.
All a result of different social and environmental conditions. There is no large discernible difference between races and no current test to find the small differences. IQ tests only test school readiness and of course cultures that value education would have higher scores.
>I am a White person acting in my own interests. Thus, I am racist.
That makes you human. Everyone acts in their own interest. I believe that everyone should. But separating people based on race is a poor way to protect yourself from others. I doubt you trust all white people and believe every sing one has your well-being in mind.
>Racism, xenophobia, and any other kind of "otherism" has historically not led to any positive outcome
Sure it has. Charles Martel BTFOing the invading Arabs in 732 at Tours was extremely beneficial to Europe.
Also, multiracialism and multiculturalism among different races has led to untold suffering and misery, mostly for White people. Slavery was a mistake, as our country is now filled with violent blacks. And look at the open invasion of Europe by Islam. 1400 girls raped in Rotherham and the police knew about it, did nothing, or arrested the British fathers trying to save their children. Thousands of women assaulted in Cologne and across Europe on New Years Eve in organized sex attacks known as taharrush. Google it.
I believe White people deserve to have racially exclusive spaces just as every race deserves it.
>tfw live in Florida
I'm white and I would gladly give you the ol' zimzam. :-)
I rather not be racist to anyone in general.
Anyway, fuck this gay thread, it's literally Sup Forums.
>Why is the main character black?
I'll make the fucking nigger whatever the hell color I want, faggotron. It's my game.
lol wtf r u doing
>my own interests
I'm sure you're dumb enough to call rich white people "Jews"
You need Marxism.
Everything from the really shitty Resistance Records FPS games where you go and kill black/latino/jewish dudes who make monkey noises/say "I need to take a siesta"/say "Oy vey" when they're killed while there's shitty A. Wyatt Mann art everywhere.
To be fair, there are still plenty of places in the world that have nothing but white people.
If you're going by a country having a none native population then it's practically all of them.
The Chinese are everywhere, have colonized Africa as well.
There are several non-asian ethnic groups in china too, so it isn't simply "China for Asians".
i was born into a shit system and now its up to me to survive daily
>Sup Forums
>Race for the most part, is a social construct.
Nah m8. Get that Marxist shit out of here.
Race Is a Social Construct
Anytime we categorize objects we decide to group things one way as opposed to another. In this sense, all categories are social constructs. If we wanted to we could get rid of the category “table” and, in its place, invent two new categories: one for all “tables” that are brown and another for all “tables” that are not brown. Of course, it is more useful to have one single category which denotes all tables and so that is what we go with. But the point is that we choice to “go with” one category scheme and not the other. Thus, there is something “social” or “artificial” about all categories.
But this isn’t specific to race. All categories are tools and their validity must be determined by whether or not they are useful. And I have already shown that race is useful.
It is worth noting that most biologists have always known this about race. Some of the first biologists to talk about race, such as the previously referenced Linnaeus and Blumenbach, commented on the fact that racial categories were invented by culture and, to some extent, arbitrary (Stuessy 2009) (Blumenbach 1775). And yet, both men knew that human races had real and significant biological differences.
Clearly then, race realists have long known that race is a “social construct” and pointing this out does nothing to refute the race realist position.
>>All a result of different social and environmental conditions. There is no large discernible difference between races and no current test to find the small differences. IQ tests only test school readiness and of course cultures that value education would have higher scores.
All of that is complete bullshit. It is University Lowest Common Denominator scripture.
Human intelligence is highly heritable.
Scientific consensus is that IQ tests are not racially biased.
Very poor Whites are comparably intelligent to very wealthy blacks.
Privately, intelligence experts hold more hereditarian views than they express in public.
Black children raised in White households have similar IQs to black children in black households.
The average African IQ is estimated at 79.
The average African-American IQ is 85, compared to the average White IQ of 100.
The white-black gap in SAT scores, a proxy for IQ, is increasing.
Genes for large brains, linked to high IQ, are common everywhere except Africa.
Intelligence has a 40-50% genetic basis.
IQ scores are the best predictor of success in Western society.
IQ is 75% heritable among Whites.
>To be fair, there are still plenty of places in the world that have nothing but white people.
Not for long. They also are not explicitly exclusive. There are active government programs to eliminate all White spaces. For example, see the HUD program in the United States or Angela Merkel's insane and suicidal muslim invasion program.
Fuck, my liberal brain can't handle all these sources!
Really, these are the important ones:
Human intelligence is highly heritable.
Scientific consensus is that IQ tests are not racially biased.
Privately, intelligence experts hold more hereditarian views than they express in public.
>Sure it has. Charles Martel BTFOing the invading Arabs in 732 at Tours was extremely beneficial to Europe.
You are right, otherism keeps people alive and gives a way to improve the group you are part of. But like I said, we no longer live in a world that has a need for conquering, and is most likely not a good idea given the presence of nuclear weapons.
>Also, multiracialism and multiculturalism among different races has led to untold suffering and misery, mostly for White people.
The examples you given of this suffering and death come from a group that practices this ,otherism, and xenophobia. These extremists are using your same logic to spread what they think is right.
On the issue of black crime, as you said, it is mostly a result of slavery the consequences from it. American slave owners created a large group of uneducated and oppressed them for many years. We are simply suffering the consequences of it.
>I believe White people deserve to have racially exclusive spaces just as every race deserves it.
You do, but not at the cost of others.
Different user here
These are really interesting but I'm too not sober to care enough to save them. I'd offer something in exchange but most of the studies I have saved are related to women
Have this image in exchange, I guess.
Here is another well-written and thoroughly cited source:
I'm curious, though. Why do you deny evolution by saying there are no racial differences? Perhaps you are a creationist and believe God created all men equal?
here we go...
Yeah I know, though the HUD thing is just subsidized blockbusting lobbied by realiters.
>be a race with high poverty rate
>listen daily to music that promotes drugs and violence
>have a culture that's entirely composed of pop culture
>discourage any black people who try to "act white"
What went wrong?
Samefag here.
I fucking hate the current state of Sup Forums with all the literal underage children running around shitposting with all of their non-arguments.
But I am so goddamn pleased to see actual civil discussion with peer-reviewed academic studies being used to support/reference topics of argument.
I fucking love the two or three of you wonderful individuals in this thread. You handful are lovely people and you should never change.