>final boss is literally you
Final boss is literally you
>penultimate boss is all of your friends who see you as the final boss
Die retarded derpibooru poster
So yes, it's another retarded derpibooru poster thread
I hate this degenerate piece of trash.
I really wish he'd die
Do you ever sleep?
I don't even think he's human
they should all die
Of course I sleep. Like everyone does.
Yes, I am human in that I make mistakes.
>9 posts
>6 posters
How do you do this you autistic faggot?
>Final Boss is you
>You can kill your friends in the fight
So make them die
I have an RSS feed that shows each thread as they're made
>Yes, I am human in that I make mistakes.
Cyborg Pony-hunter Barneyfag when?
That would be if I get accepted as mod.
So really, just kill them off
>implying he isn't a sentient RSS feed
The real Barneyfag was sniped by a mod who went Nuclear after having to delete so many of his posts
No, it seems like you were seeing shit that day.
>So autistic not even Chinkmoot wants him to mod
You can't make this up.
Well, he's just not familiar with my tactics.
Trigger warning
Fuck you and your shit
>6 years later
>People still mad
Ayy Maud and Photo Finish best background horses.
No Barney character is ever good. They all a shit.
You are my hero. Never stop being you.
You talking shit about sunarse m8?
She's cute desu
But then again, it doesn't help that Rule 15 is still in place.
Ive been saying sharing is caring since I was literally 11. Leaves me salty.
Im 23 now
celestia for me
don't need anything more in my life
> Final boss tries to delete your save file.
Colorful horse show RTS game when?
So who is the best pony, and why is it my OC
>Implying isn't mine
when hiro was busy rangebanning russia he should've rangebanned barneyfag
>final boss is supposed to be you but never happens
I hope never, shit's degenerate.
None, they're all shit.
>Implying it isn't my femboy girly prince who /ss/s with Celestia, his mom.
Now THAT's hi test
Coco is the best.
>Shyhorse 2.0
She aight.
He actually lifted the rangeban on my mobile ISP recently.
How nice of him.
What does this have to do with ponies?
I think it's from some shitty /mlp/ comic called user's Pie Adventures
My son, I will carry you to the gates of Valhalla.
>He actually lifted the rangeban on my mobile ISP recently. How nice of him.
No wonder I can post again. You with Rogers? Seriously fuck off. I want to use my Data to post. I couldn't post for like 3 months cause of you. Get out of Toronto while you're at it.
Have any MLP episodes made references to One Punch Man? I think that'd be pretty cool.
You should have gone with a 0 instead of a 7 so it would make more sense. Also fuck you
A recent one had a LoZ reference.
Great job m80's
No, you wouldn't want that. That would be a poor decision.
>Get out of Toronto while you're at it.
Maybe once I pursue my career in film I will.
Reminds me of the Neopets faeries
>career in film
Why do dedicated shitposters like him exist
They referenced Sailor Moon, Ranma and Dragon Ball once.
user won im proud of you
So what is your opinion on Undertale? Should I buy with my Patreon bux funded by creating MLP OC?
Because degenerate Barneyfags that shill their shit outside of containment exist.
You're my hero
>pinkie and rarity episode tomorrow
I played through it once, through the neutral route. It was kinda meh.
>boss is previous game's protagonist
pls give me a (You) it would make my day
>No 5.
You are a disgr4ce
Also the last episode you'll be getting for a while.
Can't wait to see you try to thrive after that.
If I don't get a 6, I'm going to kill myself
Better kill y0urself
Plus this faggot stole your 6
You give user his 6 back right now
You better go through with it.
I remember one guy saying that if I showed up in a thread, he'd an hero on stream. He never went through with it. Maybe it was that one guy on Sup Forums the other day.
Is this a get thread now? Check my 5... I guess.
>final boss is a metaphor
stream it on twitch
Shame it's going on a mid season hiatus. Pretty sure I can survive the hiatus, it's not like a live and breathe pone
dumb4ss, how will he upload it
stream it
You call that a 5?
>All these failed gets
If 6 Barneyfag secretely loves MLP
>Final boss is your family
>You never fight the villain
That's a cute cat.
I want to fuck it.
Might as well be.
Stream that shit nigga