Actually, it's technically Saturday for me, but still lots of gaming to be done.
Actually, it's technically Saturday for me, but still lots of gaming to be done.
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Oblivion, GTA V Story/Online. Can't really get into the online mode. More Oblivion after this.
Rewatching GoT still
Making some mung-bean pasta RN
Bulleit Bourbon and Marijewana
I need to soon but Idk what
OK, not super gratified from my gaming. Hoping Oblivion dungeons will help. Bretty stoned.
Nothing but I'm about to do some quests in muh mobages before bed
Youtube after I finish my daylies
Wine in a bit
KPop albums, Got 7's latest album at the moment
About to fap to that game that FINALLY came out, forgot the name
Good. Walking to all my peeps in Japan and gonna meet up with them soon in South Korea. I miss the bastards.
>About to fap to that game
Do you mean Liru? I bought it because I saw one or two threads about it on Sup Forums (there was even a sticky on /h/) and I was not disappointed.
Yeah. Can't wait.
Yoshi's Wooly World
Might have some cookies later
Ice tea
eh maybe later
Pretty comfy
Initial D: Special Stage on PCSX2
Weed and Shiner Bock
Cigarettes after Sex
Pretty good, realized that this time last year I was a walking trainwreck, and it all got better after I met my friends. Here's some advice for you Sup Forumsirgins, go outside and meet people. It's better than your mom's basement.
Dirt 3....7 bucks on steam and apparently there are maps in Shibuya Tokyo.
Trihex...what a sad stream that's become...all he does is lecture chat about fitness and food
uyama hiroto
yoshi is super comfy game....the music in that game is amazing
Dunno, might start watching Monster, or something else on my backlog
Spaghetti and caesar salad
Acid Bath
Trying not to
Sleep deprived
Just got Littlewitch Romanesque, any tips?
Just some pizza
Hawaiian Punch
pic related
Good, just came back from a trip to the zoo with the famalam
Looking for something good someone tell me what to play
Heroes and Halfwits 1
nothing at all
Redd's ale
see watchin
I aint gay
Fallout 4 soon m8.
Lots and lots of junk food
Ginger Ale
Iggy Pop
Fapping is for the weak
Kinda full and kinda bored.
nothing. gave away my ps4 to be more productive. kind of regret that
just watched silent hill. Its really actually pretty solid if you pretend you dont know the source material
had ramen earlier
trying not to drink too much since ive been going hard all month
silent hill 2 ost now
dont do that anymore
idk, its my very recent ex gfs birthday today so im not to sure how to feel about it. Want to be there with her but at the same time i dont. Seeing a new girl now but i dont love her desu
Grinding some destiny like a pleb, afterwords might hop on some OverWatch
Sons of Anarchy
Dat precious ass supreme pizza
New Belgium 1884
Haven't yet, but will soon
Lit senpai, 7 beers deep and the pizza is almost gone. The wife wants me to come to bed but I need to grind for dem 'xotics
Drake - Views From The 6
Leveled my druid 3 lvls earlier
Watched some apeball and west coast baseball earlier
Sushi earlier
Bud light and water
Deftones-Deftones on my speakers. Missing 2003 and 2004
Nah, I like this place but Im probablt on the outside when it comes to women
Indecisive, hate my job and town, want to move but I'm too codependant on people and cant detach. I wish I had the balls to move and start over
Friend called me up and asked if I wanted to go to PAX as his friend is giving away his ticket
Worth paying $400 for the flight and hotel?
Not unless theres something blowing you away there. A game, girl/dude, whatever.
Its a shit con with shit people running it. Everything thay happens there ends up online anyway
Overwatch ps4 ver
Boku no Hero Academia, Through friends suggestion.
Youtubes "your mix"
cancer juice Monsterâ„¢
Comfy, a bit sleepy.
>Heroes and Halfwits 1
think itll be any good?
Probably nothing
pic related but probably only like Jojo and Sakamoto
Shouldnt eat this late but I have not eaten dinner. Might do up something.
no drugs or alcohol
Something on sadpanda
Feeling sorta down I guess. On the plus side Ive gotten fit over the past year or so and Im women actually hit on me.
but fuck 3dpds.
This is some basic normie shit...
baka desu senpai
im dumb
I've lost 40 pounds over the last year and got fit too senpai. Have had 2 gfs but fapping to 2d is so fucking much better desu. Can never stay interested in 3dpd for very long.
I don't care, I am in love with Griffon and I want to eat her ass
I think it'll be aight honestly
Overwatch and Witcher 3, I played it on release but just picked up both DLCs and want to so a new playthrough for them.
Maybe the Warcraft movie, tomorrow though
Pizza, little Ceaser's stuffed crust deep dish thing they have on promo, it was too bready tbqh
had a monster at around 8 but other than that just water
mom-con doujins
pensive. gf wants come over tomorrow but I'd rather fap and play vidya all day honestly
Just break the fuck up with her so she can live her life you fucking fag
Played some The Witcher 1 and MGS2
Maybe a sandwich
Will probably have the beer at the refrigerator
Spotify playlist
That wolf girl game if I find a link
Top-tier taste
>finishing projectxzone, this is quite enjoyable. Heard the sequel is better. Cant wait.
>random shows on natgeo
>no idea
>coffee or watta
>lately into vocaloid
>liru, downloading atm
>just got rejected. Feel prettyy greeaat. I didnt love her actually perhaps. Or this is severe case or denial. Or being notmalfag actually sucks, being my old self with nothing to hold back is comfy.
You don't have to tell me twice man
Post your saddest pepe
Stranger of Sword City
Tacos al pastor
Just coke
Not tonight
Kind of sick actually, haven't been getting enough sleep lately. Today I've felt super weak and thirsty as fuck for some reason.
nothing right now, might play some DS3
my sister get absolutely destroyed in lothric castle in DS3, kek
pork chops I made, but they came out a little dry. Might have some cereal or a slice of pie next
Orange juice and a couple hits off a bowl
nothin, chatting with my sister while she plays
might go to /gif/ later
was supposed to hang out with this girl tonight, she was gonna come over and I would make dinner, eat, smoke a bowl and watch a movie. But she was being unchatty earlier in the car , and was texting some dude, so I told her to go home