I lost my filename folder, help
I lost my filename folder, help
I only have one, and it's the best, so this thread is over.
Fresh off the presses.
i dont get it
How many fucking albums/EP's does this guy have?
>The Prophet Bay
I think dark souls III is the best
My only real issue with 3 is the pandering to 1's story
Otherwise i still consider it the best, it's presentation is fucking flawless
>the feeling of your insides shifting through your brain
>the feeling of your blood switching to copper based
>the feeling of your retinas going inside out
I need to stop watching disections
holy fuck it's the boss from gunstar heroes
>Pancake for America
what the fuck
How long did that series run for? Did it actually have a conclusion?
What the FUCK
Did they put explosives underground?
>How long did that series run for?
54 books, 1996-2001
>Did it actually have a conclusion?
They are court-marshaled for war crimes, and then steal a ship and die on a suicide mission
I can't believe this is an actual term that people use
I only get migraines from extreme stress or certain first person games. Dishonored and Subnautica don't, all the metroid primes, doom (2016), and about half of indie first person anything, do.
it went for 54 books, I collected them growing up.
and yeah there was a conclusion, it involved some huge thing about the blonde girl turning evil, because her long lost mother turned out to be the leader of the bad guys. then she turns good again at the last second or something.
Fuck I want this
its only applicable in Hick-land
>DIO uses The World
If you briefly pause the video just after the explosion, you can see a shaft of dirt shoot into the sky faster than the rest of the dirt, so I assume that came out from the hole they dug in order to place the explosives underground.
anyone have the .gif of gabe watching TV and this is shopped onto the screen
what is this? ajin?
You fucker
Holy shit
>They are court-marshaled for war crimes, and then steal a ship and die on a suicide mission
>Somebody suggests Miyamoto shouldnt add gimmicks
I bet Japanese people would pay top dollar to sleep with her in squidu form.
I don't get it.
>I read about a sixth of the entire story
Good lord. I can't remember much. Just the one kid getting stuck in a hawk form like at the end of the first book (Tobias?) and getting a Whyboner from a scene when this young woman is released from one of the mind slugs.