Thanks for the help

Elona thread? Same OP form before.

Try /jp/ they have a general with lots of people.



Did you just start playing, OP?

Pretty much yeah

Those 7 hours will become 60 then 200 before you notice it.


I just want a monster girl harem. Guess I'm gonna have to be a mage because how else does one capture monsters?

Monster balls, rod of domination, scroll of ally, astral light pen.

Tried Elona once. I went out of the first area then didn't know how to attack and got killed.

You need char for companions
Roll a fairy pianist

you can grind magic device on anybody and use rods of domination

Did you try walking into enemies?

Ive tried playing this, but keep dying and just cant get into it.

can you fap to the game?

It's too random for my tastes.

Not random as in RNG, but there is no theme, it's just wahetever thrown into the mix.

In one dungeon I'm battling flying potato demons and in the next I'm facing that little girl from Bioshock with the drill-robot. It's just whatever-goes.

Depends. Do you have imagination and a willingness to customize? The game lets you do many things.

Aren't rods of domination hard to come by?

you can buy them with medals at the workshop and from either the goods or general vendor rarely. Medals come in infinite supply.

I've only gotten one

you get them from dungeon boss chests or laying around town, there is around 60 medals in the static maps

It's rare that I come across a game that's too autistically long for me, but this is one of them. It's a damn shame too, since I can tell there's a lot of fun shit in this game, but I just can't get into it.

You don't need to spend many hours to get to the fun stuff. You can see much of the game in 50-60, standard game length.

This game was next on my to play list.
But I got hooked on MMOs and haven't touched my backlog in years, really wish I could stop and go back to playing good games.

>Making me remember this game AGAIN
Guess i'll go make /rlg/ remember too

>Try reading the guides for this from /rlg/ and /jp/
>Still have no idea what to fucking do besides pulling fruits and getting skills while occasionally checking my house for crops

I've never felt this overwhelmed from a game in years.

basic thing to do at the start is courier things between towns until you can by the gardening skill and then fail at harvesting crops at yowyn until buff/have enough plat for more skills

class? race?

>no permadeath

>aspie tier grinding


worst roguelike ever. get some taste before you show your face around here again

>eyth of infidel
Go worship a fucking God you filthy heretic.
Prepare some food, take an ingame week trip to Palmia, then head north and worship a bitch.
You get a free, automatically trained stat to boost your bitch worshipping capabilities, and simply having a God, even if you don't give a fuck and don't grind it at all, still boosts a bunch of stats by a legit amount and gives you bonus skills.

Gunner Yerles I think

This is one of my favorite games ever honestly.

That is because the guides just throw a bunch of random tips regarding survival, which you'd learn the hard way anyway.

Having your mid game and end game pointed out in those guide would have been more helpful.

Which would basically be securing a reliable way to level potential. Early game would be to secure a way to farm plats I guess.

I only started this game because some guy maybe a little over half a year ago posted about how he got so into this that he killed the gods.

I'm over 300 hours in and i'm nowhere NEAR that level but maybe someday I can be just like that guy. He posted his character sheet and I wish I had saved it.

There's some faggot in Palmia that just fucking keeps summoning monsters. Every fucking time I go there there's a monster outbreak. If I ever find the little shit I'm going to sacrifice his corpse to the machine god.

But that's what makes it fun
>zap summoning rod in town
>out comes a sheep, a god, an android, a weeb girl, and then an xenomorph
>everyone in the town a few turns later is either dead, infected from the xenomorph and spawning babies out the ass or running toward the closest enemy waiting to get slaughtered
>if you're stealthy enough you can pick up the scraps

I've been playing on and off since 2009. Probably sunk the most hours into this game more than any other game I've played.

Been a while since I've played this, I heard the got rid of death message servers and player house visiting?

Mother fucker where are you getting all those resistances.

I've got superb resists for most shit but totally lack for some, how you got all that.

I can't remember, that save was from ages ago, I think I just got lucky with equipment, as well as getting the dark and poison resist feats.

Oh Elona

I wish Elona+ was as nearly as good as you. Fucking inflated stats and nonsensical content everywhere.



You can impregnate gods?

You can get impregnated by drinking out of wells in this game. Why couldn't you just impregnate a god?

Way of the world in Elona is that so long as it has a gender it can be impregnated.

Impregnation in Elona means getting an alien baby in your gut that comes out Chest Burster style.

All reproduction is otherwise done off screen or by goo-type enemies multiplying.

Sorry, user.

In more ways than one, friend.

I guess one way do it, is to get one as a pet then marry it and create a gene.

>All reproduction is otherwise done off screen or by goo-type enemies multiplying.
Nah, you can prostitute yourself out pretty easily with some beer tossed at an NPC. Sex sprites when?

I wonder if that's worth it, considering that God's get reduced stats when married.

Er, when made as a pet. I'm tired.

But we're not talking about them as pets, but impregnating them, and it's not like the stats of the parents effect the gene.

The stats don't? I always thought they did.
Also, don't they need to be pets for marriage to happen

They need to have a high enough relationship with you. You can marry shopkeepers if you're close enough with them.

I think your gene gets some amount of your skill points and plat, and of course anything in your inventory at the time, just no stats, you can of course put in like 500 herb in food, and raise your gene's attributes with that.
They don't need to be pets? I never tried increasing my relationship high enough for an npc to know.

If I wanted to get back into Elona again, what would be the best way? I haven't thought of this game in years.

I swear I tried that and couldn't. Maybe it came in an update? Haven't played in like a year.

>tfw just working on raising capital and buying property
>Completely forgot there was even a main quest

Why is the text in elona so small....

>Love is, apparently, really, really blind in Tyris. A relationship is possible (just to name a few) between a man and a woman, a man and a man, a hermaphrodite and a dog, an undead monstrosity and a godless killing machine, or a living rock with a cosmic horror.

How do I become dickgirl

Eat cursed forbidden meat, you get some that's not cursed in an early part of the main quest in south tyris. You can also make it in pot for fusion.


elona plus
if youre familiar with the performer skill

also the easiest way to break the game is to try to get bells as pets
theyre always lvl 1 so any capture ball lvl works on them
getting them low enough is the hard part
(i did it by throwing potions of dye on them to inflict poison)

then gene-engineering them with marksman skill, firearms skill and hands (so they can shoot)

these things rip the shit out of everything with just a plain machine gun

same here, it's like the nip's have their own dwarf fort

>if youre familiar with the performer skill
whoops ignore that thought
performer runs are for just ez money
which aint hard to come by

Start with gardening, it is the fastest way to stats, and pretty nice for making money.

>How to not have fun

If you want to play the game without completely destroying it mages are fun as fuck after you get passed the hurdles at the start.

i have em parked at the tavern actually

im currently grinding my t-rex's so i can reap the benefits of the riding skill speed boost
i am so fucking close to offsetting that speed penalty

im also working on a putit and crab farm so i can get a reliable source of stat foods

Not fun for you maybe, but leveling through dungeons is boring as fuck to me, at least early on, after you get spells and stuff it gets better.

>then gene-engineering them with marksman skill, firearms skill and hands (so they can shoot)
>these things rip the shit out of everything with just a plain machine gun
Why does this work? What's special about the little bell shits?

I meant like Elona or Elona+ apparently there's differences? I haven't kept tabs on this game for years. I always try to play, wind up failing missions, and having towns throw rocks at me until I die.

High speed, and 90% damage resistance.

they have 600 something base speed

theyre insanely faster even compared to the final boss of the main quest

balance patch and new content past the first main quest

They're probably the fastest things in the game and they have a fuckload of damage resistance. Enemies bells weak point is that they have very little HP, but if you get one as a pet and give it all Rubynus gear (increases HP) it can be an invincible killing machine.

Zeome has barely more speed than a fairy, his speed is pretty low, I guess that's more in early game, but still.

Thank you, is the balance patch easy to track down/worth using?

what do you mean?
just download elona+
its the newer version because the dev for elona called quits
elona+ is being maintained by fans now

Just check the general on /jp/ and there's some information on the /rlg/ thread on /vg/ too, but I think it's mostly the same.

Thank you.

You could bounce a quarter off of Shena's ass.

What's another name for a hare's tail?

Phony slob!