I haven't bought a current gen console yet, would this be a good place to start? Or should I wait to see what the NX/Scorpio is like first?
I haven't bought a current gen console yet, would this be a good place to start...
>hurr durr should i buy a console now or wait for e3 which is days away????
i dont know retard, you tell me?
But we already know that the NX and Scorpio won't be out until next year.
Next Nintendo Console will most likely NOT be backward compatible. At the very least, good luck getting Wii or GCn games to run on it.
Right now, the best console you can get is Wii U. Why?
1. It's cheap at store.nintendo.com
225 USD gets your choice of color and Mario 3D World and Nintendoland, and you can get a cradle/stand set at GameStop for less than 2 USD.
2. If you load up some Wii Homebrew, on a single console you can play nearly every Wii U, Wii, GCN, NES, SNES, Genesis, GB, GBC, GBA, DS, Virtual Boy, Playstation, and N64 game ever made.
3. NX is not coming until next year, and BC this complete simply will not happen.
4. there are deal and communities for games like Splatoon and Mario Kart 8 NOW, so the time is right.
5. PS4K has been confirmed NOT be showcased at E3, so it and the Xbox equivalent might be next year things, and it's a no-brainer that those would have full, or near full BC.
With all that said it really makes sense to buy a Wii U now, because the NX will not make it redundant, and a Sony/Microsfot super console later.
Get a 360
$200 gets you a new AMD card that's as good as the $300 GTX 970 an way better than current PS4
~100 gets a 750ti that's roughly as good as PS4
nah its gonna be shit
advertised 4k and its gonna be watered down as fuck
>Right now, the best console you can get is Wii U
>best console you can get is one that hasn't had a new game in 12 months and won't get any games after 2016
At least the PS4 for have support after the Neo launches
NX is a handheld anyway, so I don' see why it's being compared to Neo and Scorpio
PlayStation is the best middle-of-the-road platform.
Only buy Nintendo or Xbox if you can't go without their limited selection of exclusive IPs.
If OP wants to get a console now, that's the only viable one that won't be a waste of money in a year or be redundant.
It's likely that the only thing the PS4.5 will do that the PS4 doesn't is output upscaled 4k. I'd wait until E3 to see what's going on.
If that's all the 4.5 does, just get a regular ass PS4.
NX is out in less than a year though.
Except it will be a waste of money in a year because it won't be getting any new software. The PS4 will be still getting new software.
But unlike the new sony and microsoft machines, no way NX will be fully compatible with Wii U games.
Bullshit. It's a holiday hook release.
Anime is not software, it's chinkware.
why wouldn't it be?
it's a portable device and abandoning power pc
WiiU wasn't PPC
Yes it was you nigger
and no, NX isn't a handheld
They will probably all release around the same time, so it's not like there's any rush to make a decision. Wait it out.
Seriously, at this point of the game, unless you get a REALLY good deal, the only safe console buying choice is Wii U.
I feel like this is going to have the same impact Xbox One had with the "always on kinect" and "no more used games" thing. Because as it stands its a middle finger to current PS4 owners
This. Current gen consoles still aren't worth transitioning to.
This has no real effect on ps4 though. Those situations are not the same since sony isn't trying to get ps4 users on some bullshit.
But for the prospective PS4 buyer? Definitely wait. Why?
1. Possible Future bundles
2. Game prices will go down
3. Possible improved Performance on PS4 software
4. Possible better PSVR performance
5. Even upscaled 4k Out might be useful in the future if you get a laggy 4KTV that lags with anything fed to it that is non-native
Current ps4 software wont be improved
Not that the ps4 has any fucking games to begin with
The NX is a shit tablet.
The Xbone doesn't matter since its still an Xbone.
Sony isn't releasing a "PS4.5" they're releasing a halo platform. In a few more years the halo platform will transition to mainstream, and they'll release a new halo platform. They're phasing in more frequent hardware upgrades, similar to mobile phones, though not as extreme.
When does PS4.5 release?
It'll be explained at e3
>would this be a good place to start?
>PS4.5 is not guaranteed to get all upcoming games.
buy a gaming pc
>hasn't had a new game in 12 months
>Star Fox 0 is not real
>This has no real effect on ps4 though
PS4 users will get games on low to mid settings while PS4K users will get it from high to ultra. Not to mention the difference in framerate, I would be pissed at this if I had bought a PS4 desu.
It won't be. Andrew House said this today.
I have a feeling its more likely to have neo users cucked by the larger market of wimpier PS4s Sony mandates all games run on in the same manner that consoles gimp PC games for parity's sake
If Sony wants to keep both versions similar, what's the point of releasing an upgraded console?
actually buying a PS4.5 is getting the bad end of the deal
>House also says that all games will support the existing PlayStation 4. However, there may be titles that don’t support the new system. He also admits that there will be more work for developers in supporting both models, but that it should be a “small but manageable” increase in effort.
Dead on arrival
You have no idea what you're talking about.
Any advice? I also want to get a ps4. Do I wait? Think the announcement of the 4.5 will drop prices of the current one? Any bundles coming up?
Going by this thread, we should wait for the Neo to come out and buy a regular PS4 at the new reduced price.
Star Fax 0 was a flop. It did worse than Star Fox Command.
Flop or not that game is bank as fuck.
>inb4 controls
git gud
Ps4k is to weak to render games in 4K resolution. Just wait for nx and Scorpio.
I just bought a ps4 last friday, full price black ops 3 bundle.
Kinda pissed that Neo turned out to be more than a rumor, barely 3 years of ps4 before they churn out a new one?
Can't wait to play the gimped version of every post-neo release.
>PS4 Neo
We don't know a whole lot about how developers intend on handling this thing, and the PS4 library is going to remain on the weak end until the end of this year.
The Neo is going to be bottlenecked hard by its CPU, as well.
Most games are going to Windows 10
We know fuck all about it.
that's all relative, if you managed to get half-life 1 on it I don't doubt it could slam out 60 fps in 4K
They're going to turn the console life cycle into a smartphone tier one, we're going to have a video game crash again.
Another way for them to push 4k TVs.
Wait for E3 for some release dates and a potential price drop on the base model. If nothing appeals to you there then you should hold off until the 4.5/Neo.
PC survives fine on yearly hardware updates. Consoles will need more modularity to make rapid hardware revisions viable though, you're right. This situation is going to turn into the Atari 5200
If you don't have anything yet then you're in a perfect place to just wait. Games aren't going anywhere and will only increase in numbers, not to mention they'll also be cheaper.
>PC survives fine on yearly hardware updates
The appeal of console gaming is that it isn't PC gaming, you don't have to think about upgrading anything, just plug and play.
Consoles are not backwArd compatible, don't mixed it up with PC. And no one wants good games with outdated graphic.
>more games exist than I have time in my lifespan to enjoy them all
>remember all those great times you had
>all those things you hoped to be
this is Sup Forums, you fay fag.
As far as rumors go, upgrading the console is more like upgrading phones than computers. Hardly a big deal.
>Star Fax 0 was a flop
Nintendo made money out of it
>but it sold worst in Japan
Phones and consoles aren't similar at all, phones have shitloads of manufacturers competing with each other, consoles only have 3.
So it's basically just Sony and MS being huge faggots.
I'm going to need a PS4 by the time BF1 comes out in October.
>best console is wii u
Wii U has never been, nor will it ever be, the best console, even if it goes to like $100, you'd be better off just playing the wii you probably already have. Nintendo needs to give up the console game.
>no facts to defend em
>all this shit taste
ill go 50$ you still butthurt about Bayo 2
Nintendo has more exclusive and populare ips than Microsoft friend. Xone is irrelevant while all the wiiu games are hot topics.
I personally wouldn't get a PS4 or XBone until we know more about Neo/Scorpio. Only then can you really make the call on whether to get a Neo/Scorpio or save some money and have a base Ps4/XBO be good enough.
As for the Wii U, it is pretty much dead now. Zelda is coming, but that will also be on NX. That said, if you want to play the library, the system and games are all there ripe for the taking. Most of them are offline games too, so you don't need to worry about the community having moved on. You could wait on NX, but it's a ways off and likely won't be fully backwards-compatible. So if you want to play Wii U games, now is the time.
Basically, one way or another, I would wait if you can. Stuff will only be cheaper in the future, and you won't regret getting something like a base XBox when you want to do Scorpio-exclusive stuff.