How do we save Nintendo and the NX?

How do we save Nintendo and the NX?

it's too late. nintendo will die after the NX lifespan

Some things just aren't worth saving, clearly.

How do we stop Sonypedos?

buying it is a start

what does this picture have to do with sony

Post a pic of yourself op? Or are you a coward?

literally me

me too

>$7.99 for beetlejuice bluray
damn i should buy that

Nintendo is the ones that needs to save themselves

But you guys and your cynical ways are a poison to make sure your never satisfied

Nintendo wasted 2 fucking years with a barren wasteland to make sure NX launches properly but all it's doing is making you fags shitpost even more than usual

You need to fucking stop

Im not telling you to suck their dicks and eat whatever they shit out but holy fucking shit have some fucking patience, we don't even know what the fuck NX even is

>$5 for Ant Bully, aka Giant Sister Masturbating

>>>>>>>>$8 for Beetlejuice

That's a fucking steal

They only people who partake in console war nonsense are those who use consoles.

The OP is a sonygger

>The ant bully
holy shit i remember that
That crap was godawful

where and when was this at?
I feel like I saw this guy at the Smash Bros E3 demos they had all over the country
and that guy on the left in the gray looks kind of like me...

I'd have been satisfied if I could've rubbed my waifus head
But they said i wasn't allowed

You can mock older Nintendo fans all you want but those manchildren are the only thing stopping Nintendo from fucking off from console gaming and going full mobile.

They buy the console AND the games by Platinum that no one else is interested in.

Once Nintendo cuts ties with the fan base to go mobile, Nintendo will be truly lost.

Hello newfriend, I see this is the first time you've posted on Sup Forums, because otherwise you'd know that Petition Cucks massively shitpost consoles on a daily basis.

Okay. Let's be blunt.

Nintendo's games need classic, basic, -depth- to get their core magic and appeal back.
Children are so saturated and far beyond the family-friendly-ism that made these games back in the '80's and '90's, largely thanks to spastic, autistic ass cartoons and rapid socialization. I'm talking, they go straight from Paw Patrol to either anime-or-shooters kinda thing. To Nintendo's credit, they caught on with FE and Splatoon, but completely Jewed and FUBAR'd the appeals, respectively.

So. What happens to the Nintendo series, now?

Mother/Earthbound is transitioned to a cutesy, progressive Undertale-like?
An all-out, no holds barred 3D platformer with the amiibo?
Do we bring a nasty-ass, SMB1 Bowser-snouted Bowser's wife into the Mario picture and make it a family affair?
Kirby clearly has to bring back Dark Matter, and go full-on rainbows. And I dare say the powers need to get FASTER, like Melee fast, and the enemies more numerous, like the frantic parts of KA and KDL1 Extra.
F-Zero goes online with shittons of combat? Something along the lines of Rocket League?
How does LoZ balance being classically medieval while also being...anime? Or Assassin's Creed (and that's why Link now has a hood)?

What DOES an appealing Nintendo look like to the mass market while not losing its way?

Bump dammit.

answer my question dammit

What question? I'm not OP.

I'm a 29 year old about to be 30 that wants to see Nintendo rise again and have legitimate multiplayer fun with my friends again, even if that means the games I love being a little funky - I'm not the target market any more. I know that much for certain. Club Nintendo and its surveys went away for a reason.

You know which question
Now tell me


thats not a location or date

That's all you get for a handful of granola!