>Overwatch gets tournaments weeks after release
>Battleborn gets __________
Overwatch gets tournaments weeks after release
Other urls found in this thread:
>game where two teams directly COMPETE with each other
>not COMPETEtive
>left shift
can't read
>H to chance hero
>L.Shift and E button
Killcam shows you what your client think your enemy did, not what your enemy actually did. That 30-120ms ping that you and your enemy have add up to be pretty noticable.
>Battleborn gets __________
what they deserve. cucked
>Overwatch gets tournaments
Blizzard is only able to shill with 100 000 $ for the worst game I have ever seen?
I had even more fun with Ride to Hell than Overwatch, and Ride to Hell wasn't really good....
Thats nice.
>it was merely a series of allusions!!!!
>I hate a game that's popular
>Let's compare it to one of the worst games of all time
Sounds like you are really fucking bad at games or no friends.
I don't get the Battleborn is bad meme
Overwatch player got cucked day 1
>first Blizzard made a Cash Shop to cuck their players with skins
>then the censoring of everything not sjw and feminist approved to cuck their fan base even more
Are you under aged, or a Blizzard supporter to attack a good game like Battleborn? Battleborn had
censoring and makes fund of the sjw and feminists
For a board that loves to shit on shills Sup Forums sure has wasted no time jumping on Blizzard's dick
I sure do live buzzwords! I'm taking your post so much more seriously!
Sounds to me like you should join the tournament and win all the sick prize money.
You tried really hard.
>making the post EVEN SEXIER than it was before
I don't understand how anyone can say this
you mean
Blizzard pays for Overwatch tournaments weeks after release.
>blizzard supports competitive play
Wow jeeze, like, what a terrible company.
paying for tournaments is not supporting competitive play
supporting competitive play is having good replay systems, spectator HUDs, tournament interfaces and providing players with a way to analyze their progress (you can't even see your K/D/A in Overwatch).
Paying for tournaments is buying a competitive scene, it's not supporting it.
While the hitboxes on heads are massive, that webm has much more to do with tickrate than anything.
This is obvious to anyone who knows what they're talking about.
Jokes on you I enjoy both.
First response
Goddamn this game concentrates some EXTREME AUTISM