Start up a new game of The Phantom Pain

>start up a new game of The Phantom Pain
>hospital scene
>remember this isn't Big Boss and the story just plummets from here on out
>turn it off and play something else
How did Kojimbo fuck up so hard. How did he think any of this was a good idea. Why did Konami let him get away with this.

I'm still mad, Sup Forums. It's almost a year later and I'm still mad.

How the fuck are you going to hide under a hospital bed, those are high as shit off the ground

Why wouldyou want to play as Big Boss? Hes shit.

Solid Snake should have been the protagonist, every Metal Gear without him as the main character has been shit

But 3 is literally the best in the series.

>inb4 faggots say 2 is the best

Worse than Fedoras Mask faggots, jesus.

I don't care who the fuck you play as as long as the ending cutscene isn't IT WAS ALL A DREAM tier bullshit.

I'm so fucking glad Hideo got forced out of Konami. I'm so fucking glad. Hopefully I never have to sit through another of his rejected Hollywood fanfiction self masturbatory hot trash stories ever again.

3 was shit

2 was OK but worst than 1

The Metal Gear series isnt really good at all except for MGS and MG2

What's a kojimbo?

Venom Snake is honestly a more complex character. You're a man child. The ending of the game literally is Kojima telling you it doesn't fucking matter who Snake js, Snake is just a title and nothing more

Big Boss himself even thinks it's dumb, that's why he's willing to part with it

Your English is coming along well, Kojima.

The Hospital scene is actually the only worthwhile scene.

Fucking hell Imagine a linear Next Gen MGS. could be so great.

Open world games are garbage and this shit meme genre needs to die.

Is it so worthwhile that you are forced to play it twice?

What was up with the guy that had head bandages getting shot and dying like snake but then ishmael is fine?
How did ishmael jump off the stairs when making a distraction and not get spotted?

He never wanted to be Big Boss and he made that point very clear since MGS3

It's not meant to be played again, user. The Phantom Pain is a once in a lifetime experience (assuming it isn't ruined for you beforehand). It's intended to leave you hating yourself for expecting it to be good, hating Kojima for making it, and hating the world for allowing it to exist.

Lol, pathetic

I expect nothing less from one of the few people autistic enough to defend this garbage writing and call it deep

Your opinion is wrong

your opinion is wrong

>tfw this is what Kojima was going for all along
He truly is a genius

I have only played MG1 and MGS2. I'm not familiar with all the characters, but can someone sum up the story of the games and what makes Phantom Pain shit?

>Fedoras Mask
it's so obvious and yet it's my first time seeing this

Memes or something convoluted like that

An actually toned down and fun story about an Illuminati conspiracy to nab a shitton of money

Genes or something convoluted like that

No fucking idea. The story is garbage and makes absolutely no sense and in the end it turns out you aren't even Snake. Kojima should never write or work in the industry again.

I'm a huge metal gear fan and I was there all along with the rest of you during the trailer hype stages and all but I just KNEW the story was going to be fucking shit and no where near what we were all imagining due to Kojima, he's seriously the George Lucas of vidya story telling.

MGS4 was borderline completely retarded but still held it together for explaining the plot and everything, Peace Walker was well past the point of no return with all that Che asslicking, HOT COLDMAN, etc etc. MGS5 was always going to be a fucking piece of shit in Kojimas hands.

My dream come true would be fore Konami to have a dig at their own MGS game, whether it's a new plotline, an untold story from one of the Snake children or BB, what ever. And when everyone is licking Hideos dick about how fail it's going to be it turns out to be completely fucking awesome and not up its own ass with meems or dreams or any dissappointing shit like that. Like maybe they'll do a game about Solid meeting BB and lo and behold THEY actually do it instead of teasing it.

Also they get Hayter and Hayter gloats about working with MGS again and how Kojima can suck his dick.

The only way Kojima could be considered brilliant in my eyes is if he explains the whole monologue Kaz has about YOU FEEL IT TOO DON'T YOU, IT WON'T STOP HURTING is supposed to about how fans feel about this shitty game after the hype.