Which was the greater disappointment?

TPP because of the years of hype for an unfinished game.

The only thing MGS4 had going for it was that the story was supposed to be done and over. Everyone was dead or dying so we could move on.

V was a bigger disappointment yet also the better game

I thoroughly enjoy 4. V was ok until the 2nd half which is a complete dissapointment


Mechanically its fan fucking tastic but I found many missions to be too samey. I prefer to play 4 still actually.

I played 4 and never found a problem with it. I enjoyed it. Cant bring myself to pick up 5 again. I just dont like it. The base building. Missions. Sucks. Id rather it play like 1 big story rather than a mission select screen.

MGS4 was pure hype with hype kino missions
MGSV was ULTRA hype until the game released

MGS4 faceplanted onto concrete
MGSV nosedived into a volcano


it unconsciously made me prepare for whatever dissapointment V would bring

mind you, I love both these games, but they are not MGS1-3

At least 4 was finished