Anyone else pre ordered the party bag edition?
Criminal Girls 2
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Are those pins on the bottom right?
Yeah, they are.
What will they censor this times?
A lot
Redrawn Art
We had a bit more time to work on this title. We didn’t want to make any alterations to the game that would be jarring to the experience or feel “off,” so we worked with the original artist of the game who redrew the art for the Motivation scenes that might have caused issues due to their explicit nature. We didn’t want the game experience to change though, so we are also investing the extra effort into incorporating Criminal Girls 2: Party Favors’s unique Live 2D effect into the new art.
Terminology Changes
As with the first in the series, Criminal Girls: Invite Only, “Punishment” will be framed as “Motivation,” and other terminology changes from the first game will also apply here. There may be a few other translation changes as well. This reduces the power distance between the player character and the girls in the Reformation Program and makes the activities of the game more consensual.
No Native Language Dialogue
Like with Criminal Girls: Invite Only, we will not be dubbing the game in English. The game’s text will be in English, but the spoken dialogue will be the original Japanese voice track.
No Motivation Scene Dialogue
Some of this could cause an issue with power distance, or perceived consent of the activities of the game. This dialogue also represented a technical challenge to localization, because there are no subtitles. Thus, another reason this dialogue was removed was to avoid a situation of no text to accompany several lines of untranslated Japanese being spoken.
its shit, censored girls 2
>giving money to NISA
You dumb motherfucker
>This reduces the power distance between the player character and the girls in the Reformation Program and makes the activities of the game more consensual.
I don't mind giving them money if they don't fuck up.
Get the fuck out of here, NISA. I cancelled my Grand Kingdom preorder because of this shit. Any game published by you, regardless of quality, is getting bought used.
You've lost the Atelier license, the Neptunia license, and you're about to lose the Danganronpa license. Can't wait to see you shut your doors.
Do they still have the Disgaea license?
Well yeah Disgaea is owned by NIS their parent company
Whoops. I forgot about that small technicality.
Yeah, since it's property of NIS. I'm pretty sure Disgaea and their anime licenses are the only things keeping them afloat. They've destroyed their reputation in the niche community with their handling of both Mugen Souls and Criminal Girls.
>makes the activities of the game more consensual
Man I'm not even remotely interested in this type of game, but fuck do they not realize who their audience is? This isn't One Piece, nobody expects kids to be into this.
It really baffles me why you would censor an adult oriented game with an adult rating aimed clearly at adult consumers. Even a T-rated game I can at least see the logic behind censoring even if I disagree, but this just doesn't make business sense.
They've indicated on their forums that NIS (the parent company in Japan) made them localize these games, and it's obvious they have some SJWs inside their offices that hate this type of content.
Hopefully after this game bombs, NIS will see the light and start doing Asian-English releases.
This thread blew up quickly
>It's a Rednal defends Nisa episode
I'm not reading 29 pages of a thread
What page number does it start getting interesting
Literally the first/second page
Hells no. I don't buy censored shit.
In all seriousness, I thought Rednal was some sort of marketing/PR employee at first, during the first Mugen Souls shitstorm.
>mfw Posts: 16751
It honestly sounds like NISJ has a pair of balls, but the attention span of a gnat. They really need to look at what their overseas offices are doing.
Them losing the Neptunia license was the best thing to happen. Megadimension's writing was great.
Ironically enough last I knew, NIS is basically hemorrhaging money and NISA makes more than NIS does with NISA's localizations.
I just want to edit his signature to cover up the tits since they love censorship so much.
Not really, and I say this because a previous localizer from Nisa who worked on the Neptunia games also worked on RB:2 and RB:3. His name is Nick Doerr and Neptunia is like his baby so he couldn't pass up the oppurtunity to ruin IFI's localization of the games.
Holy shit, at this point just dont even bother bringing it state side. Who the fuck is this game for anymore
Why would I play a censored version when I can read moon and play the original?
Never got the appeal of the cocktease games though. Full blown H all the way. And speaking of it, pic related got its full release.
>censoring a porn game
Why are they even bothering? Like who are they hoping to appeal to?
Thankfully, Doerr is out of the picture and working on some failed Kickstarter project.
Honestly, all NISA localizers should be blacklisted from joining IFI or XSEED.
>we want the little jimmy audience
One guy said they want to appeal to as many people as possible but now they're just backpedaling on that response when people call them out for it.
>buying a censored fanservice game
For what purpose?
The bonus stuff seems pretty nice, but a fanservice game with removed fanservice is just silly.
Asian-English releases are the savior of videogames.
I really liked the first Criminal Girls on the psp, but I never found out how to do the romance events that power up your characters. All I could really do was scour every single map one by one looking for an event and then if it was like a gimmick boss fight for a move I hadn't learned yet I was shit out of luck.
I'm hoping this gets an asian english release after moe crystal is out, as i can't see IFI ever wanting to bring something like this over.
i should really just learn japanese
but i'm fucking lazy
>Criminal Girls
>Let's change "punishment" to "Motivation"
Do they even know what the game is about? Did the title not tip them off?
I hope so too. Everyone says these games are pretty good and I'm really betting on it after Omega Labyrinth dropped the ball.
Even though it'd be much easier to just learn a language instead of hoping things get translated, it's a whole lot of work for pretty awful dialogue most of the time.
>We want the little Jimmy audience
This isn't like editing out an skippy outfit or a panty shot but.
It's like watching a porno where a guy delivers a pizza to a girl, gets paid and leaves.
Waiting for Rednal to get a trip and start shilling for NISA in this thread
How can someone defend a company so willingly even if they have no ties to it