>1 year of development
>team of industry experts
>"the father of castlevania"
>and this is the result
1 year of development
These men are charged with using nostaligia to run a confidence game to earn millions. Please report these men immediately to the authorities if you ever see them.
I like the way that looks.
Demo is out during E3 and I will make a judgement then, not based on just a video imo.
What the fuck are you people expecting? Lords of Shadow?
At least there's no Pepperoni explosions.
what's the issue
Iga isn't the father of castlevania and he never claimed to be.
Also the stuff shown looks good except for the lighting so I don't get your point.
I've seen this exact same thread with minor changes to the post 4 times in the last 24 hours
just baiting/ blatant shitposting
I don't think it looks bad.
The issue is there's a group of desperate shitposters always looking for the next thing to shit on in a pointless attempt to make others feel as miserable as they are.
>it's another Sup Forums is full of underage users who don't understand how expensive game development can be thread or that games were designed with a smaller budget in mind before the stretch goals and that more money doesn't mean an overhaul of the original design scheme
What? I like it. I think the background needs a bit more color contrast to match the shaders that they're using on the character model, and maybe an outline on the main character so she stands out more, but this is pre-alpha footage and already looks much better than the final version of MN9.
Iga is creating this game from scratch; of course it's going to take time.
It's fucking Castlevania. What did you expect this to be?
I like her standing pose.
so wait, the one on the right was promised but we got the one on the left?
What's wrong with it, nigger faggot?
if anything the jumping and movement overall looks floaty as shit
needs sharper movement and the rest looks ok
take OoE as an example of movement done right
>what's the issue
bland looking. looks like a ps2 game in pcsx2. lacking lighting or colors. animations seem to be a 1:1 copy. rehash with no creativity.
would expect more polish considering the budget.
I like how it looks the final shader, at least they can move past that point.
No, left is old shader right is new and definitive.
Do you fund awesome things that are totally awesome?
Something about shaders and they let community decide which one.
If you need me to tell you you shouldn't be playing video games...
>I like the way that looks.
>I don't think it looks bad.
I assume you mean the backgrounds?
No transitions between most animations, not even blending, and she actually clips through the platforms she jumps through...
OP trying to invoke the "Sup Forums will hate anything" meme, without realizing that Sup Forums's hate isn't quite as blind as he thinks it is.
No. The model on the left has no custom shaders, and backers were able to vote on the shaders used on the model, with the cel-shaded look on the right winning by a landslide.
>Iga isn't the father of castlevania and he never claimed to be.
Everyone thinks he was the man behind Symphony, which is why they're funding this.
>and she actually clips through the platforms she jumps through
You always went throught the platforms in Castlevania.
So wait, what's the fucking problem?
6 million is actually a little less than the average PS2 game's budget.
PS2 games cost around 8-10 million.
it looks good....
what's the problem?
the music is garbage
It is too much anime'ish'.. fuck this..... Symphony of the Night 4 evah !
What the fuck do you want nigga? Do you really think this is the release version or some shit? It's still in development. Ever heard of WIP?
Maybe he wasn't the man behind Symphony, but he actually worked on it and was behind the other Metroid-style Castlevania games.
That gives him the benefit of the dout.
I'm clearly talking about the model clipping, not a gameplay mechanic.
Order plays and looks the best. Shame so many of the levels are boring hallways. A bit more platforming would do wonders.
I was shocked to see the bonus levels that had great platforming. That should have been in the main game.
OP just wants to discuss the game and thinks (probably correctly) that calling it a piece of shit will generate more replies.
What the fuck is a WIP? Are you just making shit up and trying to defend garbage from scammers?
The fact they even showed the left should make you doubt these idiots know what they're doing designing a video game.
>what is a game in progress?
do people seriously still not understand this isn't even close to the final product. if this was MN9 I'd agree with you cause it comes out this year. Bloodstained still has at least a year to go
Get a fucking job.
>Do you fund awesome things that are totally awesome?
Someone please make a MN9-style trailer based on Bloodstained.
Work in progress, fagtron
mn9 backers trying to shitpost about other kickstarted games
This isn't a trailer or gameplay video. It's literally just a development update showcasing that they have movement systems and basic platforming elements in place.
I think it looks phenomenal.
>looks like a ps2 game
I unironically hate this meme
I did mean the backgrounds, I'm not to worried about how the animation looks just yet, if this was like a week from launch maybe.
>A crowdfunding project allows said crown to make choices regarding said project
What's wrong about that?
>it's an OP IS a faggot thread
>I-I-I-it's just an alpha!
Fuck off and die.
>It's an alpha!
>It's a beta!
>They'll patch it!
>There are people who voted for the left shader
But this time it is an alpha.
I work in software engineering. You're seriously retarded if a showcase of kinematics has got you this rustled.
that hip sway idle animation. mmmm
But it ACTUALLY is. Normally you don't get to see games this early in development but they're trying to be transparent with their backers so they can see the progress.
Even so, it looks great. I'm hype as fuck.
With enemies romping about and Miriam whipping/slicing them to bits it'll look a lot more refined. The music sample here is pretty awful, though. I wonder if Michiru Yamane is losing her touch.
Looks great, bro.
I don't see the problem.
>walking from side to side
>no enemies
>jump physics look shitty
>one environment
Truth. They need to improve the running animation but the idle, dash and attacking animations are looking good.
>The music sample here is pretty awful, though.
It sounds like rather generic Castelvania music. Not bad, but I swear I've heard it before.
But it's not even an alpha, it's pre-alpha development footage to show backers progress is being made with their money.
It looks good though, a little rough here and there but it's fine so far.
You really think one year is enough time to actually make a videogame? Maybe if it were a mobile card battle game.
I liked what they had for the video showing off the Miriam model.
It might just be a particularly generic sounding track.
Also, dat model. I really hope they don't give in to the five people telling them to bring down her bust size.
When backers get the demo is it okay to stream the game and record webms?
I haven't heard anything about an NDA yet.
It doesn't look bad at all for something that's probably pre-alpha. Quit trying to turn every upcoming game into the next Tortanic.
Looks good. Not sure what the issue is.
>calls this "too anime"
>praises SOTN which is the first of the anime-style Castlevanias
Do you people ever think about what you type before you post it?
Of course there isn't any enemies or varied environments in a demo of the engine and character animations made so far.
I imagine it will be in the email giving us the codes if they didn't want people to see it.
Portrait of Ruin has a theme which uses a similar chord progression.
At about 0:12.
It's used a lot when composers don't know what to do with a piece, I notice.
Is she a fucking cow?
Do you ever think people might be taking you for a ruse?
Rondo of Blood is also anime style. It resembles a different era of anime though.
>It might just be a particularly generic sounding track.
I figured it out. It sounds like a re-arrangement of Dracula's Entrance.
Also it's best to not have ONE eperson do the score, but several. Doing great/perfect music is hard.
are you going making this thread every day now?
I have yet to see a kickstarter game have an NDA on "Private" demos.
and yet hagihara never did anything since, and iga did 15 billion castleania games
but it looks great
Uh, user...
At most, SotN embraced the androgyny common in anime of the time but the style overall was much more gothic.
The fuck are you on about?
Even without the shaders, the model on the left still looks really good.
I've never backed one before so I had no idea about how they generally work.
That's comforting to hear though.
Rondo is anime style.
Symphony is not. It has bishonen, but has a unique art style.
>tfw only kickstarted 2 games
>One is set to release next month, the other just had a big update to the beta
Could be worse I guess.
She's a literal Semen Demon.
>No transitions between most animations, not even blending, and she actually clips through the platforms she jumps through...
yes this is why it's called "pre-alpha"
you guys realize this game isnt coming out until mid 2017 right
>MN9 falseflagging already
Well, you can tell this is E3 season
>This thread again
And once more, everyone interested in the game is quite happy with the way the kickstarter is playing out.
>and yet hagihara never did anything since, and iga did 15 billion castleania games
Hagihara left the industry since it's hard work for low pay. You can make the best game ever but get treated like shit. Game industry treats directors like low lives. It's why they keep leaving the industry.
the tit size is clearly smaller in the newest video, bruh.
sorry, but a girl with 32F tits in an action role looks stupid to me.
>i backed mighty no 9
ftfy op
Looks great; they really got the Castlevania movement down so they clearly know what they're doing
>looks like psp dracula x but with grill richter
I see no problems here.
Hagihara made the 2 best castlevania games and Iga just wrote on 2 more after SOTN and produced a shitload of great to bad games. I expect he knows how to produce what we want though and I hope for it to be good.
Don't worry, they'll spin with
>2 years for game development
>Alpha = Finished product
Your face when you realize that a lot of that was the blank empty map he showed off in Dev 3 back in April and it has come that far since then.
18 s on from Dev 4 is the map from 3 from 40s on