Was this the best machinima series?

Was this the best machinima series?

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And no.


This and Shephard's Mind. Nothing will ever surpass them.

Wasn't he going to do a Half Life 2 Freeman's mind?


It really trails off towards the end, especially with his weird insistence on only ever using the smg and shotgun and fights in general dragging out, nihilant especially with him getting snagged by those portals over and over


Correct answers.
Also correct


>show's that were way better before they tried to have an episodic story

It's amazing how so many machinimas took a violent nosedive in quality after they tried to have a deep and brooding story. RvB is another big contender for the 'video game show that took itself way too fucking seriously' award.

My friends and I still sing this when we get noscopes in games.

by the network?

All Your History are belong to us


I will give you that Recollections, especially S6, was a bit iffy. S7 and S8 weren't too bad, S9 and 10 could have been done much better than they were, and Chorus Trilogy was really good, I'd say.

I wouldn't know. I stopped watching long ago like anyone else with any shred of sanity.

My friends don't play vidya with me anymore

Only after making his movie.


Best Halo flash? Best Halo flash.


So are you saying that at least half, if not a lot more, of all RT fans are insane? Whether that has any truth to it or not, the show is actually good after BGC, believe it or not. I hope there aren't many, if any, people that have S9 or S10 as their favorite season though.

That's not what machinima means. Machinima uses video games and their engines( usually multiplayer I assume) to create a story of some sort, as far as I can tell. That's animation.



>8 years ago
>RIP in peace Sodagod

See, PGL I remember really enjoying. But I lost all respect for them because I'm almost positive they stopped making stuff after they all got the recon armor.

That's not machinima though, just shitty 3D animation

New episode came out awhile ago


iirc Harabek the guy who put the show together had a nervous breakdown or something

I love A&C so much, dude. Jon is such a cool guy and his stories surprisingly get you pretty engrossed in them. At least the later ones do. I still haven't gotten around to watching any of the newest season. Anyone else have an opinion on it?

>this had better fucking be halo 3 2 halo 4 the movie
halo 3 2 2 halo 4 the movie halo 5 final conflict when?





Fuck that show sucks

I haven't watched further than when Cortana was literally burnt alive when Masterchief put her in the over.
What happened since then? I'm fairly sure Arby fell into a state of depression due to his existinal crisis and didn't know about what Chief did. Not sure if it ever continued.

TJ LAYYYSER is the best machinima.

Arby & Chief went up its own ass.

if I had eybrowz I'd costazad u so fukkem hard rite now

Newer one is good so far, only saw the first episode though
Jon has full control over the series again, so no more shitty censor bleeps

Rooster Teeth are a good example of what Weebs actually are. Leave the anime shit to Japan. cringey fucks

is it finally over for realsies this time? Jon always wants to end it all and get a real job and then come a few months later he's back to playing with toys because it pays the bills. Last thing I watched was the wedding arc I think.

Didn't they blow up the apartment eventually?


Nah, but I remember really liking that guy's songs a long time ago.

Matchmaking was so good too, I totally forgot.

In my opinion it is. I love the humor and when it gets dark and dramatic it's actually still well written and they are somehow made into actually engaging characters.

It was gone for a few years now it's back. I was glad just to see Jon was still alive desu

it gets worse
way worse

>t. zero taste faggot


Nice meme, dude.


I don't think he means worse in quality user.

...All I said was that wasn't machinima, but instead animation. I do actually like RWBY, although I don't like Chibi that much.

nice digits

His first dramatic series, One Life to Live I think it was, for all the limitations of a headbob Halo 3 machinima was pretty good


>machinima is a dying artform and it's only savior is an awkwardly named website with little and poor advertising

gorillagong dot com

There's your problem. Its going to die because its shit, its not like its something that actually deserves to be preserved.

>tfw the halo 3 machinima craze is over
Also there was a show about 2 friends in an apartment mockumentary stlye. I think one was called phil or bob. Anyway if one of you know what its called itd be appreciated.
This. Master Chief was the best written character in the show, and Arbiter played off great. Though I always loved the dumb Hollywood arc or something like that. It was a low point, but I had a few keks


A victim of their own hubris when they started running it like a business

Even with their "friend discount", Rocco mentioned that the RT empire is still too fucking expensive to get for Game Days and other appearances


Why did Machinima die off after Halo 3? I remember a bunch of attempts at it on Halo Reach but then it was like everyone just abandoned it

>hollywood arc

was that the non-canon one not done by jon iirc where they end up on the streets and eventually a game store run by a Mario that's like the prospector from toy story 2? I remember really liking it and how dark it got despite a lot of people giving it shit at the time

No I might watch this one though.
The one I'm talking about was like a buddy show mockumentary. I believe it took place mostly in a house on Foundry.

I still burst out laughing when I hear this song

I'm surprised he brought it back

I thought he had to stop because his figures were literally falling apart, anyone would get tired of that shit after a while

The song really is instalube

Why do people say the show sucks after it gets dramatic? I think it's pretty good.

This. The drama felt natural and fucked up. I'd like to see him actually make more professional things, which what I thought the show started as, a way to practice

People forget how fucking massive Halo 3 was.
Purists didn't want anything that wasn't Halo 3.
Plus Reach's additions to MP didn't help.

I thought it was because one of the main guys joined the military and they didn't want to do it without him?

Dude, Jon CJG fucking browses Sup Forums like a maniac

During the bytes and shit he made VERY obvious references to le sekrit klub and even now he literally wrote in Master Chief to say REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Now, Jon, I know you started this thread. Reveal yourself.

I love Arby and the Chief. It's something special to me.

>being nostalgic about fucking machinima, one of the most cancerous yt channels in history

ok know i got a proof im too old. Fuck you cancerous kids, im leaving

it did. He's taken writing courses and applies to places but in the end it always returns to him hunching over with a camera and some toys

Explain please, I don't really feel like watching it if it's going to give me anxiety watching it. I'm too much of a pussy and fall apart at the realization I'm going to be a rotting corpse one day

They were fun skit shows

Dude, ever since Gamergate, Sup Forums culture has been leaking all over even general-use sites like Twitter like a fucking faucet. He doesn't need to be lurking here to know.

>taking the word to mean big M corporate Machinima instead of the general practice of films in vidya engines

Have you tried the south road?


No, look at the fucking Bytes episodes. He makes a ton of Sup Forums refs.

The last season IIRC was very depressing, though I think it ended on a happy note. Never thought I 'd care about toys

The xplay one with the splinter cell coop was good

i liked sonic for hire

Those are just general competitive fanboying shit. There's stuff like that on every video gaming forum, from Gamefaqs to Neogaf to Facepunch to wherever.

He has to make the movie

I'm hyped for Ross's movie. I love his work. Even moon gaming was okay in my book especially the second episode

Should've ended at Blood Gulch Chronicles

Oh yeah I forgot about this..thanks for reminding me it exists, user.

Why? Seasons 11 to 13 were the best the show has ever been.


Oh I remember user. I got my hands on that shit and rarely played anything else for like 4 years. That community was great. Constant new forge maps and game types, all the machinima videos, and Bungie got so involved with everything without trying to control shit too much. It was awesome.

What movie?

That's all bled out to Reddit and Twitter my dude, Sup Forums is big and jokes spread fast

I liked the free lancer stuff even if it got a little silly.
But when they went full matrix I got turned off.

Everyone got turned off at Seasons 9 and 10.




>watching old machinima video
how in the everloving fuck did they put that on literally every single video

i miss them together...

There's a new season? Last I saw they blew up the apartment and died, how the hell do you come back from that?

Ross right now is putting a lot of his time into making his movie that was in his head for years. Ever since he asked fans for money he decided he'll make the movie and do a full freemans mind of halflife 2, but the movie comes first. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe he's using a lot of assets from witcher to make the movie. And no, I'm pretty sure people don't know what the movie is going to be about.

If only they were as eager to remove them

If its anything like his Game Dungeon videos humor, I'm gonna love it

>Addresses many criticisms of the original!
>removes the other guy from the first episode

Holy shit user. I completely forgot this existed

He's said that he hasn't even gone all out for game doungen yet. He claims that his best ideas for it are still unused