Do you think he regretted what he did to Minecraft?
Do you think he regretted what he did to Minecraft?
Other urls found in this thread:
he hated what the game spawned, hence the reason why the minecraft autists hate him and calling him a "traitor".
Notch uncucked himself and became the first billionare shitposter
What did he do?
He fucking created Minecraft.
You mean make him a billionaire? Nah.
>sold that shit while it was hot and become a shitposting billionaire
I don't think so
>Regretting becoming a billionaire who essentially can live the best kind of NEET life to have.
never forget
Once he gets used to the idea of not having any real friends he'll be happier I think.
Who the fuck would care about a video game for little kids and autists? It wasn't even his idea, he just copied infiniminer.
Do you think flappy bird guy regretted getting $50 000 a day for an idea that wasn't his?
I'd be laughing all the way to the bank, snorting coke out of a asian ts boypussy everynight.
>not renaming the image to FLAOT.jpg
one fucking job
who is this she cute
He's literally the richest NEET so no
>Do you think flappy bird guy regretted getting $50 000 a day for an idea that wasn't his?
I thought Flappy Bird guy had complications with that considering he lives in a dirty fucking commie country where making that amount of money gets you in knee deep levels of shit.
sorry I'm on a phone
he will be broke soon if he dont stop blowing his money on usless shit
He's a mobile shithead
But that isn't even the true name
Flappy bird guy didn't like people spending so much time on his game and got mixed messages and thought people were killing themselves on it
Just your average anime loving pretty boy.
I wouldn't.
He's a billionaire, I doubt he can even muster up a fuck to give.
Sounds like a cheap excuse for, "My government will literally murder me if I became a sudden millionaire."
>damn, what a nice guy. i think i'll download that game
I live in a country just like that, I'd love to get 50000 for copy pasting assets and stealing ideas.
He's going back to his Sup Forums shitposting ways. Good for him, we're here forever after all
yare yare dawa. get these weebs outta here
who is he? my dick is diamonds
I don't understand the attraction of traps
You have no hips or ass, no titties, and a manface
The only thing that leads me to belive this is a girl is the hair, and that's the easiest to pull off
Yeah, I'm sure he regrets making billions of dollars and cashing out into a retirement that could last for tens of lifetimes and leaving millions of autists in the dust with no obligation to interact with them ever.
>worrying about another man's finances
cmon user.
Its an acquired taste. Like homosexuality.
I want Reddit to leave
I know user but damn it makes me jelous when assholes get far in life rather than hard working people
I'm going to start acting like this now that I know it makes you mad.
At least that hair is the best hair.
Yeah I get that, I'm just tired of threads getting derailed because of these ugly crossdressers
>Not liking men is reddit
Sup Forums really the gayest board on Sup Forums
>he will be broke soon
Literally impossible. He'd be dead before he could use up all that money. I think picture related is more to what you're expecting.
>Sup Forums really the gayest board on Sup Forums
You're gay for not liking traps and the gayest board is /fit/
Most convincing trap I've ever seen, pretty impressive.
Well the image that user posted had a hand covering half of it, and my post was posted nearly the same time as was, going back on it, it's actually pretty convincing, he actually got implants, is that a tranny?
If I could become a billionaire if it meant making Sup Forums make fun of me while the rest of the world seemingly didn't mind, I would do it in a heartbeat.
if it's supposed to be a play on "undertaker", this is a truly horrible name.
Not really
He's a lazy fuck who isnt making anything else
He got rich off 1 game and expecting to live the rest of his life doing nothing
i don't think you appreciate just how fucking much a billion dollars really is.
the dude could burn ten thousand dollars PER DAY and his fortune would last
Same, I'd post anonymously and shitpost about myself.
He doesnt and that's why i hate him
I want to get into this industry to make games
Making 1 and running away is a scumbag move
Again, couldn't see shit from the front
Is this actually a girl?
Holy fuck for once in a fucking lifetime on Sup Forums, image of a person posted is ACTUALLY LITERALLY a girl?
After Liru's game releasing and then this shit happening I don't fucking know anymore
No, it's a man.
Would still fuck though, not gay.
How the flying fuck does a man get that ass
I would destroy that ass, but only if it was a secret. Fucking other men is a shameful display
If you start that shit early, trannies can actually end up attractive.
Bailey Jay for example, great trap.
nanomachines, son
>wife divorces him to take half when he's only worth a few million
>couple years later he would be worth billions
i kek every time
Bunch of fucking faggots.
Fapping to traps isn't gay.
If there's tits and a pretty face, it's a woman, not rocket science, user
>billionaire running out of money by buying property
Sup Forums full of retards as usual
If it has/had a dick, it's gay to fap.
She must have been regretting that decision the day she heard he became a billionaire.
Didn't he buy something like a 13 million dollar mansion in LA a couple years ago? I might be thinking of another gaming person.
I could live my entire life with 1/4 of that money.
Jesus, how could people rekt themselves so hard...
>all the pictures being posted here got deleted from his Tumblr page
Is there anywhere else I can find pictures of this fluid druid?
She's a woman user, and she's black. I think you know how she managed it already.
I still don't know what this picture is about.
Bing is your friend.
Cube World is way better and the developer literally refuses to sell it to m$