Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?

Other urls found in this thread:


wut happen?

Nothing, OP is just being autistic.
Move along.

le sigh

I'm assuming he's talking about last year where FFVII remake and Shenmue III were announced and EZA acted like a bunch of retards and made Tom Cruise jumping on Oprah's couch look like totally normal behavior and GB were trying too hard to be cool and detached.

They were both in the wrong for being tryhard faggots just in different direction.

Just different reactions, no hard feelings. GB guys didn't grow up as fans of Shenmue or Final Fantasy so they weren't that excited.

Their fans are having a slap fight about being hype (EZA) vs anti-hype (GB) over E3.

My favorite thing about that entire event is that it was only the fans that cared.
Both the GameTrailers and Giant Bomb crew respect each other, they thought the entire thing was a bit ridiculous.
Like, they grew up liking different things and the two websites had different expectations while going into the event. GT was going in as a bunch of fans who were watching to be excited, GB was going in as a bunch of journalists who were watching to know which questions to ask and which articles to write.


>seven white guys

How has no one raised a stink about them and demanded more diversity?

GB has people who have been in the game since they were 15. Now they're creeping up on their 40s.
They are calm and collected because they've seen it all before.
Jeff was also in his 20s when Shenmue came out. It wasn't really a good game, guys.
It's already been superseded by Yakuza years ago.
FF7 was great, but they all knew this was coming anyway.
Most of the GB staff like FF before FF7 the most.

>"Look at the DoA 5 costume DLC sometime. They launched that game with two $100 packages of DLC. They keep adding more. They've added so many costumes to that game. Because people like to play dress-up with their funny polygonal little dolls! ... It's a shame, because I think that's a pretty decent fighting game. ... Yet it's like, they're focusing on all this other bullshit, when they should be focusing on making their fighting game an even better fighting game. That's the part where I get pissed."

- Jeff Gerstmann

There was a stink on neogaf.

I'm no SJW, but that is a lot of white people in one room.

it's almost like
SJWs are hypocritical or something?

I guess it just flew under my radar.

I remember when GB hired Dan and Jason and GAF and other places flipped their shit. Some cunt """journalist""" demanded Jeff write some kind of essay about why they hired two more white guys.

Not that I agree with them in any way, but it makes sense from their perspective. You have to remember that "diversity" is just code for "less straight white guys".

What are the chances of Sup Forums having any more comfy Giant Bomb threads?
It seems like it'll be near-zero at this point due to newfriends deciding that they're all e-celebs, but there is potential.

Agreed. I hope Jeff doesn't let everyone have fucking laptops this year. What a great stream to watch everyone looking at chat.

Not that it would be worth it either way.

I'm just going to watch EZA this year, I'm kind of tired of being cynical.


Razorfist: youtube.com/watch?v=nZk1yJ4_s7A

Maddox: youtube.com/watch?v=yNlDxFneFII

Superbunnyhop: youtube.com/watch?v=IzerU6PVTV8

I'm conflicted between watch Easy Allies or Giant Bomb's coverage of E3

>What are the chances of Sup Forums having any more comfy Giant Bomb threads?


Maybe if we made the threads disguised or something, but I doubt that would work.

Easy Allies talked about the shenmue reaction on the latest podcast. Huber seems very passionate about the series.

Still don't know why Bosman stood up on the chair though tbqh.

OP is trying to shill two e-celeb groups instead of just one

did drew ever fuck GameSpot girl?

take this e-celeb shit to

>tfw no one cares about your E3 coverage.

>No one is uploading UPFs on the doc anymore, the most recent new thing is Hitman 2nd Half Marrakesh
>Three UPFs have gone by

Please, just end me.

I don't even know why people like Greg Miller. I thought he was insufferable as IGN's in house Playstation shill.

They've been fucking terrible, hell one was barely 80 minutes and it was just more fucking doom, so don't worry about it.

Greg Miller is awful. Just shit.

A deliberate shill.

>"diversity" is just code for "less straight white guys"

this desu
you NEVER see them demand 'diversity' when bollywood makes movies with a 100% indian cast, when nigerian straight-to-dvd african trash films are 100% niggers, or when chink ripoff flicks are 100% asian
only ever against white people

same with sex - none of them give a fuck at all about all the fields and majors where women dominate, they only attack things that have more men than women

Honestly, I don't care. I just need something on in the background. It doesn't help that everything uploaded to MEGA is being taken down fucking instantly.

I'm about to get a job just to get a premium membership.

he fucking ruined XV Uncovered event with his fucking annoying face and voice


KYS degenerate.

lol what the fuck even is easy allies.

Maydoff, yous a cuck

mary kish thread

>they only attack things that have more men than women


Yeah sure, when it comes to cool jobs like movie directors, engineers, game industry, tech industry, etc. they yell and scream about there aren't enough women. But when was the last time you saw them advocate for more women coal miners? Or fire fighters? Or construction workers?

They're such blatant two-faced shits.

>GB was going in as a bunch of journalists who were watching to know which questions to ask and which articles to write.
>writing articles

Since you guys know about all this shit, help me out with who the game developer / review is at 2:24:00. I want to research her pics and stuff.




>They were both in the wrong for being tryhard faggots just in different direction.

Though I can understand being excited. Nobody thought Shenmue had a chance; and while I'd never ask for a FFVII remake, I get it.

Acting like people were wrong for wanting both is shitty. Those titles existing don't hurt anyone.

>GB were trying too hard to be cool and detached.

Can you really not understand that some people just don't give a fuck about shenmue?

Every member of GB is like 5-10 years older than they would have needed to be to grow up and enjoying Shenmue

>Acting like people were wrong for wanting both is shitty. Those titles existing don't hurt anyone.

And this is why this controversy exists to begin with, autists can't understand that not liking something isn't actually an attack on the people who do like it.

What did you mean by this?

I think Brandon's personal trainer is shitskin. He's on a few streams.


t. 13 year old edgy teen

How come the EZA patreon dropped like 8 thousand dollars?

People may have donated extra for June to hit the E3 equipment goal maybe?

>autists can't understand that not liking something isn't actually an attack on the people who do like it

Pretty sure Jeff Gerstmann referred to Shenmue as a "fork life simulator for assholes". He doesn't just "not like" Shenmue, he passionately hates it and happily disparaging anyone who does like it.

But that's just the standard state of discourse in the gaming community. Anyone who likes what you don't like or doesn't like what you do like is a "faggot" or a "misogynist" or a "racist" or a "manchild" or a "pedo" or a whatever. It's incredibly vitriolic.

so? if something you hated was popular you would say the same things. He doesn't have a responsibility to pretend to tolerate something just because people like you can't handle different opinions. If you don't like what he has to say, go watch someone else or better yet, go play some some actual video games.

That bunnyhop video just reeks of arrogance.
>No, let ME feed you all the information under my pessimistic half the time on the mark critique

hol up are you sayinn...
hol up hol up
are you tellin me right now that...??
hol up my nigga hol up are you sayin??????
>*Patreon campaign for Easy Allies does not meet expectations
my nigga are you telling me that....
>*Average 5.000 views per video on Youtube
Shenmue 3 is being announced????

here we see a man who can't handle the bants


Shenmue was a cute base for an actual good franchise, Yakuza.

>*Patreon campaign for Easy Allies does not meet expectations


they expected more, some major goals didn't get funded, like a fucking studio for example, also I'm pretty sure they wanted the whole gaming journo to be their day time job, but with the amount of cash they're getting it's not a possibility

>haha, i made the funny face again

>if something you hated was popular you would say the same things

I don't actually.

I'm not arrogant enough to assume I am the arbiter of good taste and I would certainly never attack someone just for being genuinely excited about something they have been waiting years for.

I like what I like and live and let live. It's really not that hard to do.


If they were expecting 50k, why would they set so many of the goals so low

What was the last good video GB made, famalams?

I like the Brad/Dan hitman videos but those seem controversial because Dan (much like MGS) offers terrible advice.

They said on streams at the start that they only expected to hit one or two goals.

>tfw they're doing better as EZA than they did as GT

>the arbiter of good taste

So by your logic it's rude and presumptuous for anyone to express dislike of anything.

>attack someone

he's stating his own opinion, he's not attacking you for Christs sake. newsflash, different people like different games.

Who is this?


fuck, this makes me appreciate how much less of a fat fucking sasquatch slob brad looks like now

I don't think Gerstmann ever called someone a racist or misogynist or 'manchild'

>not being cynical towards the fucking videogame industry
>believing dev and publisher lies
>believing bullshot trailers that will be downgraded to hell and back

as jeff said on one of the recent podcasts, 'I don't know what these idiots are getting excited for, the game won't look anything like that'


>gerst sneaking a peek at kish booty

>So by your logic it's rude and presumptuous for anyone to express dislike of anything.

There's a difference between expressing a dislike and objectively declaring something to be shit and anyone who like it to be shit. For example, saying "I don't like Assassin's Creed" is a little different to saying "Assassin's Creed is a fucking awful game and the fanbase are all a bunch of retards."

>he's stating his own opinion, he's not attacking you for Christs sake. newsflash, different people like different games.

I know he's not attacking me because I don't actually like Shenmue myself, but he definitely attacked Shenmue fans. He's gone on more than one rant about Shenmue and the fanbase. He really, really doesn't like them and wants it to be known.

A nice change of hairstyle and shave really do a man wonders.

What point are you even trying to falseflag here?

>'we want the 12 year old youtube crowd'


I was kinda into his group but they fell the fuck off once they joined rooster teeth



best emma


>listen to maddox's new podcast
>3 seconds in he's shilling for leather purses

This guy wrote "The Art of Manliness"

i want to suck the fart bubbles out of her asshole and pop them in my mouth


Did he and Dick breakup or something?

Did the cuck jokes go to far?

>being excited about something makes you tryhard
you are such a sad faggot

Does anyone else remember Invisible Walls with shane and that British dude?


There's two podcasts now

Maydoff and his "podcast network" and dick with his patreon podcast. Neither are as good as BPU. At least Dick isn't LITERALLY debating with himself though.

Yeah I saw, it's a shame. Dick needs to be around to call out maddox on his cuckery.

le gets overly excited man

Only kind of like him at Paxamanias. Otherwise he tries too hard.

Probably the ones that flipped out over a remake and a Kickstarter