>Two rares and an epic
>Career picture and two duplicate skins
Why? How have your loot boxes been treating you, Sup Forums?
Two rares and an epic
My loot boxes suck ass, always see the three greys and one blue. Wow three fucking sprays and a duplicate skin!
im level 30 with 0 legendary skins, 1 epic skin and about 6 sprays per character. fuck blizzard
Don't you have to post in /vg/ now?
Awfully. In 42 levels I've only got 3 legendaries. Some Torn biker skin, the fucking wood Bastion, and that yeti piece of crap for Mei. I don't even get many cash drops. Only just managed to scrape together 1000 shekels to buy that sweet Blackhardt skin. At least the XP requires for levelling stays at 22,000 regardless of how much you level.
Level 28 and only 705 coins.
1 legendary item and it's a decent Bastion skin.
I got a few Reinhardt stuff but nothing amazing.
Otherwise, crap.
>highlight intros for 2 characters i never play
>How have your loot boxes been treating you, Sup Forums?
Awful. Haven't gotten anything good since I gothink Bloodhardt like at level 8. I'm 25 now, pretty much all sprays, voice lines and icons with a few recolor skins and highlight intros for characters I don't play at all.
Got a Hanzo Lone Wolf from level 18 box. I don't really play Hanzo, but it looks nice. Really want that Pharah Thunderbird skin.
>opened 21 crates so far
>only 1 legendary, purple reaper crow skin
i mean its not bad but some of you fricks are getting like 2-3 legendaries in 1 crate
breddy gud
level 26
>2 to 3 legendaries in one box
Yeah, no. I'm not sure if that's possible but if it is it they must ridiculously few and far between.
seen 2 retards today posting pics of it happening. one dude got 2 of the same exact firefighter mei skin and another dingus got 3 orange skins in 1 crate
post yfw
>gray gray blue gray
The loot boxes have to be bought with real money to increase the drop rate.
Overwatch is made for people, who what to relax, after a long day with their wife's sons.
Ignore me just using this for a roll.
been getting insanely lucky lately
Last five boxes I've opened, I've gotten 2 legendaries and 3 epics. I have most of the skins I want, although I'm saving up coins to get a couple more.
The RNG is the same whether they're bought or earned. You don't have to buy shit and with the drop rates being so poor, there isn't much point in spending real money unless you're rich as fuck.
I've gotten 2 legendary junkrat skins and i never play that fucking character
just got Hanzo legendary wolf skin, the black one, pretty great, I wish I got Dvas though.
>Get a legendary
>It's always for a character you don't use
Should I save my gold for only legendaries, or buy a couple epics that I like?
Epics are only 250 a piece so knock yourself out. Just bought the white Lucio skin, which is weirdly his best one despite not being legendary.
I've probably opened around 70-80 boxes and have almost every legendary skin so overall I don't think the RNG is too bad so far.
I've gotten 6 yellows.
Djinnyatta at lv 8
Mach Racer skin for tracer at 17
Night ops for 76 at 34
Mechaqueen for pharah at 40
Young Hanzo at 42
Another Young Hanzo at 58 which is dumb
Imp for Mercy, Rustbucket or whatever it's called for Diva the one that looks like junk and I bought one of Pharah's legendaries.
>level 19
>2 legendaries of which one is super ugly and the other is a character I never play
>only other skin I got was poo in the loo recolour which I already got a duplicate of
>470 funbux
>already got a ton of duplicate sprays/icons etc.
I don't know if this is good, bad or average.
Funnily enough that was exactly the skin I was thinking about. His legendaries are just so unappealing.
i haven't opened a box for a week already. Just keep piling them up.
>mfw opening up Valkyire and Stonehardt
Valkyrie is THE best mercy skin.
Devil/Imp are for sluts.
>This is the only skin above Rare that I've gotten, currently at level 26
I don't even play this ugly dyke.
Fucking kill me.
lvl 37 and i haven't opened a single box yet
>60+ loot boxes of this order
>first legendary was for Zarya
>Main Pharah and Mercy for delicious shipping (and also Reinhardt but thats besides the point)
>Hit level 12
>Open my loot box
>Get this
RNG-sama, you never disappoint.
i always get the same exact things in the same exact way
i get greys on left left middle and right and a blue on right middle every single fucking time
Finally got enough credits to buy a legendary and I went straight for Mechaqueen Pharah. That's by far my favorite legendary in this game.
I still have nothing for Pharah. Not even a spray.
>fuck yeah my first double yellow
>both of them are for heroes I not only hate but actively insult people for using
>just to salt the wound one of them is a fucking dupe
Classic. Got a good Roadhog skin tho so it's not all bad.
We all do user. We all do.
Also now that I've gotten enough to buy a yellow got any suggestions for what I should get?
Pic related is what I currently already have.
4/5 boxes had legendary. One of them treasure. Had about 9 legendary drops in total and currently level 80. So I guess I can't complain. Have 1600 gold after a few purchases.
I used my coins to pick up her Samus Aran highlight intro, which is fun to combine with the Mechaqueen skin. No regrets.
Thats not very good for skin
>wish there was a coatless mei
Only have gotten 2 legendarys and I'm level 44
Crap besides this. I don't even play these guys, so it was kinda meh.
>only level 40
>Cutie uniform Symmetra
>Mask off Rein
>Jester Junkrat
>Safari Winston
>Imp Mercy
I got what I wanted, still get more.
>use to get drops like this all throughout public f2p before release
>release happens
>only get shit, still haven't gotten a single good skin at rank 20
>A skin that covers mei up even more
>Well at least it's not pink hair I guess
>Playing pajeette ever
can you disenchant skins that you only have one of?
>2 legs so far
>Toa Roadhog and Huntress Widowmaker
>the 2 best skins for heroes I actually like and play
read this thread and opened a box I had to piss you off
But that's worse than base Hanzo
I have the furry skin of him too
Then your legendary drop was just wasted on something you'll never use.
4 legendary + 2000 credits at lvl50
I mean you should at least have her pixel and cute sprays if you're worth a damn with her.
Oh fuck you.
You're implying I haven't used it
>it's a voice line
>for bastion
I only get the chance to play pharah in maybe 1/20 games.
Man i can only hope all those messages claiming to have actually wasted money on this garbage fest are all from marketeers trying to make this shit look acceptable,
Neo-Sup Forums ... i seriously hope you cowards don't do this.
I just got an ookami skin for hanzo on my lvl 34 loot box... MFW i suck at aiming with hanzo ;_;
No one sucks at aiming with Hanzo. The game basically fucking aims for you.
why is this cancer allowed
>level 23
>Ra Zenny
>Bioshock Bastion
>Some blue skins
>Good voice lines
>No fucking highlight intros
>Sprays out the ass
Zenyatta's growing on me, and I play Bastion from time to time, but I want some decent Reinhardt, Junkrat, and Mercy skins right about now.
currently level 52, sitting on the following:
level 8 - rainmaker pharah (tied for my my favorite character, hit jackpot early)
level 12 - hippityhop lucio (my favorite skin for him, 4th most played atm, nice, fat 75% winrate)
level 26 - frogston winston (my favorite skin for him, don't mind him too much)
level 33 - B. VA D. VA (my favorite skin for her, kinda like her)
1685 overbucks
the main skins i want are as follows:
widowmaker - huntress
mercy - sigrun
reindhart - stonehardt
tracer - posh (by far my most played character to the tune of having played her more than all others combined, also my other favorite character)
torbjorn - cathode
i might just hold onto my coins until i hit level 123. after you hit 100, you level based on the experience totals from level 1-22, meaning you get loot boxes more quickly since 23 is the 22,000 exp per level cap. at that point i'll probably start spending. also, i'm not gonna be able to play for a few weeks because my laptop's GPU seems to be messed up and i need that much time to build an actual desktop computer.
>Average of 2 objective kills
>Average of 6 seconds on the objective
This makes me angrier than it should.
>average objective time: 00:06
>average objective kills: 2
>average damage: 5,057
>level 48
>my only legendary skins are for Zenyatta and Symettra
why do you have anything else than 0 for objective time?
>Lvl 37, 1490 coins
>Young Genji
>Widowmaker Odette
>Young Genji is one of my favorite skins and motivates me to play him more, and I find out I love using him
>Odette looks silly and I'd much rather have the two rares, and I suck monkey ass as Widow
>play all the characters so I have no idea what I'd spend the coins on
Have this
widows best skin is noire
her other 2 ultimates suck ass
>Hit Level 30 tonight
>50 C
>Symmetra Visor Portrait Picture
>Duplicate Voice Clip so 5 C
>Another Lucio spray
Take this
Don't think my last 10 were anything other than just that, except one time getting 3 blues and a gray but they were all dupes
how is young genji your favorite?
it's one of the worst skins of any hero
>suck ass
White+orange is my favorite color scheme.
The mint green hair is kinda strange, but green is my favorite accent to white+orange.
fucking perfect
Young Genji looks like a naruto fanfiction character
>""""""""""beauty"""""""""" marks
>get my first legendary
>get excited
>it's a skin for bastion, who I hate playing
For ledengaries I have:
Young Master
Security Chief
Plague Doctor
I'l level 25 and bought 50 lootboxes
I only got firefighter Mei and gothic Zarya and i don't mind because i like Zarya