>Passed Steam Greenlight in less than 2 weeks.
Ask me anything.
Passed Steam Greenlight in less than 2 weeks
So which flavor of feces is your game? Indie pixelshit you made by yourself, or open world zombie survival game made by you and 3 buttbuddies that won't ever come out of early access?
post game link
Openworld indie pixelshit with alien zombies. Only by me.
I passed Greenlight in a month. Beat that.
how boring
... 2 weeks are less than a Month...
You're a genius user!
Mine's wasn't a pixel rougelike Something Simulator game so it was an uphill battle.
>American education system
>another shitty Indie I can't filter out
Thanks, comming from Sup Forums that's good.
How many of the Yes votes were from Russians?
0%, Half Hispanics Half Americans
Even I refused evil trades. Money for votes, or games for votes.
>tfw game gets greenlit in less than 2 weeks
feels good
Yes, my friend. Feels good.
What steam greenlight games have been successful?
All kickstarter ones.
Not only did that fail to answer my question, it managed to out-do the OP in being unbelievable.
Same here.
We didn't even come close to top 100 though. Not sure how that works.
We was 84, and 95 at the end.
If I'm out of balsamic vinegar would mixing apple cider vinegar with a bit of sugar be a decent alternative?
Why do kids love the taste of cinnamon toast crunch?
Im not Gordon Ramsey
Are you now or have ever been a sponge?
when they still greenlit things?
Only the bests, like my game.
What's the game? Can I see it?
>King of the Poo People.
>Standalone mod of HLM2
Might as well go full shill. Post your shitty game.
Shit user, you still lurking?
someone on Sup Forums actually made this
She has eyes
I think they're talking about Numbuh 4
He also has eyes
Numbah 4 always looked like a NO RULES brand t-shirt character.