My field may be empty but I still have the heart of the cards!
My turn! Draw!
Just what I needed! I summon Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon!
My field may be empty but I still have the heart of the cards!
My turn! Draw!
Just what I needed! I summon Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon!
Read file name.
What is this supposed to be?
What is the most bullshit card out there?
where do you get the legs in this fucking game?
O-Oh yeah well I got..
>Draws card
>It's fuck all nothing
I once got Yata-Locked back in the day. It wasn't fun.
Goddamn that's one cute Blue Eyes.
>Trying to fuse every five cards to see if you could make a fusion.
>Without understanding how it worked.
Somedays i would get Garvas after a 3 chain and lose it because i had Kuriboh at the end.
>Making a Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon for the first time.
Never looked back. Until i got to the Mages and had to grind to step it up.
A-user I don't think that's how shirts work.
Wait, what?
what is that fucking shirt made out of?
AI cheats.
>copypasting the same thread just to avoid /dng/
I'll just leave this here
Card magic.
So, is that guy that was asking about the remix video with all of the Japanese phrases still here from the yesterday's Yugioh thread? If so, I found it
My dick wants me to build Lunalights so badly but their actual card art looks atrocious
Why does she still have the same face?
Animu magic
Most people I know only watched this show for the waifus.
shockingly not myself
It could be worse. Besides, Konami would never allow something lewd in the TCG.
I don't even care that she just ruined the corner of her card.
Not even the lewd factor, the non fusions just look like shit imo
Like this trash
Why is it so hard to find a woman who likes card games IRL?
Then again, I'd probably get upset if she managed to beat me.
Why do you need a woman to play card games with if you have buddies that play card games? What do you need a girlfriend for? This is why onaholes exist.
I found one once, but her penis was kinda a turn off
Maybe that's a good thing.
>Sorry Yugi, you need the sixth piece of Exodia to win this game
Because I tried to teach a [girl]friend how to play once but she didn't really understand.
What do you have against furry Shinobu?
>Then again, I'd probably get upset if she managed to beat me.
Holy fucking shit dude are you 12?
Because a large amount of girls simply aren't interested in this kind of thing and a lot of the ones that do play are sadly just looking for attention, speaking from personal experience. You usually have to convince them, so look for someone that's open to new things. Probably not a useful story, but I convinced my mom to play Pokemon via showing her the online version of the card game. Still working on explaining Yugioh to her, but she at least hasn't cast it aside as too confusing or infantile yet.
Because the sperglords that inhabit games shops don't understand why they are unattractive to the point that they are untrustworthy of any woman that likes what they like.
This scares women away from social spaces and onto tumblr blogs to complain about sexism and the lack of representation.
Are you serious? I would love a qt trap gf to play card games with.
But user, I don't have buddies that play this shit.
In fact I spend money on physical cards but have no one to play with.
No local card shop anywhere near either.
I just use two decks to duel myself.
Her penis was bigger than mine, it wouldn't work out since I'm not into being submissive
So women are only willing to do something if they're around good looking guys that make them feel comfortable? Sounds like they just don't like the thing they're getting into very much. When I was 13, I entered my LGS and stayed in there even though I was initially offput by neckbeards laughing at me since I'm not retarded.
If I hosted tags on YGOPro would anyone play?
No monarch, kozmo, BA, aryan dragons, or pals shit lest you scare away the people that don't circlejerk on /dng/
>Tfw I did this with Pokemon cards as a kid because I didn't have any friends, and nobody at school wanted to play by the official rules.
Why even bother buying cards, then? you might as well just use dueling network or YGO Pro
You can check craiglist for gaming groups, but those are VERY hit and miss. I got a pretty good one on the first try, though.
I would any other day user but I'm cozy in bed watching anime right now
And when will this shit meta end?
neckbeards are creepy fucks though
reason why I don't play card/tabletop games is because most people who do are awkward neckbeards
>No monarch, kozmo, BA, aryan dragons
>or pals
>tfw Magician/Odd-Eyes/Performapal deck
For what it's worth, not everyone with a big penis is a top and you could have probably convinced her to let you do it instead.
So where do you live anyway? I've been in a few game shops, but I have never seen a trap (that I know of, anyway) in South Carolina.
And then you realize that the real game isn't that much different.
Fuck MAX dragon.
>Just flip it face down!
>Just negate the battle phase!
someone post the video from the latest game where the CPU has all five pieces of Exodia on his first turn
I think it depends heavily on where you live. In the card shop I go to, most of the guys there are normalfag republican Christian as fuck, to the point I'm surprised they believe in playing games like Yugioh and Magic. The one fat neckbeard atheist guy besides me is actually quite nice and knows to keep his opinions to himself, even when the other guys are ranting about the left and trannies.
Not him but I hate the majority of people I despised playing yugioh irl because of the playerbase.
Bunch of meme loving fucks.
I buy cards because I like opening packs.
I do use YGOPro but my opponent is either a competitive player that wrecks my shit or a 12 year old who surrenders when he doesn't get the hand he wants.
I can never get a legit win.
>You can check craiglist for gaming groups
Not everyone is from 'Murica, user. Even if there was a craigslist here, that's probably how you get kidnapped, raped, sold or killed. Or all four.
So just like Sup Forums?
/Dng/ is swarming with Mexicans, try there
I'm not American either. Here in England, we have craigslist and I've yet to get assaulted by Muslims. There is a black guy in the group, but he's not an American, so everything works out fine. Just make sure they post lots of pictures first.
Let's put it this way. How long would you stick around a place if every comment you received from someone was:
1. A beta's attempt at eliciting sex out of you?
2. A condescending remark as if you have no idea what you're doing?
3. A snarky question about your devotion to the hobby?
As a follow-up, would you take this kind of bullshit if every other newcomer was welcomed not because they have more experience knowledge, or skill but because they just look different in a way you can't control?
Really, people need to stop thinking it's okay to be a raging beta autist outside of Sup Forums. It's not even okay here!
Somewhere between leddit and Sup Forums in all honesty. I tried to get into Vanguard but the playerbase there was even worse. There was one guy other than me who wasn't an obnoxious weeb. I guess that's to be expected though, Vanguard is obscure as fuck.
I play MtG now and it's pretty all right. There is a lot more cool people and a lot less faggots. Surprisingly, Force of Will is better than Yugioh where I live as well.
>not having a mirror force card
>not have a bottomless
>not having a solemn
git gud
>Mirror Force
Max dragon can't ever be destroyed by card effects . Do you even know how to resolve?
>I do use YGOPro but my opponent is either a competitive player that wrecks my shit
I don't think you understand why I stay on Sup Forums Yugioh threads instead of /vg/ ones.
There's a plaza at the city where lots of guys play Yugioh but I heard getting your cards stolen there is pretty easy. I'm too much of a pussy.
Also social anxiety.
This is partially false. While the first one occurs some (not at my LGS, though I have heard stories), the other two happen to men as well. They don't only think women are stupid. They think any new person is stupid. On my first day there, I played Magic and I was using a homebrew deck which half of the guys spent 2 or 3 minutes explaining to me why it was bad in theory, but I still got third place and they shut the fuck up. I got plenty of comments like "Are you sure you know how to use that kind of deck" and "That's not how Gravekeepers work!" when I tried playing them very offensively with a guy during a Yugioh match which I one anyway. Plenty of guys talk shit about each other all of the time, and it's actually misogynistic to believe you can't do the same to a woman and that she needs special treatment. Maybe you just ran into some bad apples, but the communities I've been to accept female players just as much as they accept male players. Seriously, the most prominent player in my group is a black girl that no one actually hits on.
I said mirror force CARD, as in Quaking, Drowning, or Storming.
You are right about bottomless though. And I'm right about any solemn card to stop the ritual summon.
I can't be only one that played this
Even after coming back to it a decade later it's still the shit
Are these cards any good nowadays?
There's always that faggot.
I'm sorry. But yes, you're absolutely right.
Personally, nowadays almost all of my decks run Quaking because it works very well against him and can even give me a great edge against any strange floodgating monster effect.
They never were.
The only one who ever saw play was Obelisk as a one-of in frogs. The other two were never good.
Seriously? MtG has an even spergier community. Try telling them you like any card game besides Magic and the insults will start flying. In fact, simply winning can lead to a meltdown.
>Beat a guy in a close match
>he gets so angry he refuses to shake my hand and rants about how weak and pathetic my mono red deck is for 2 minutes
I eventually managed to calm him down by talking about WoW, but he never came back to that store.
>lose a match pretty badly against a guy with a much better deck
>we sit down and wait for the next round, talking a bit
>I pull out my tablet and start reading the Yugioh 5D's manga
>he says "Oh, well no wonder you lost. Your background is a cash cow anime game where there you can do a bunch of shit with no repercussions as long as you get a combo"
Yes, he gathered all of this from me reading a fucking comic book after the match was over.
>Guy mulligans 3 times in a row
>I assure him that I used the same shuffle that I use for every deck, my own included
>he shuffles and I cut again
Apparently he didn't trust his own shuffle enough
Nice anecdote, but there are just as many stories to the contrary. Any scene that involves meeting face-to-face has smack talk, I will concede that; however there is nothing competitive about tabletop RPGs, comic books, etc.
The YGO scene especially is almost as degenerate and subhuman as the FGC
Anyone here bought the legendary decks collection?
I got hit by Nostalgia hard and had to almost immediatly.
I could never understand the appeal of this game.
I tried playing it a couple of years back after hearing it get praised in every YGO thread, but just couldn't get into it, Forbidden Memories is much better.
I'm talking my area. Cardgames in general are fucking awful for the community but where I live MtG is the best.
>shitters mad that they couldn't even get past Weevil
We aren't talking about tabletop RPGs (even though those actually can be competitive to some degree) or comic books (even though those are a pissing contest on the same tier with Sup Forums), and though I have some fucked up stories about those as well, we are talking about competitive trading card games, which are inherently going to attract crazy people, like call competitive games. Seriously, is there any competition free of this sort of stuff? Look at the NFL or most discussions of it. It will be a bunch of guys getting angry and at best, dragging along their wives to talk about the sport. While they won't outright refuse women like some smaller games, e.g, the one we're talking about, they still won't take a woman's analysis of plays and players as seriously. And yes, Yugioh's community is very hit or miss, but I don't think it's because of misogyny (I actually notice more racism.) It's more about general spergs. Like I said, these guys are assholes over everything, not just women.
I did. Helped me with my character decks.
Nigga is that a sealed Starter Deck Kaiba
>muh women need protection
The world is not your hugbox. People will talk shit to you. Most shit is going to be a pissing contest about who's best if guys really like it. Have you ever seen people that truly love basketball talk about it? They're going to talk about their favorite team as if it's objectively the best. Have you ever seen guys that read a lot of books? Of course they're going to laugh at the guy that thinks Harry Potter is on the same level as Dostoyevsky and it has nothing to do with gender. If these women are that triggered by guys saying bad stuff to them, they should stay on tumblr. By that same logic, I don't want pussy guys that can't take a joke coming in the store either. Yeah, I've been called a weeaboo, a dick, a weirdo et cetera, but I got over it. I'm not going to make a 3 chapter blog on how a girl called me creepy because I really just don't give a shit about words, as no one really should. If you are seriously going to cry over some supposed ugly creepy guy saying something bad to you, you have bigger problems than card games and I fail to see how you function in day to day life. How the fuck are people like this going to work when I assume they even find their boss asking them to fill out papers triggering, sexist, racist, et cetera? Believe it or not, but the world doesn't always cater to you and people don't always say what you want them to. Unless they are working for you, they have no such obligation. And yeah, bullying sucks ass, but there's a big difference between trying to beat a woman up and TRIGGER WARNING making fun of her card game skills, especially when these guys will do the same to other men.
But in all seriousness, I think I'm actually kind of glad if your kind are the types of people that are complaining about this, since I know I'll never have to deal with you unless you decide to bumrush the scene in droves with your tumblrina brigade.
Describe to me your deck and strategy Sup Forums
Children in anime are just adults with petite bodies. That's why there's so many lolicons.
I don't play competitively nor do I know the meta well enough to do so. I do happen to like shit like this though.
Those pendulum warriors though don't really fit too well, but it seems like that without an option to swarm the field you stand no chances nowadays.
Is that a Road Rash reaction image?