Is doom really worth it?

is doom really worth it?

It was worth the gamefly free trial i used to rent it for ps4

Not for 60 dollars. The singleplayer is fantastic, but the multiplayer is shit and snapmap is severely limited. They're supposed to be reworking the MP and updating SM eventually, I would recommend waiting till the game hits 30 to 40 dollars.


It's the best FPS in a while. Guns are great. Enemies are great. Maps are great.

Yes for fucks sake

A lot of people are hesitant to pay for a FPS campaign for 60 bucks but it's the first time it's been done right in a LONG time.

no, it'll be cracked soon though.

Having fun shitposting?

If you can find it for $40 sure, id software announced that they are overtaking the multiplayer mode from certain affinity so we'll see what they have in store for us.

Do you have disposable income and free time? Yes.

Are you a useless NEET faggot? If you pirate it, yes its worth it. If not, no.

I feel stupid for just now noticing the face behind the visor

In my opinion no. I dislike the fatality for health crap and the arena stuff. I thought Doom3 was an alright game though so what do I know.

$20 max

Yes, absolutely.

It's worth it, because it's an amazing game, the likes of which we haven't seen in decades, and it's absolutely worth it for the simple fact that supporting it is supporting the idea of more shooters like this, on the opposite end of the "slow, recharging health military shooters" spectrum.

Anyone who says it's not worth it because of the multiplayer or Snapmap is missing the forest through the trees.

Doom 3 is an alright game.
It's just that it wasn't a very Doom like game.



Never again

I liked it a lot. Very fluid movement and mechanics, satisfying guns. Still very simple at its core, which is good.
Last part of the game felt a bit meh, hoped for more rewarding and interesting boss fights a la painkiller, these still felt gimmicky


I'll wait for a sale.

>I dislike the fatality for health crap
1) disable the fatality highlight from the options
2) don't perform the fatalities
Fixed your problem.
>and the arena stuff
Ok, you're beyond help.

You still have to do them

On its own merits I think doom 3 is a fantastic game. That shotgun can go suck a dick though.

You're only forced to Glory Kill Bosses. I think that's fucking stupid too, but you don't have to do it on normal enemies.

Too bad it just wasn't Doom enough to please the old fans, and Half-Life 2 enough to capture general audiences. I had some fun with it, but I remember being a bit disappointed.

its good but the hell levels are kinda meh and the late game isnt as good as the early game. i havent tried the mp.

8.5/10 for the sp alone.

Get it.