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>We'll give you Crash, Sony, but you gotta let him be in Cucklanders in exchange

>Manufactured & Distributed under license by Sony Interactive Entertainment America LLC

>Leak states there are three games planned with a deal between Activision selling Crash Bandicoot back to Sony. Activision wanted something back before they handed over Crash. First one has already been leaked. Crash in Skylanders. He's exclusive to the PS4 version of Skylanders because Sony owns Crash again. Second deal is PS All Stars 2, Crash Bandicoot is to be a character in it. Final deal is a brand new Crash Bandicoot game developed by Naughty Dog themselves, exclusive to PS4. Naughty Dog putting Crash Bandicoot in Uncharted 4 was not just a nod to the series. It was the first hint on who's coming back home.

>modern ND in charge of crash
I dunno man

>PS All Stars 2

Please God no

if that's all true and they announce it all at the same time, then the skylanders shit/all stars 2 can be a sidenote to the general "CRASH IS COMING BACK WITH A BRAND NEW GAME" speech

>PS All Stars 2
sonyggers will defend this

They make great games, famalam. They're literally the only devs that could do him justice imo

hey hey HEY

if they work out the kinks, actually GET playstation characters, and keep the "disable hazards" button away from sakurai, it could be good

please be real

I hope you're right
I did enjoy uncharted, but i'm worried they will make him "cinematic"
if this turns out to be true though, I will seriously consider getting a PS4, once I do that I will be full idort.

>PS All Stars 2


Fuck you faggot, a sequel has huge potential

Heard it was going to Powerstone-like

Crash in Skylanders = Conker in Project Spark?

>developed by Naughty Dog


It has the potential to be bad a second time around

i don't understand

>PlayStation Allstars 2

I imagine Sony won't stop until they make that fabled "Smash killer".

>developed by the single best programmers, artists and game designers in the industry

Into the trash lmao xD crash by platinum when ??

crash was always a second tier platformer for sonybabbies like spyro was.

Reminder that if it wasnt HAPPENING, Crash-in-Skylanders would be multiplatform because he's been multi for ages now

but no, it's EXCLUSIVE TO SONY baby

They should just make it souls-like and let platinum develop it

Go to bed shill

Why the hell did sony sell off crash and spyro? Do they have no respect for their IPs?

It's sad to think they probably would have sold off most of the PS all stars roster if they thought they would actually sell

>single best programmers, artists and game designers in the industry
you're not even trying

Also on PC

that nintencuck delusion

>Modern ND

Sony never owned Crash and Spyro, they were Universal you fucking idiot

What characters does PS All Stars need to be "good"?

Assuming previous roster returns and now we have Crash

>implying thats not jewcom
I hate them too but they make damn fine games.

But they said they didn't want him.

He's right. Crash was okay as a platform, but nothing spectacular. There are better representatives of the genre. You don't need to be a Nintendo fan to notice this.

Name one better, go ahead I need a laugh

>PR talk

what is this image supposed to convey

> Final deal is a brand new Crash Bandicoot game developed by Naughty Dog themselves, exclusive to PS4. Naughty Dog putting Crash Bandicoot in Uncharted 4 was not just a nod to the series. It was the first hint on who's coming back home.

Naughty Dog refused to develop PSVITA games and make PS All Stars. They're developer primadonnas and are not going to make a new Crash game.

Being made by modern shittydog would be an instant no buy.

Croteam and CD project


can someone explain it to these two idiots

Sigh.... born in the wrong generation...

>Crash in Skylanders as part of a deal with Sony
>New Crash game made by Naughty Dog
Very unbelievable. And I don't want them to make it, not because I'm one of those autists who spout the “le naughty dog only make mature movies” meme, I kniw they would do a good job. But why the hell would Sony get their biggest studio to make a game that's franchise hasn't been relevant in ages?
>Crash in PABR2
>that game being made at all
Very fucking unlikely


Yeah Croteam can make those simple shooters in a big empty area and CD can make shitty gameplay


>why the hell would Sony get their biggest studio to make a game that's franchise hasn't been relevant in ages?

It wouldn't take too many members to create a simple platformer

>PSASBR Very fucking unlikely

Nah Yoshida hinted at it and it sold decently

>But why the hell would Sony get their biggest studio to make a game that's franchise hasn't been relevant in ages?
Because they realized nostalgia pandering makes money?

If any other devteam made it, people would be up in arms and boycott it.

It's time for people to wake up and see Crash for the mediocre game it always was.

Any answer given would just get green text or some smarmy answer. It's pointless to ask Sup Forums anything.

what did you mean by this

>It wouldn't take too many members to create a simple platformer

Yeah but I think people want an actually good one.

What's going on?

>give bad answer
>s-stop bullying me by proving me wrong ;.;

Nobody who wants a new Crash wants the current Naughty Dog that has nobody left from when they made good games making it and nobody who wants a nuDog game wants Crash.

>Crash Bandicoot coming off the coattails of Uncharted 4



But then again, Platinum could probably make a good Power Stone-like game if Kamiya is involved.

It wouldn't take too many members to create a simple good platformer

How could they even pull off a modern day crash without it being seen as a shit sequel in the eyes of old fans?

>Modern "expressive performances" ND
>Modern "No we don't want Jak or Crash" ND

Any developer who make both handheld and console games. Naughty Dog were too incompetent to make a game for PSP or PSVITA.

The guy who leaked that stuff pertaining to Sony Bend's "Dead Don’t Ride" a while back also said a new Crash was coming.

Also take it with a huge pinch of salt, but an user who claims to be the same guy who leaked that Gravity Rush 2 stuff has been claiming for months on both Sup Forums and /ps4g/ that at this E3, Sony are unveiling a new Crash, an internal SCEJ-produced JRPG directed by an ex-Square goon and the first of the two From/SCEJ collaborations that Verendus was talking about last year.

Ok, to whoever wished upon the monkey paw, I'm not mad, just disappointed.

If they were too "complicated" people would scream how they ruined Crash

I think the best bet qould be to make it look like a ps1 game

What if it was developed by x and supervised by Naughty Dog? Is that good enough?

it will be battlefront all over again

Make Twinsanity 2.

Not the same person family

It's gonna suck

>When they made good games
Uncharted 4 has a lot of cutscenes, but it's still got solid gameplay and has a lot of TECHNOLOGY, TLOU was fun, though the A.I was lacking. If you ever think that all they do is make movies, you need to look at a real movie game like Beyond Two Souls or The Order.

And it's gonna be bad. Remember TLOU? The devs are a shadow of themselves.

Do not get your hopes up, the DK/Bowser combo packs were labeled as Skylanders Crash which started false rumors as well.
There is one extra character in the total that has not been accounted for. Kaos was not used as a selling point as it was for Trap Team, so it is unlikely to be him.

The strange thing is, Vicarious Visions was actually working on a Crash game that got canceled. And they aren't even working on the new game.

Nobody does want fucking Jak though

Not that user, but I'd be more than okay with this.


TLOU is the best Naughty Dog game though

Why can´t Sup Forums be optimistic about a possible return of the good days with Crash?
Im just glad he is coming back home.
Like finding a lost pet you loved to much.
Sonygger or not , whenether you like crash or not. Can´t we just hope for the best for the sake of good videogames making a comback?


not muh crash

Good response

They need that ND name to sell it to normies, guys.

>Do they have no respect for their IPs?

They don't. They're a very transient company, they don't give a fuck if fans love something. They throw it in the trash and move on to the next thing that will make the most dosh.

Da fuck nigger. Wasn't it first done by Naughty Dog?

>What is CTR

It is

remember the last few times we were excited?
when will you learn you have to be as anti-hype as possible with these

Why should Crash be the exception? We're negative about everything else, aren't we? Why does he get a pass?


>crash is now an angsty dad who has to baby sit his daughter (who is the real hero of the story) that he had with tawna (who divorced crash for being a deadbeat) when suddenly cortex releases a zombie virus and in the middle of the crisis, crash has to learn the true meaning of fatherhood

Sadly, I can see this happening. That or they give Crash a gun and he becomes edgy like Shadow.

why do people come to Sup Forums to make retarded posts like this

>Crash, Spyro, Lara Croft, Cloud Strife, Jak & Daxter, Gex, Gabe Logan, actual Dante, Pyramid Head, Nemesis (or Chris), Persona rep, Croc, MAYBE also Abe, Rayman, Klonoa, etc

So in other words, it's impossible.
Expect more third-party gunner-dudebros and maybe a Fallout BoS guy or Dragonborn.

>people can only make 1 type of game

By your logic shouldn't TLoU be kiddy platformer cause their previous games were platformers?

I thought naughtydog thought crash was too immature for the players today?

>not because I'm one of those autists who spout the “le naughty dog only make mature movies” meme

The writer of Uncharted pretty straight up said they wouldn't go back to their old stuff because they've matured. It's hardly even a meme at this point.

Didn't the team behind Crash Bandicoot leave Naughty Dog by now?

More than anything, I'm just mad that crash is sony exclusive again

If we're negative, and the game turns out great, we're pleasantly surprised and enjoy it more. Like DOOM 4.

Fuck em'.