I wish that Zelda Wii U will not have puzzles...

I wish that Zelda Wii U will not have puzzles. NES Zelda is still the one and only true Zelda game because it doesn't have Aonuma's shit.

>puzzles are too hard for Soulsbabb
>talks about a game that came out a decade before he was born
Can't make this shit up

>HiroMoot will never ban Maelstrom
Feels bad man

>not liking environmental puzzles

It's like you don't enjoy feeling resourceful.

weeeeee a video game thread

I hope it has a bunch of stone grottoes. The last few games didn't have many at all. That said, there was a lot of items to collect.

How is Aonuma not synonymous with Zelda at this point?

It's like denying the connection between Koizumi and Mario.

>stone grottoes

What the fuck are you talking about? The little passages like in LA, LttP, and TP? The holes in the ground of OoT and MM?

Yeah, except Aonuma's and Miyamoto's influence turned sour.

Koizumi's stories are how Mario and LoZ came to be respected at all.

Puzzles are fine. The big problem is that, at it's core, Zelda should always be about exploration first and foremost. They forgot that and started going in very stupid directions, focusing more on everything from puzzles to the story.

Most of the things in the game should be done in service of exploring the world, not work against it.

NES Zelda actually has good puzzles though, it just isn't saturated with them to the point where they act as filler in place of other things.

There's nothing wrong with puzzles really. Just have more enemy fights instead of them just being a nuisance.

Something like Shark Island from Wind Waker where they just keep coming.

That shit was annoying more than anything. It didn't make anything exciting or shit.

I like them and they've been a part of the game since ALTTP. What I don't like is the wankfest that is Hyrule Heros. I bought the Wii but haven't bought the Wii U because they haven't put out any traditional Zelda games other than HD re-releaes

If anything, I want it to have even more puzzles. Make entire dungeons that are puzzles. Make the puzzles a core part of the gameplay. Zelda meets Hexen.

Aunuma didn't work on a Zelda game until after ALttP and didn't have an actually prominent role until Wind Waker. You're retarded, underage, and I'm willing to bet you haven't even beaten the first Zelda game. Or the second. Or even ALttP.


What was in the first game that would even classify as a puzzle?

Only things I can think of are the Lost Woods and Lost Hills.

>Koizumi's stories is how Mario came to be respected at all

>Koizumi's stories are how Mario and LoZ came to be respected at all.

You're retarded.

The place where fairies don't live. That felt really good to work out.

*Grumble Grumble*

>good puzzle
>if you burn this random tree there will be a dungeon

That's why the second quest is hard mode, user.

What the fuck is that supposed to mean?

is anybody going to the nintendo NY store tomorrow, or should I say today, to get a spot to play the demo?


>The place where fairies don't live.
That's not a puzzle, that's a cryptic hint.

I don't know if I'd consider grumble grumble much of a puzzle either.

wish in one hand and shit in the other and see which fills up faster.

I'm guessing you only count things like block pushing as actual puzzles then?

"hidden shit" is not a "puzzle", you dumb faggot

Pretty sure there have been people lining up for that shit by now, if not days already.

It's not just "hidden shit" though, they have actual solutions that you can figure out by thinking about the problem and experimenting. Zelda is great at mysteries like this.

Block pushing in the first Zelda game wasn't really a puzzle, though. It was exploration. In later games you go into a room, see a switch on the floor, and find a Link sized block that you need to figure out how to push and pull that block to that switch.

Meanwhile, in the first game, you'd entire a room full of enemies and the only thing to figure out is "what is the way out of this room?". Maybe if you kill them all a door opens. Maybe you have to bomb one of the walls. Maybe you need to push a secret block in the room to reveal a hidden passage. Maybe you had to walk through the wall (in second quest only, thankfully). Maybe -gasp-, there was no way forward and you actually got to a dead end. Almost like this was a labyrinth or something.

You might not want that, see ALBW. Everything is a joke difficulty wise because its "open" world. This is what they advertise ZeldaU on but if they go full ALBW its going to be shit.

If I had to guess, a combination of babby and Soulsfag. Ie, calling Souls fans babies.