How do you keep from raging at a game, Sup Forums? I ordinarily never get upset during games...

How do you keep from raging at a game, Sup Forums? I ordinarily never get upset during games, but Overwatch makes me unbelievably furious - so much so that my friends refuse to play with me anymore because of how pissed off I get at pubbies, cheap kills, etc. Do I need to meditate?

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>Do I need to meditate?
Maybe, you need to focus on something else for a while, stay away from Overwatch for maybe a few hours. When you're ready, get back to the game. When you get pissed off, back away for awhile. Repeat everytime you get pissed

punch myself

Stop being so competitive and just enjoy the game.If its gotten to a point where your buds don't want to play with you I think it is time to stop.

Take a chill pill.

Be like water and shit, breh.

Sounds like a fault with your personality and not something any advice could actually fix. Only "easy" fix I can see without more information is something chemical, like marijuana or something over the counter.

lol v

You rage because you fail at easy games. If you failed at hard games, you wouldn't rage.

Just accept that anger isn't doing you any good.
>teammates suck
Anger doesn't help that, it just makes you suffer. Don't worry about them, just do your best on your own.
>you suck
Anger makes this worse, generally people play better when they're less worked up.
>something about the game sucks
Before you start the game, think of everything shit about it, and agree that any of it can happen to you, then push play.

Have improvement as your goal, even though it sounds crazy because usually the people trying to git gud rage the most. So whenever you get in a bad situation, it's time to test your mettle and how to make the most of it. If you watch lots of videos of people carrying teams and pulling off ridiculous plays their teammates are often really bad. If everyone is competent and the team is balanced you don't see any crazy highs or lows.

Why do you care about winning in this shit game OP, with the hit boxes and tick rate being as bad as they are this game is a joke and can never be played at a high level like counter strike.

junk rat is so fucking fun to play though

angry skeletons are pretty scary desu no wonder your friends avoid playing with you

what are some terminator models that scare you Sup Forums?

Really, what do you lose in the end? It's a game so just try to have fun. Becoming angry is a sign of weakness and immaturity. Time to grow up and be rational about your hobby.

It isn't counterstrike so you can't care about winning? Just because you can't single handedly take down a whole team because MUH SKILL doesn't mean you should be fine with having shitty team mates and losing. Winning in itself is fun and makes the experience more enjoyable. If you aren't striving to win then why are you playing?

That being said OP is an autist. It's okay to be internally unsatisfied but don't be a fucking sperg. Just stop playing if you can't control yourself.

No, I used counter strike as an example of a competitive game with good tick rate and detection. I blink away as tracer and I go through the animation but because of tick rate I'm stunned by that flash bang and died. If you are good at shooters 20 tick is absolutely to slow and unacceptable as a true test of reaction time and precision. Not even mentioning the laughable hit boxes that can hit you even when behind cover.

The problem I have with overwatch is I so much prefer being a whole rather than a piece. In most shooters you're a whole unit, you can do basically everything. In overwatch you're a piece, you better fucking pray your team mates fit with you or it's just gonna be a pile of shit.

And I enjoy winning, but you don't always win, but I don't get torn up about losing when so many factors are beyond my control. With counter strike there is always a chance to win, hell I have won 1v5 a few times, in overwatch it simply is not possible like in a Dota like game. I only play this game in 6 man premades, anything else is an exercise in futility.

That isn't tickrate, it's actually the way the game is designed around the shooter having priority in any situation. A dev posted a video regarding the it. It doesn't make you wrong, it's just that MUH TICK RATE has been spread due to misinformation when that isn't the problem at all. A lot of this dumb shit still happens in higher tick games (you can set the tick to 60 in custom games and it doesn't do a damn thing.)

Overwatch also has mmr that tries to force you to 50% win rate. Often putting you on teams against good players when you're grouped with forrest gump.

But Forrest Gump was a star athelete and war hero.

>shooter having priority
Call of Duty has this problem as well, it's called peak advantage, and in CoD's case it exists because of the severely antiquated engine. No excuse for Overwatch still grappling with this,

i don't bother playing a multiplayer game unless it has good aimbot hacks for it, otherwise it's boring and idiotic. i kill you, you kill me ad infinitum.
nah man, it's only i kill you or piss off, loser.

still waiting for a stable overwatch aimbot before i buy.
but probably not, coz it's garbage even with hack, i'd get bored in a week or two.

piss off, losers and dumb goyim slave consumers!!!

Forrest gump had luck. When he rolled stats at birth he got a ton of stamina and a ton of luck.

Light up a joint and relax m8. It's the only way I can enjoy a frustrating game

i shit out my ass hole to relieve stress
out my ass.

You mean like a rose bud?

>Do I need to meditate
Sure, if it helps you with your autism.

You're too stupid to control your expression of emotions, I know people like you and it's unbelievable.

It was done on purpose for some sort of gameplay philosophy... it's pretty fucking stupid. All it does is lead to rage more or less.

Careful with that edge bro. Might cut someone.

Make sure someone is madder than you. Play for fun and eventually everyone will be pissed at you for not adhering to their needs although you are at your most comfiest. Then you can see from the other side and think "K, that's humiliating."

There are idiots out there who think "Oh man, if you can't act cold, you are literally retarded." Get them madder just by saying GG all the time, or telling peopel to have fun. That peeves them off the most.

Fuck I can't stop raging in OW too. I'm afraid my teammates will kick me out if I can't stop it. Normally I don't care much about multiplayer games but I really like OW and after more than 100 hours of playing I didn't get better the slightest.
What really makes me mad is people who are in the mid 20 beat me easily. They barely played the game and they are already better than I ever will be.

Everytime I play it I just think about how not fun most of the characters are. Then it just becomes "wow, why won't my team get on the objective".

Fine, even if what you say is true it is still a problem and needs to be fixed. This shit happens on a daily basis when I play tracer and it needs to be addressed. I'm just glad the other heroes are slow because I already feel the game break when I play a fast ish character. Imagine trying to play quake live with this server performance or tick rate or what ever you want to call it.

I generally just get super analytical.
I call out everything we did wrong, myself included. I probably come across as more than just a little arrogant but it keeps me from calling my team a bunch of pea brained slack jawed incompetent Peruvian shit stains that should kill themselves before Enrico has to waste time killing them when they fail to pay him back for all the cocaine they're clearly on because no functioning human being, no matter how inferior and stupid could perform so terribly without being completely fucked up by drugs.
So yeah I just go full bookworm instead.

Get good, stop being shit.

I mean I'm pretty honest about my own shortcomings as well. I treat everyone pretty equally and that includes myself.

I'm as likely to compliment the enemy team as often as I do my own team.

this happens to me too in overwatch. i am just so sick of the rollercoaster matchmaking. you so very rarely get games which are actually even. it's either steamroll or get steamrolled and its just too fucking frustrating

I remember good old times of world pvp in WoW, ambushing someone only to get rekt was most humiliating and rage inducing thing.

World pvp in wow was never trying to be balanced though, and didn't rely on a bunch of retarded fuckhead team mates.


Don't be a bitch, undermine them. WQe did a pretty good hold, there was this one Soldier, we finally win after a huge drought and then there's this one guy from the other team thanking us like crazy. He said it was difficult as hell to get the 20 straight kills achievement, sincerely thanked us but was basically shitting on us the entire time, was probably the most happy person on either team and wished everyone good luck. His fucking card shows up with the achievement.

I felt something weird when we finally won, some other fucker actually won harder than we did. My other friend got mad and just said there's always someone, even when we fucking win. That's the frustration that happens.

I don't understand what you're tying to say here.

Ragin is the subject of the thread.

Get good

>Do I need to meditate?
I'd recommend you meditate regardless of your anger problems, because it not only helps you get a grip on your emotions, but it allows you to take the reigns of your entire mind.

Probably the least satisfying game to win in and the most frustrating to lose in.

>get lured in by his completely wholesome appearance
>rams his fist through your ribcage

Fucking Jon Hamm, model 187.

Yes but what does that have to do with my pedantic and third person view anti rage technique where I become an insufferable asshole?

If you're getting angry then take a fucking break you child.

If you're not getting angry you're already dead inside and your competitive spirit has fled you.

>it's either steamroll or get steamrolled
I say this all the time. In the public beta most matches were somewhat even, but in the final it is usually a steamroll for one team. I don't know how matchmaking works but it is infuriating fro most of the time. Not to mention lately many teams just roll 3 Torbs on defend which is pretty much impossible to crush without coordinated attacks. The worst thing is after one or two wipe, de defenders have their ults ready to completly destroy the attackers if they somehow manage to get their shit together.

people with anger management issues trying to tell other people with anger management issues what to do or not do.
oh shit Sup Forums as classy as always x d

lmao just get better

Y u heff 2 b mad?

really though,only play competitive/PVP games with friends. Playing with PuGs just makes you angry because PuGs are bad and you just want to murder your teammates in front of their families, and the other team rubs your losses in your face. Playing with friends alleviates a lot of this because you'll generally play better together so you won't get mad at them, and you won't have so many one sided stomps.

If your friends aren't on, don't play competitive or pvp games, it's just not worth the stress.